Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 323 French Election

On November 7, 1910, Spain, the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire held a military exercise in the offshore waters of Libya in the central and southern part of the Mediterranean. There, the three countries invested more than 100,000 tons and nearly 30 naval ships to participate in the maritime exercise. , and on land, Spain invested 8,000 army troops in exercises in Benghazi and Tripoli. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire each invested 2,000 people and a total of 12,000 people conducted land exercises there. This makes people who want to know how close the Three Kingdoms Alliance is craning their necks to quickly collect the content and progress of the exercises between the Three Kingdoms.

The Libyan waters have always been one of the main transportation routes of the Mediterranean. Now that the three countries are acting there, it has naturally attracted a lot of prying eyes, and it is impossible to avoid being noticed and loved more. During the exercises of the three countries in the past few days, huge rumblings of artillery fire could be heard everywhere in the Mediterranean Sea. The pirates who were originally foraging in this area were already scared to death and had already left the Mediterranean Sea and crossed Hainan. In the African waters, Alfonso later found out by chance that the reason why there were so many pirates in the Somali waters was actually due to his impulsive exercises. This made him feel very stunned.

The progress of the negotiations between France and Spain seems to be as Edward George said. France deeply feels the pressure of the huge changes brought about by the European situation. During this meeting between the two countries, France finally relaxed its demand for Spain to The idea of ​​returning the territory to France was changed to requiring Spain to negotiate a share of the territory to divide it.

visible. France has now begun to slowly come under the weight of the situation. This naturally prompted the Falier government to relent and quickly take down the sword of Damo hanging above its head to breathe a sigh of relief.

Now in France, Armand Falier's life is also very difficult.

Citizens in the south, including the three major cities of Marseille, Toulouse and Bordeaux, demand that Falier step down. The reason is that during his administration, policies that were beneficial to the south were rarely seen, and now he has changed his original relationship with Spain. The friendly Franco-Spanish relations reached the current stalemate, and therefore, Armand Falier became the target of attacks by the southerners.

The people in the north are also expressing their dissatisfaction with the Armand government. The reason is. relationship with the German Empire. Now it has been seriously affected, and for all France's interests in Africa, they are determined that Armand Falier must not give in to the bottom line, in general. Most of these people in the north were colonial landowners. There are also some extremely wealthy people who have lived in Paris and other places for many years and have huge economic and connections with the German Empire.

Their interests are not like those in the south that rely on geographical advantages to gain an advantageous trading position. But their hands have extended to overseas colonies, so the relationship between them and Spain will be deeper. Unlike those rich people in the south who are connected by economic ties with Spain, they rely on Spain to nourish themselves. Especially because of the emerging rise, the relationship with Spain is not only not tense, but also has a pro-Spanish trend.

What gives Armand Falier the most headache is that even the Lyon metropolitan area in the middle of his base camp, which originally supported him the most, now shouts slogans for him to get out of office. The reason is that originally Amid the tense situation between Germany and France, Lyon, one of the safest places in France, has now become one of the most dangerous areas after Italy formed an alliance with the German Empire. The German Imperial Army may quietly move south from Milan, Italy at any time. Or the souls of the German soldiers who suddenly came out of Genoa and were shot dead.

It makes it difficult for these people to stand such a transformation from a place of optimal safety to optimal danger. Therefore, Armand Falier became the president whose entire France was shouting to step down. This time, Armand is planning to start with the easier things first and then the more difficult ones, starting from Spain in the south, and strive to win over the voters in the south before the general election at the end of December this year.

However, he is willing to do this, but others are not.

First of all, Brian, the representative of the northern region who was originally a partner with him, actually publicly expressed his opposition to compromise with Spain, and said that if Armand Falier chooses to negotiate compromise with Spain, then he will withdraw and continue to negotiate with Armand. Faliere is cooperating in the sprint for this year's presidential election to show his displeasure with Armand Faliere.

