Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 349: French intervention and Japanese anger

() Compared with airplanes, airships are more sensitive and faster. Most powerful countries in the world now have their own airship fleets, and Japan is no exception. Even during this trip to the Far East, Japan also had The airship passed, but now it is parked in the small town of Antkan near the sea. So this time Nogi Nogi could only watch helplessly as the army he led suffered a ruthless massacre without being able to save one or two. Tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers had died in the Japanese-Russian War because of his mistakes, but In the end, because the opponent miscalculated the number of troops he led, the final battle between Japan and Russia actually brought him a big comeback, wiping out a large number of Russian troops and even causing the opponent to retreat steadily after being squeezed in by other Japanese troops. It was a heavy kick that laid the foundation for Japan's final victory in that war.

This time he thought that the God of Sunlight would favor him like last time, but he didn't expect that he had lost more than three-quarters of the battle before the war actually started. Nogi Nogi, who had difficulty gaining the understanding of the emperor and the people for his autonomy, committed seppuku. He has ruined his reputation by committing suicide. Use this to at least prove the most sincere bushido spirit in your heart.

But he didn't expect that his sudden departure would bring Japan such a complicated situation. Last time, it was because of him that Japan was on the verge of getting closer to the war between Japan and Russia, but this time it was because of him. He, however, cast a lot of doubt on Japan's invasion of Russia, which originally had little suspense. ..

“The British have now advanced their troops to Birobidzhan in the southwest, Blakoveshchensk in the west, and Zeya and Zeya Reservoir in the north. The northeastern part is along the Third Rybar River and out to sea. There is now a confrontation with the military town of Tengda where a large number of Russian troops are stationed. According to the news coming from secret channels. This is the territorial claim that the UK and other countries have planned to obtain. If nothing happens, the UK will be here. Stop the machine of aggression and then focus on carrying out a military defensive policy. At this time, Russia is isolated and helpless. Think about it, Nicholas II also knew that this was like treating Spain in the north and the German Empire in the south. , you should choose to automatically arrange the UK to the future.

The Japanese that have just been dealt with will be calculated with other countries later, according to secret information. Japan's territorial claim is the land occupied by Britain in the south. The third type of Bar River runs straight through Zeya. To the north of these places, Japan’s destination territory is Tenda, Neryunges, Aldan, Chagda, the Mastimaya Okhotsk ferry in the northeast, and Coastal city of Okhotsk. This is Japan's territorial circle. But now. The Japanese in the south could not get close to Tengda, but the north ended in failure. The purpose of this territory. Whether it can still be realized is worthy of doubt by everyone in the world. "

A German government official who said this said in an interview with Deutsche Zeitung that his view was that as Japan, now an allied country in this operation, Germany now has confidence in Japan's ability to realize the territory they originally planned. Expressing doubts, it also indirectly shows that the government of the German Empire has now questioned Japan's military capabilities. Many experts have concluded that if Japan cannot handle this war this time, then the German Empire will not be able to handle this war well. In the future, whether it is suitable to continue military cooperation with Japan will cause doubts and a sense of crisis and unwillingness to cooperate. This will be a very heavy loss for Japan, which has been introducing advanced European military technology.

"Japan has never been stingy with the feeling of complacency arising from its victory over Russia in the 1905 Russo-Japanese War. They are a group of people who are born to brag about themselves, and they will praise their military strength in any way. How powerful they were, how they beat the crap out of millions of Russian troops, and how they boasted about how they became the first yellow country in the world to defeat white people in a large-scale war.

In fact, Russia's regular army in the Far East was only one-twelfth of the total regular army, which was only about 98,000. After the success of the sneak attack, Japan sent 370,000 people to participate in the war. In the end, the war was caused by Alexey Kuropatkin, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Far East, who accidentally made false information and then analyzed and followed it. It's just biased toward Japan, and don't forget that the Treaty of Portsmouth signed by the two countries also recognized Russia's power in the northern part of Sakhalin Island, which is actually controlled by Japan. The content is far less than The expectations of some Japanese people eventually led to large-scale gatherings and riots led by Japanese right-wing groups that shocked Japan and the world. It can be seen that the reason why Japan actually did not gain much this time is naturally I don't dare to really touch Russia's bottom line. And this is what their people want.

