Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 97 France’s cunning attack

Chapter 97 France’s cunning attack

"France did not directly station troops at the border between Spain and France as people expected, nor did it directly shake hands and make concessions like Spain. Armand, who had just avoided being dismissed, did not do any of these things. , but he personally ordered another method to fight back. It must be said that he is still a man of very high political wisdom. Hello everyone, I am Lafite, the host of the current affairs program "Rafite Sees the World". Today The topic I want to discuss is the various actions France will make in the territorial dispute between Spain and France.

Now, everyone, let me first listen to the whole story and then give you a full follow-up explanation. "

“From Alfonso XIII’s request to France to return this territory that should have been under Spanish jurisdiction decades ago, to France’s stern refusal, and then to the Spanish government directly ordering the army to directly claim it back in West Africa, allowing the two countries to Relations between the two countries officially entered a period of freezing, followed by large-scale demonstrations in France. At the same time, Spain was also angry and organized demonstrations to support the government's military actions. It was used to counter the French nationals' opposition to the Spanish government. The resulting pressure shock.

Later, when everyone in the world thought that the two governments would be entangled in Gabon and other colonies, the Spanish government once again shocked the nerves of people all over the world. In just two days, the Spanish government Photos taken back from the island of Madagascar and the surrounding Comoros Islands. Now Spain has completely taken back all the territories originally traded with Portugal, and even took French Central Africa and French Congo into its hands.

Now it's France protesting. Well, now the Spanish government really doesn’t take this matter seriously. Also, there is news recently that President Armand Falier is preparing to directly submit the territorial dispute between the two countries to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands for international proceedings. arbitration. What impact will these things put together have on Spain and France? Next, we welcome our two special guests today, captains of the Spanish Army who have participated in many Spanish frontline battles and established many meritorious deeds for Spain. In a few months Francisco Franco turns 18.

besides. Kerry, the most popular young lawyer in Madrid last year. "

"Both of you are now one of the best in their respective industries. Now that you are on our show, please tell everyone how you really feel."

"Hello everyone, I am Franco. I am from the Spanish Army. I am currently serving in Madagascar. I am very nervous now because I know that my family and nationals across the country and even many other European countries are listening. I am very excited to be able to show my voice in front of so many people with this show.”

Lafite: "A very honest child. He already stood out as a captain in the mighty Spanish Great Army before he was eighteen years old. Such a pace of progress makes people aware of his experience. How dangerous the artillery crisis was. At the same time, we can also see how great his contribution to the country is. He is a young and loving officer who deserves respect."

Lafite: "What about you, Kerry? Please introduce yourself to everyone."

Kerry: "A long time ago, I had a dream, that is, to become a world-class barrister who can defend the rights and interests of people's nuclear countries in accordance with the law for various cases around the world.

Although I am still very far away from this, I believe that this day will come sooner or later, because I am only 25 years old this year, and now I work in the Intermediate Court of Madrid, Spain as a police [prosecutor] lawyer. Today, I am a guest on a program that has attracted worldwide attention. I think this is the most memorable day in my life. "

Lafite: "Although the nervousness you said may not be true, but what I see more is that you can continue to answer my questions fluently, which is very good. I think today's exchange should be a very pleasant thing Franco, as an active-duty officer, remember, you don’t need to give yourself a discount on your performance in the military!"

Franco: "This question is very difficult for me, even more difficult than picking up a firearm. Do you really want to say it?"

"What do you think, Captain?"

Lafite's words made Franco laugh: "Every soldier has the mission of protecting the country. I think if we rate our own performance, we should use this as a constant standard. Therefore, I think we have already We have completed our mission, and what is left is a matter for the country’s upper echelons. Of course, protecting it is also one of our missions.”

Lafite: "What do you mean by this?"

Franco: "Soldiers have the responsibility to expand territories and protect them. However, I think the one who can protect them and retain them should be the government. If the government can solve the problem of governance well, and properly handle the diplomatic relations they bring, then I think nothing can shake our interests there. Therefore, many voices in our military are circulating that they hope the government can knock us down. The territory that was taken back can be kept intact, or a solution can be found to properly resolve the dispute so that Spain’s interests are not harmed.”

"Actually, I also know that as young officers, you young people have always been passionate in your hearts, and you also have different thoughts and ideas about the struggle between countries. So as a Their representatives, please tell me what you, the junior military generals, think about the news that French President Armand Farier wants to discuss the dispute between the two countries in the [International] Court this time."

