Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 374 The cow ghost and snake god show their faces

"What, the king is in trouble? Is God kidding?"

"This can't be true. This must be a joke. Is today April Fool's Day?"

"No, I absolutely don't believe it. None of us will believe such a lie. It's really full of loopholes. Who would be so chatty as to create such fake news? It's so chatty."

"Stop coming, I have to sleep. You are so shameless. Besides, be careful, we will call the police and report you for distributing information that disturbs the public. Yes, if you say such news again, even if you are my parents, I will I still reported it, don’t think I’m joking,..., I”

Before the boy could finish speaking, news came from the Spanish radio that must be listened to every day, and the news silenced Spain and the world. [

"Hello everyone, I, Rafi from the current affairs program "Rafite Sees the World", now have a very sad news to announce. Our beloved King, unfortunately, visited our soldiers who also sacrificed their blood for the country during a visit. On the way to provide condolences on the front line, while passing through the Red Sea on his way to Madagascar, the cruiser Alfonso XII he was on struck a mine and sank. We"

What, it turned out to be true. The young man who said he wanted to report it just now was really confused now. It turned out to be true. This news turned out to be true. The hope of Spain, the most important hand in the rise of Spain, Ah. Fangso XIII actually sank in the Red Sea like this. The pain this news brought to the Spanish people was absolutely unparalleled, and many countries in Europe were silent. However, more countries are secretly happy, especially France. What they hate most about Spain is that it occupied their colonies. So for many times, they had a sense of distrust towards Spain, and Alfonso XIII, the man who had disgraced France, was the number one target. Now that they heard the news of his death, what else could compare to this? Something happier? But that's mainly people from the north, and there are people in the government who are cheering for it, but those are all in private, after all. Spain's strength destined others not to dare to be presumptuous. They are also afraid that Spain, who is in grief, will die if they vent their anger directly to someone.

And even without France, Russia's joy is even greater, because Russia originally existed as a major European hegemon, but with the rise of Spain. However, Russia was embarrassed to find that they had been squeezed by Spain. Even compared to the United States. Russia was suppressed even more severely. The eastern part suffered heavy losses due to the gathering of Spain, while the presence of Spanish islands and Norway and Sweden in the west allowed Russia to receive the same checks and balances and suppression in the west. In the southern Middle East and some places on the Balkan Peninsula, Russia and other parties were coerced, and they were all too timid to move, as if their hands and feet were tied. This made Nicholas II, who was originally the most active and free person, feel extremely aggrieved. However, after seeing the power of Spain, he did not dare to seek bad luck from Spain, and even gave up even thinking about it, so this Only the sub-eastern Far East region would directly abandon the United Kingdom and Spain. After fighting several wars with the German Empire and fighting Japan to the death, they just did not mess with Spain. Now the evil star of Spain sank to the bottom of the sea and did not know whether he was alive or dead. Now, he It was as if millions of pounds of weight were suddenly lifted off his shoulders, and all the pressure was gone. That night, he and his lovers hung out for a whole night before he was willing to give up.

"It doesn't matter if something goes wrong. Although Spain is a quasi-ally with us, we all know that the other party is just a target of our use. We are just helping each other for profit, just like the Dutch colony of Indonesia. , we acted as evildoers, supported us and let them get their things, and this time the Russian Far East was also yyng. This time we were used by Spain, and we became the main object of ridicule in the world. It can be seen that, Spain also has concerns about us, and we are even more worried about Spain, Nishizono-kun, what do you think?"

Katsura Taro spoke first this time, and next to him was Xiyuanji Gongwang.

Xiyuanji Gongwang: "Yes, although Spain can provide us with many opportunities, it also brings us a lot of wexe. Therefore, I think we should still cooperate with Spain and at the same time, we should We should also be more vigilant about their influence here. I found that many people in our country have begun to yearn for life in Spain. This is definitely not good news. This will affect the future if there is a war with Spain. This kind of thing has created left-right thoughts that fetter them to deal toughly with Spain. I think this should be taken seriously."

Katsura Taro turned his head and said to an old and tough man with a long beard: "Ito-kun, what do you think?"

Ito-kun? This man is the world-famous former Prime Minister of Japan, Japan’s political strongman, Hirobumi Ito, who even the Emperor of Japan has to pay three-point salute to. Many people will let out a big sigh when they see him in person, because this person looks like The gentle man looked nothing like the man who massacred tens of thousands of people in Russia and hundreds of thousands of people in the Qing Dynasty and North Korea. He looked more like a scholar.

Ito Hirobumi remained silent from beginning to end, but as his eyes moved, even the former Prime Minister Saionji Konomo and the current Prime Minister Katsura Taro could not help but secretly avoid his sight, and they felt courageous several times. He wanted to look at him unwillingly, but when he saw the other person's eyes again, his eyes dropped again, which made both of them very upset.

Ito Hirobumi seemed to be very mny about the two people's attitude, and slowly smiled, but it was set off by those wrinkles, which indeed made him look more majestic, and a little bit mysterious that made people feel undetectable.

I saw him saying: "You have said everything you should say, but what I want to warn you is that you have never seen Alfonso XIII. You don't know what kind of person he is, but I have. I know that he is the most vengeful person. If you touch his reverse scale even slightly, you should be prepared to accept their strong and impactful revenge. Of course, this is based on you confirming that he If you are already completely dead, please report it. I have nothing to say. Just treat it as nonsense.

Fourth update today. Still working hard. Please support. ()

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