Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 314 We are all targets

"Andrew Mellon actually got involved. This matter is really not easy to handle. Originally, the current situation in the United States has been clearly divided because of the emergence of the Progressive Party and the Liberal Party, coupled with the California consortium and the German The generous help of the two major Texas consortiums has already shaken the foundation between our Republican and Democratic parties. Now it is better, the Rockefeller consortium, the Morgan consortium, the California consortium, the DuPont consortium, the Texas consortium, and the Mellon consortium. The nine major consortiums, including the Chicago Consortium, the Boston Consortium, and the Cleveland Consortium, the originally neutral California Consortium, Texas Consortium, and Mellon Consortium actually took a sharp turn. The pillars of the three and fourth major parties, and that bastard Andrew Mellon is even more awesome. He actually wants to directly mix in those two parties and have friendly exchanges with us. This approach is simply ridiculous. They just ignored us."

"Theodore, this thing is inherently weird,"

"Yeah, this happened really fast, so much so that we haven't really figured it out yet." Theodore patted his forehead with some pain. Perhaps, this could make him more awake. See farther.

"By the way, the New York Times published some time ago when reporter Kirk of the newspaper interviewed Spanish Foreign Minister Trini. He also mentioned that many people are suspecting that this is something Spain is doing. I don't know. "Have you heard of Theodore?" Elihu Root looked at his former boss and good friend for many years, and looked at his face that had become older after he stepped down, which made him have to sigh, these years are indeed She couldn't resist, and she saw more unwillingness and stubbornness on Theodore Roosevelt's face, and what he could do was to help him as much as possible based on his ability. Also realize the dream in your heart that exhausts your talents even more.

"I saw it." Just when he was about to ask Elihu why he asked this. Suddenly he woke up, looked at Elihu impatiently, and said in surprise: "You mean, we can publicize this report to a wider range. Then this way, the two parties can stipulate that Hispanics parties. In this way, the scope and space of their activities can be shortened and narrowed as much as possible. The most important thing is"

"That's right. Theodore." Elihu nodded, and then said: "The most important thing is that we can use this to combat the flames of Spain's influence in the United States. All the flames they want to emerge will be eliminated." Suppress them and prevent them from growing rapidly, otherwise, it is very likely that in the end we, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, will work together to deal with them to balance the situation."

"This, how is this possible? Are you kidding? How could such a day happen?" As the former president of the United States, Theodore found it hard to believe that the originally stable two-party rule would become the one that only the two parties could work together after. Can resist this new force that has emerged. This was really unbelievable to him. "

"Why is it impossible? Have you forgotten that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have only risen in the past few decades, and the reason why these people in our two parties have become as prominent as before is not because of the Rockefeller Foundation, Although we are ostensibly conducting an election and belong to the American people with the support of the large Eastern consortium headed by the Morgan Consortium, who doesn’t know that this is just a major struggle for us to exchange interests, just like the companies under the consortium? , the chairman remains unchanged, they are still at the helm of the consortium, and Theodore, Taft and even Wilson are just competing for the CEO, the general manager. If one day they can't make money, they will be offended. When these people get angry, we will be miserable, and stepping down will be our ultimate fate.

And now Rockefeller, the bosses who pay us wages, have begun to meet opponents again. In the past, our two branches, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, were competing for who would be the general manager of the head office. But now we suddenly discovered that other companies have appeared. Now, they are not from the same company as us. The third largest consortium in the United States plus the fifth largest consortium and the sixth largest consortium are already enough to become the third pole in the American financial and economic circles. And with With such a boss behind the scenes, it is easy to become our opponent. What’s even more frightening is, don’t forget, there is also Spain, the world’s third largest power, supervising and supporting us. Together, these software and hardware Everything can be raised, and what we are waiting for is the arrival of the election period in November next year.

If we lose control of the Senate and the Democratic Party loses control of the House of Representatives during this mid-term election, then this scene will be a bit unpredictable and unpredictable." Elihulu Te frowned.