Franco: "As far as I am familiar with, many people are very dismissive of this, because to a certain extent, we believe that when it comes to national interests. I think, even if the International Court of Justice really acts against Spain, Spain does not have to abide by the ruling. Of course, this is a matter of continuity. I think those above are definitely staunch supporters of safeguarding national interests. They should hear that, including the army, navy, all services and Spanish nationals Everyone’s voice included.”

Lafite: "Don't you dare to put pressure on the people above? Maybe this is not a good language for your future!"

Franco: "In my opinion, this is an opportunity to express our voices. I think the leaders above should know that my purpose is also to be patriotic. So, I think it is unnecessary to worry about these issues. Besides, I don’t think my influence is really weak enough to have a huge impact on their decisions.”

Rafi: "What a clueless young man. Then ask Kerry. Kerry has been in the legal profession for so long and is now a famous barrister in Madrid. Regarding his career, besides his ideals "What other thoughts do you have? Remember, this is in front of everyone's ears. Remember to be honest with everyone's ears."

Kerry: “Every word a lawyer says is to treat other people’s problems with honesty and rigor.

I won’t talk about my dream. In the face of this new industry, I think Spain’s laws should be made more sound, so that the interests of Spain, both the country and its citizens, can be better protected. Of course Citizens are also the property of the country. What I want to say is that they just want to make it easier, simpler and more effective for the government to manage the country, while reducing conflicts between them and creating internal harmony. This is the direction of legal development that I want to promote within the country. [Now] Spain is on the right development channel.

Externally, I think just like now, when the two countries cause more conflicting territorial interest disputes, I think everyone has the motivation to use the law to resolve it, but it is indeed difficult to solve it under current national laws. Let them achieve justice. After all, seriously speaking, international arbitration has rarely been used. Why is this? "

Lafite: "Why?"

Kerry: "The reason is naturally because he makes people feel distrustful. From the basis of the maritime disputes between the United States and Britain through the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation in 1794, to 1872 due to the conflict between the North and South of the United States, During the war, the warship "Alabama" sold by the British to the Southerners was a big blow to the United States. Therefore, after the war, the disputes between the two countries surrounding this were finally settled by Britain, the United States, Brazil, Italy, The international arbitration settlement method of one person from each of the five Swiss countries extended international arbitration. Due to its influence, Britain's neutrality finally gained the support of most countries and was awarded the title of neutral country in the American civil war. position, but also paid some mental damages to the Americans as compensation. It can be regarded as the original proceeds from selling the warships."

Rafi: "Many of us don't quite understand the current International Court of Justice in The Hague. Can you tell us about it?"

"Natural" Kerry: "The Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes adopted by the First Hague Conference in 1899, with some additions and amendments made by the Second Hague Conference in 1907, made detailed provisions on the international arbitration system. The provisions of the Convention Established the Permanent Court of Arbitration, also known as the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and provided for its organizational charter. The Permanent Court of Arbitration was established in 1900 and is located in The Hague.

In fact, it is neither a permanent nor a court. It only has an International Bureau, the Secretariat, and a Permanent Administrative Council. The Council is composed of the diplomatic envoys of each contracting state stationed in the Netherlands and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. Its main duties are to supervise the work of the International Bureau and decide all administrative issues related to the work of the Arbitration Court. Apart from these two institutions, there is only one list of arbitrators and one set of procedural rules for adoption.

In accordance with the provisions of the Convention, each contracting state selects up to four persons who are recognized as competent in international legal issues and enjoy the highest moral reputation to be included in the general list of arbitrators of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. These four people form a group from each country. At most, there were about 150 arbitrators proposed by each contracting state.

Each contracting state may submit the dispute to the Permanent Court of Arbitration, or may agree to appoint an arbitrator to establish a special arbitral tribunal. When a contracting state wishes to submit a dispute to the Permanent Court of Arbitration for settlement, it shall select arbitrators from the general list of arbitrators to form an arbitral tribunal to hear the dispute. If the parties do not agree on the composition of the arbitral tribunal, each party will generally appoint two arbitrators, only one of whom may be a national of that country, or selected from the permanent court of arbitration selected by that country. Arbitrator person. The designated arbitrators jointly select a general arbitrator. This time, although France can force the arbitration of the territorial dispute, for us, in the words of Captain Franco, it actually does not matter. binding force”

The second update today, and there is another update. Thanks to Fengye Toyohuang monthly ticket support... (To be continued.)

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