Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 327 Mutated France

Chapter 327: Mutated France

"As we all know, the south is a pro-Spanish place. According to the Spaniards, that is where the influence of Spain's Yingxian County lies." After a pause, seeing Paul Dume staying there calmly without answering, Armand Fa Lie was slightly disappointed. As for whether he did not object to Paul Dume as he thought, or whether he could make certain guarantees and not be influenced by Spain, Paul Dume has not disclosed any of these to him now. It can be seen that Paul Dume is definitely a truly pro-Spanish person, which means that under his leadership, this French government will not inherit his governing ideas. This made him feel regretful.

A bitter smile appeared on his face, and he said kindly: "You have also seen how I stepped down. To govern in France requires not only ability, but also the thinking of governing. This requires high political wisdom and also I am very sensitive, especially to the sentiments in the hearts of the people. I think about it, if I had not been dragged down by my ignorance on the issue of Brian, then I might not have stepped down so easily. Of course, I don’t want to admit defeat, but I want to say that you should know that the French people are a national group with a very sense of mission and glory. They will definitely resist and angrily resist anything that endangers the glory of France. .I know, you understand what I mean.”

Paul Dume still didn't speak. He sat in his seat and looked at the other person with an expressionless face. He suddenly felt that he was now opposite this opponent who had competed with him for many years. No matter how you look at it now, he looks a bit like a clown. It seems that at this moment, he is no longer his opponent on the ladder, but a player who has already seen through his trump card.

After a long time, he said: "Spain is a big country in the world. To the world, what Spain brings to the world is not just what you see, nor what I see only. Don't forget, the movie has now become Spain One of the most potential economies. It is said that the annual production value of Spanish films exceeds 300 million pesetas. It affects the world's film industry and people's living habits. Haven't you seen "The Life of a Merchant in Madrid"? ? It is simply more than the income of all the people in our region combined. They have made the Spanish Bullfighting Festival known to the world. There has even been a wave of bullfighting warriors in the world. Not just movies. Cars are also It is now a unique leader in the world. Many people around the world, including the government, are now using Audi cars for transportation, and it has become the most influential symbol of Spain.

Think of something else. For example, Spain’s F Audi Cup car race and WWE wrestling boxing match are not available in France, Germany or even the United Kingdom. This is why, because Spain has carried out thorough reforms, but we do not have them. Why, because, we do not have them. We should continue to develop France according to its original development trajectory, instead of applying the industrial and economic development practices of the German Empire and the United States and Spain to France.

And you, under the leadership of President Armand Falier, it seems that France can only shout all day long in politics to keep France as a world superpower. However, France without an economic foundation can really Can you keep this position? The United Kingdom overtook us many years ago, the German Empire overtook us decades ago, and now in the past ten years or so, we have watched Spain approach us step by step. To catch up with us and now surpass us, you should understand how painful the hearts of the people are.

Now, due to their good economic conditions, these countries have transformed into political and military power, and have truly become world powers surpassing France. I am guessing that if France still stagnates like this, in a few years, as for Italy, I don’t know about the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, but the [other] United States and Japan are unpredictable. We are fourth in the world now, but if we become sixth before we leave this world, then we will have to face the insults from all the French. , because we are all people who have been presidents. "

Especially when he said the last sentence, Paul Dume's voice was very dignified and loud. And these words also made Farietellini's expression change drastically.

"What France needs most now is to calm down and develop its economy. At this point, I'm not afraid of offending you. I think Edward VII seems to be more shrewd. Just look at the UK recuperating across the English Channel. It is said that this In two years, the British economy has returned to the level before the Boer War, but France is still there unchanged. Especially in those places in the north, the political implications are too strong, and the relationship with the German Empire hinders economic development there. The situation has been severely restricted. It can be said that it is the most troublesome economically poor area in France now.

I know, you will say that politics can solve economic problems to a certain extent, but the problem is that if there is no good economy, then what political ability do we have to carry out political negotiations with others? Just look at why Spain is so By being welcomed into South American countries, we can understand our shortcomings. "

Armand said at this time: "Then you mean that in your government, the economy will be given top priority?"

"Yes, I have drafted my own development plan. To a large extent, I will rely on developing relations with Spain to make France's economy develop faster. Also, I know you will I feel that doing so will hide the political differences between the two countries. I don’t even think about resolving them.

Haha, this is exactly what I want. The biggest advantage of political party rotation is of course that the opposition party can effectively supervise the governance of the ruling party. But don't forget that there is another advantage, that is, once the ruling party leaves office, the new ruling party can carry out the previous government's no-confidence proposals and contracts after taking office. "

Armand Farier's eyes suddenly lit up and he stared at Bellodome. After a long time, he sighed and said: "I have to say, you have convinced me by your approach. You are worthy of being the Speaker of the House of Representatives." , so eloquent that I really have nothing to say. Of course, close is still close, as you said, maybe, I think I should also fulfill my own responsibility, so I think I will form a new party myself, The name is the National Front Party, and the party’s constitution puts the interests of the French people as its top priority.”

"So, you are resigning. Do you want me, the chairman of the Radical Party, to approve your independence?"

Paul Dume is the de facto [boss] of the Socialist Party, and the chairman is the most powerful person in it. Of course, Armand Farier is the director and also has huge rights. He is also a senior member of the party. Therefore, procedurally speaking, what Paul Dume said is indeed correct.

"Yes, that's what I meant, but let's wait until you sit in the position of president."

"Haha, it seems that our Radical Party is going to lose a general."

"But who knows whether this is the beginning of unity," Armand Farier said with a smile.

"That's right, there is internal fighting inside. If you establish a new party, then we can legitimately start national party competition. Perhaps if your ability can keep up, you can even compete with the two parties in the United States. Competition is not impossible."

"Then I'll look forward to this day coming, right?"

"I'm looking forward to it too," Paul Dume laughed, and then Armand also laughed.

The inexplicable laughter between the two people was a bit confusing.

But no one came up to ask why. After all, that was the current president and the next president in the future.

December 1910 was a month in which many major events took place. The French general election made everyone in Europe stare at it. All the changes that took place after that made people unable to keep up with the rhythm and felt a little out of step.

In addition, although Spain’s general election has not received much publicity from the media, because Spain’s influence is already world-class, people everywhere are paying attention to Spain’s every move. Therefore, before Christmas on December 24, On this day, the fact that Chavez took over as Prime Minister of Spain was reported all over the world.

Many people have high praise for Chavez, because the Spanish Ministry of Finance under his leadership supports Spain's heavy financial budget. Although Spain has shown signs of a fiscal crisis in recent years, it has been safe. After getting through it, it can be seen that his talent is not too bad.

Chavez took over as Prime Minister because of the noise that had been heard before, so although many people discussed it a lot, there was still not much controversy. After all, reporters from various countries had already been bleaching him all over his body for many years. , the whole-body analysis of his net worth and innocence has already been guessed. Therefore, apart from the attitude of the next government, there is not much other reporting value.

But the other person was exactly the opposite of him. He actually continued to stay in office. This had to surprise everyone, because according to the news revealed by the Spanish government earlier, Jeb should give way to Jeb. And Harveys, why? Why, he still continues to stay in office? He is still here. So, what to do with those two people, and where to put them? Everyone is full of doubts about this.

Second update, there is another update in code words today. (To be continued.)

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