Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 295: Royal Siblings

Chapter 295: Royal Siblings

Meyer had already left, but the problems he brought caused Alfonso to frown deeply. Money, money, money, no matter which dimension you are in, money is the most important problem that people need to solve. Without them, there would be no necessary survival conditions for human life such as food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Spain is not a poor country, on the contrary it is one of the richest countries in the world. To say that it is poor, it is just the Spanish government. If it is fine in normal times, it can be slowly simmered and treated slowly, but when he officially wants to open up the Spanish situation in a big way. When he wanted to get as many resources as possible for Spain to maintain Spain's interests, when something like this happened, it had to be said that Alfonso felt very choked up in his heart, and the tightness in his chest was very tight.

"Alfonso, what's wrong?" She had already seen her brother's crying expression from far away, and she felt a little anxious in her heart. She was familiar with her brother, and it seemed that such a situation was rare. It was because of this. , so she didn't want to lose face, so she fled to the United States to avoid his sharp edges to make herself more proud. Although she came back in the end, her mind has broadened a lot in the past few years.

"You'll know if you touch my forehead." Looking at Theresa, Alfonso couldn't help but said angrily. I have never seen such a shameless person, but I have never seen such a bold one. Brides usually don’t try on wedding dresses until they get married. Fortunately, she still had more than two months until New Year’s Day in 1910. This sister of hers was First, I tried on the wedding dress for two months, and I was full of reasons. The one who tried on the best wedding dress wanted to show it to her husband with the best wedding dress. This not only made many girls at the scene lower their heads in shyness, but also made Al Fang Suo's shocking words made the 18-year-old girl blush as if she had just stepped into a sedan chair. He even saw Maria Cristina doing the same. In the end, the mother and son chose to stay out of sight and stay away [Avoid] They have been entangled with the question of whether the wedding dress looks good or not for thousands of times.

"There's nothing wrong with it." After saying that, Teresa put her hand on her forehead and tried again.

"Then there's something wrong with you."

"That's what's wrong with you." He patted Alfonso on the shoulder hard. Staring at him with an unhappy look on his face, it seemed to be saying that if you don't say anything, the fate waiting for you will definitely be tragic.

"I could have told you. But the problem is. Now you have the Military Commission King's Security Examination. "It's still not there." The position of advisor has been abolished, so, okay, I said it's not okay." I originally wanted to tease her. of. But after seeing that murderous look. Alfonso quickly changed his tone.

A look of trouble appeared on his face again. He said helplessly: "It's not because of the money problem! You know that there has been a financial crisis because of money, but you didn't expect how long it has been just now, and it has happened again. And it seems to be more fierce. Is it because of this that I have a headache now?"

"Is it because of this?" Teresa said a little surprised.

Alfonso said angrily: "Isn't this a huge problem enough, Princess Teresa of Mali, and Her Majesty the Queen-to-be of Portugal!"

Teresa ignored Alfonso's weird tone, but began to think thoughtfully, and her brows also wrinkled. Her frown made people feel more beautiful and good-looking. In 1883, she was now 27 years old. It was the most charming moment for a woman. Furthermore, Austrian women were the best-selling marriage partners among European royal families and nobles. She inherited Maria Christina. The charm and nobility of the Duchess of Austria, coupled with her status as a Spanish princess, make all women feel ashamed of her charm wherever they go. And those who know how favored she is in Spain are even more under the power of Spain, and have a more eager desire for her to get both talents.

"Is the government in the process of operation, and the finances have begun to fail to keep up?" Teresa's question suddenly appeared, and Alfonso had not yet reacted.

"is not it?"

"Well, that's pretty much it."

"What does it mean to be like this? If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. It's so neutral." He glared at Alfonso, who felt aggrieved.

"Originally, it appeared, but just now Meyer himself proposed a solution, and other things are still operating normally, but I am the one. If the liquidity of the Ministry of Finance really does not increase, then the matter will become bigger. That’s it. So that’s pretty much it.”

"Meyer, is that the person who is called the Spanish film giant Meyer?" Alfonso nodded. Teresa thought for a moment, and then asked again: "What is the solution he proposed?"

"Help brands in the automotive industry place advertisements in movies and collect their fees, so that they can get a fund to maintain their operations. Correspondingly, the government's fiscal revenue will increase because of this, and the government will pay for them The tax revenue collected there can be used to support the [development] of their film industry.”

"What a good idea. In this way, the funds will be circulated effectively, and in this way, their film career can continue to receive government support and funds. This guy's mind is not simple. Let him go When such talent is put into a small movie, don't you think it will be a waste and bury the talent?" The way she gritted her teeth made Alfonso a little funny. Such a delicate beauty is a beautiful scenery in front of him.

"Before I answer your [question], what I want to ask is, in your heart, what do you think movies are like?"

"Movies? Of course, you should watch it and find the source of happiness. It is a very interesting and fun new thing. It is very novel. Of course, if it is a movie between lovers in a theater, the feeling will be unknown."

Alfonso smiled noncommittally, and then said seriously: "You are wrong. In my heart, it is the most potential project to develop into one of the most influential projects in the world. In my opinion, if Spain If we develop it well, then, in a few years or even decades, it will be a tool for Spain to colonize the world. As long as it has influence in the world, we can let the Spanish people, Products, culture, etc., everything is welcomed by them. Such an existence, do you think it will be so insignificant and only have ornamental value?"

"No way, your expectations are too high, right? It's impossible to reach this level no matter what, right?" Marie Theresa looked at Alfonso in disbelief, as if she wanted to see something on his face. The flaw in the joke came out, but to his disappointment, he didn't find what he wanted. On the contrary, what she saw was a firm look that was already familiar to her. This caused the doubts she had just established to collapse. She chose to believe Alfonso's words because she had seen that look too many times.

"Movies can make people more familiar with the positive and negative things about Spain. Of course, we can slightly overwhelm the positive things with the negative things, so that Spain can be more popular.

Spanish products can be seen inside, which can make people more aware of these products, and then their desire to buy them will deepen. If other similar products do not achieve the same level of exposure, the status of the more noble similar brands in the minds of moviegoers will naturally fall to Spain.

These are all powerful factors that allow Spanish products to enter the world brand war.

In addition to this, what I also want to say is people. Through movies, Spain can spread its virtues and various touching stories to all parts of the world. By then, Spain will definitely let the world appreciate the beauty of Spanish people, and then I have a good impression of Spain from the bottom of my heart. You only need to look at the impact of "The Life of a Merchant in Madrid" and the previous dance movie to know something. These are the things that make the Spaniards completely their idols. Let them yearn for Spain even more. "

Listening to Alfonso's explanations, she suddenly found herself further understanding that her brother's ideas were so sudden and unconstrained. But I also feel even more proud. I wonder who has the courage and strength to regard the world as the universe in his hands and allow himself to change the situation at his own pace.

Their father could not do this, and Edward VII, who had just died not long ago, had no such idea, and William II was even more timid and guarded everywhere in the southeast, northwest, and northwest of the European continent. Armand Farier is like a country dog ​​and a chicken, and it is even more difficult to be refined. This has been known from some secrets she had conveyed to Spain before. If she really wanted to worry about him, she discovered after her careful observation in the past that An, her brother, cared most about the United States across the Atlantic. From various blockades in South America to alliances everywhere, as well as an economic approach targeting the United States, these provided her with evidence that her brother seemed to be the future opponent of the United States. And it is already implementing a containment policy against the United States. USA? USA?

Suddenly, her beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance, and she suddenly thought of how to deal with Spain's financial and economic crisis.

Second update, today. (To be continued.)^-^Book (0000)^-^

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