This time, Russia's concentrated blow gave the Japanese a big slap in the face, which was heard all over the world. It has to be said that this may allow the Japanese people and the government, who have been feeling superior to themselves in the past few years, to take a break and adjust their worldview when looking at the outside world. It may also suppress the short-lived arrogance that already exists deep in their hearts. It’s an inferiority complex.”

This time the speaker was the undaunted current Prime Minister of France, Gaston Dumelo. Anyone who heard his obviously biased tone towards Russia would not understand which country the country he represented was currently helping.

"Although the original reason for the Four Nations invasion of Russia was that during the exercise, traces of citizens of the Four Nations being shot and disappeared were found on the lands currently occupied by the four countries. However, before there was any evidence, they directly used force to Invading the territory of a dutiful country is inhumane and should be condemned. As a staunch ally of Russia, we will continue to support Russia. Once again, I declare that in order to complete the military agreement we have already signed, The French government will hold a Senate meeting in early April. At that time, our government will urge members of the Senate to support our arms agreement to provide Russia with more than 100,000 Mauser G98s, the latest improved version of France. Pass the proposal. If passed, we will transport these weapons to St. Petersburg by early May at the latest.

In addition, we will continue to provide airships from France, which is the most advanced airship country in the world. We have considered it for a long time and finally decided that we will purchase 20 airships for Russia in France at the same price as France’s purchase contract. A French airship. If this proposal is approved, we will send these to St. Petersburg by early July at the latest. Also, we will also"

As Gaston Dumelo's objections to various arms products appeared and became arms aid to Russia, other countries in the world became a little unnatural. Even Germany, which France has always ignored, looked at its old rival in the south with a gloomy look this time. Such a move by Russia has made it very clear that France will not shake its relationship with Russia in any way because of the situation in Europe.

The United Kingdom continued to indulge in it, seemingly not hearing it at all, while Spain continued to go its own way, but the result was similar to that of the United Kingdom.

France is divided into three factions. One faction appreciates France's alliance strategy because it can show that France will continue to support its allies when they face disasters. This will win the hearts of many countries and also It will invisibly enhance France's national image and create a good impression.

Some people are puzzled and dissatisfied. They believe that France still supports Russia even though it knows that the four major powers in the world are on the same stage to deal with Russia. This will be a serious problem for France's integration into the world. Retrogression will further isolate France in Western Europe, which will be very dangerous for France's national strategy. It may even lead to predictions of political or military siege by other countries. Added a lot of distance.

There are also some centrists who say that they need to continue to observe before they know. Obviously, they are waiting for the answer to come out before taking a position that is most beneficial to them.

The rhetorical battle between the three factions once again caused internal conflicts in France. However, these still could not prevent the French senator from choosing to follow the wishes of the French government in Gaston Dumelo's affectionate and brilliant speech.

According to a latest random survey, among the more than 300 members of the French Senate, more than 79% of those surveyed on ethics chose to follow the pace of the new government.

The results of this investigation, commissioned by a delegation composed of French government and civil society organizations, attracted world attention.

After Russia got this result, even Nicholas II, after learning the result in the Peter Palace in St. Petersburg, laughed three times in front of all the ministers, and then loudly said that France would always get everyone in Russia. A blessing prayed for during Mass before God.

However, Russia was happy, and Japan himself was angry. At a press conference, Japan's current Prime Minister Katsura Taro protested against France's continued provision of weapons to Russia, saying that France should continue to act like the king in many cases. A neutral country and a very mediating country rather than a partial side country will continue to exist. I hope that the French government can hear Japan's protest and look at the best position of the world's neutral countries in the warring parties, and stop or wait for the war to stop. Then move on to the arms trade. Katsura Taro also expressed the hope that the newly elected French President Paul Dumet and Prime Minister Gaston Dumelo will visit Japan.

At the same time, we have not forgotten the slightly threatening statement. Japan will consider making larger weapons purchases from Spain, Britain and the German Empire in the near future. While promoting Japan's military reform, it can also promote the weapons research and development of the above three countries. Provide sincere financial support.

Thanks to two friends pp Xiaoganzi and qwfvb for their monthly votes, and thanks to Huanyue for the reward.

There is one more update, in the code words. (To be continued.)

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