Briand's statement immediately shocked everyone in France and even Europe. Choosing such a statement at this time was definitely a huge blow to Farier. Everyone knew that if Armand did not If we choose to compromise with the representative of the North, then the final result will be that we will lose the support of northern votes, and the hearts of the South will obviously support the candidate Paul Dume, and the central part will now be divided into Two parts, now because of Italy's alliance with the German Empire. Most of them have fallen to Paul Dume. At this time, the northern watchband is no less than a direct announcement that if Armand Farier does not have the prerequisites of a northerner, then it will be found in the end that the originally close presidential election It would be one-sided, allowing Paul Doumet to win and become the new President of France.

What kind of country is France? It is a truly world-class power in the world. Although it has been surpassed by the German Empire and Spain recently, compared with them, France is obviously more established and has the qualities of a superpower. form. The influence of other countries in the world is unmatched by the German Empire. Spain, which has many allies, can only compete with it. It can be said that it is only inferior to the United Kingdom. But now that such a big country with such a huge influence on the world is experiencing such dizzying changes in the presidential election at this time, people have to pay special attention to it.

The effect of an obviously conservative pro-Northern President Armand Fallier and an obviously pro-Southern President Paul Dumet can be said to have put France on two different paths. The former is an obvious self-isolationist, which refers to the kind of isolation that puts itself as the center and allows other countries to follow it. The economic conditions in the South prove that if the Southern president is elected, then under their leadership France will be an absolutely pro-Spanish faction, and it is even very likely that it will become an important ally of Spain in Europe. So, there is a huge difference between an isolated France and a France allied with Spain, including King George of England. V, William II of the German Empire, King Vittorio of Italy, and other European kings [rulers] all stared with wide eyes, watching the huge neighbor next to them that was going to change the situation in Europe. Therefore, political figures such as Guo Guomin in the United States and Japan in the Far East on the other side of the Atlantic are discussing the final impact and the upcoming results.

There has always been a huge quarrel within the UK, that is, whether the UK needs to prevent France's future regime from falling into the arms of Spain. There is a voice that is worried that after France falls to Spain, there will be an alliance between Spain and France in Europe. There will be an alliance that is really difficult for Britain to contain. And the relationship between Britain and the German Empire, a major European country, is not good, and there is fundamental opposition with Russia. Although the relationship with the Austro-Hungarian Empire is relatively solid, that is just a stop. It is just like a normal diplomatic country, and the same is true for Italy, not to mention that Italy is still an ally of the German Empire. As for the Ottoman Empire, the Suez Canal, Egypt and the colonies on the Arabian Peninsula occupied by the British were all taken from the Ottoman Empire. Coming to occupy. The result of this is that it is difficult for Britain to achieve a complete solution to the détente with the Ottoman Empire.

However, another voice also appeared at the right time. They believed that it would be better for Britain to continue to remain neutral, and it could even help Spain further push France to this side. The reason is that a powerful France will not be willing to succumb to others forever. Next, as long as Spain brings the French into their circle of allies, a scene of luring the wolf into the house may even occur, and the extremely strong circle of allies managed by Spain will be directly torn apart by France, and Britain can do this Effortlessly, another strategic benefit was maximized. These are the two voices in Britain now. They are still in a stalemate, but the government has not happened until now.

When the German Empire looked at this matter, they were much more complicated. Originally, they thought the more chaotic the better for the election of a life-and-death enemy. However, the overwhelming chaos now made them feel very uncomfortable. A northerner is an obvious Germanophobe and has absolutely no good feelings towards the German Empire. The pro-Spanish faction in the south is obviously a faction that has a close relationship with Spain, just like its name. The central faction has factions in both the north and the south. It originally had a good relationship with Italy, but the alliance between Italy and the German Empire made this faction lose its sense of direction and could only annex the other two factions.

No matter how people in the German Empire look at it, they have decided that the best result for the German Empire from this French election is to maintain stability and only worsen Franco-German relations. So it's strange that they are in a good mood.

First update, there will be a second update tonight.

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