Theodore Roosevelt certainly understood his concerns. In the United States, the House of Representatives has always been the territory of the Democratic Party. It is also the scepter that the Democratic Party relies on for its survival in American politics. It is also the most important place to resist the monopoly power of the Republican Party.

The Senate is also the power crutch of the Republican Party. They are the best weapons that their party can use to directly influence the government of the United States after failing to run for president. If these two weapons lose their absolute right to exercise and are checked and balanced by other parties, then their party's influence in the country will be greatly reduced.

As one of the leaders of the Republican Party and a staunch supporter of the party, Theodore and Elihu could still remain calm at this time.

After thinking about it, Theodore still couldn't think of any way. This made him feel even more headache.

"This incident definitely has the shadow of Spain behind it."

"I absolutely believe it, but" Elihu said angrily: "But even if Alfonso XIII directly admits it, what can we say? Can we still tell them not to interfere directly? ?”

After hearing what he said, Xiaoduo was speechless.

Not far away from them in New York, there was a person who was thinking the same thing, and that person was Franklin Roosevelt.

"It stands to reason that Spain should not provoke these vested interests in the United States at this time. After all, Spain is currently having an emotional conflict with the French, although I absolutely believe that they will not really do it now. Come on.

"Why, why are you so sure, Franklin?" Anna asked somewhat puzzled.

"It's very simple. They all need a peaceful border so that they can deal with the most urgent matters now. As for whether to fight or not, it will be determined by the size of the interests. In short, they can't fight now. As for Chen Bing The border, that was just what Armand Falier showed to those in the country. In other words, they are also a little afraid of the Spaniards who are not afraid of the sky and the ground and are not willing to take pictures, so they really launch a raid."

"Since Spain also knows that the French are difficult to deal with, why do they still provide their energy to the other side of the Atlantic? Could it be that they also want to divert the angry voices in their country in order to cool down the national mood in Spain? ?”


"No, it's impossible," Franklin objected [categorically]. "Anna, think about it, if that's the case, why did they arouse this sentiment in Spain in the first place? Even those colonies don't seem to be worth the labor and labor of the Spanish government. Just look at those Spanish The media all use angry, patriotic and other language and tone, so you know that this operation was carried out after strict consideration."

"Then what are they doing? Let me think about it. The territorial dispute between Spain and France spread to a diplomatic crisis in the diplomatic field, and then the emotions of the citizens of the two countries were aroused. Immediately afterwards, the Spanish government officials chose to whisper Not showing his face, but just when everyone thought that Spain wanted to use a low-profile attitude to calm the anger of the French and bring down the French government after getting an advantage, they did not expect that Spain actually shot a false shot. Aiming at us across the Atlantic Ocean, they hit the target immediately, causing serious changes in the local and national economic and political landscape, including the major conglomerates in the United States. What on earth do they want to do? ?

You must know that as long as more power is accumulated, these pro-Spanish forces will definitely become stronger, especially in the central region, where there are originally many Hispanic immigrants, even in New York. As long as they are integrated, it will be even more earth-shattering. But now that they have to break out in advance and show their trump cards, it seems that the effect will not be as good as the former. What prompted them to act in advance?"

"Could it be that they wanted to divert their attention first? After all, the last time they diverted the attention of the French, they suddenly attacked the French colony. Now, will they also use this trick against us?

If so, what is their next goal, and what if their purpose of doing this is to cause trouble for us? After all, although Spain is now very powerful, when facing France, the fourth largest country in the world, it still does not take care of it. Could it be that this is why they are worried that we will intervene, so they want to first control us internally? Make a mess and leave us with no energy to stumble them.”

Anna has studied politics over the years, and has changed from being ignorant at the beginning to being able to speak clearly and clearly. Even Franklin had to admit that Anna is now not only his good wife, but now his chief think tank.

"It's very possible. If that's the case, then Russia." Suddenly, the two people quickly raised their heads and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Obviously, they both thought about it together.

First update, and second update. Thanks to Huanyue Wuchen and Flying Elf for the reward. (To be continued.)

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