Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 293 Spain’s Cultural Offensive

In fact, does Spain have other ways to make citizens of other countries wary of Spain's relaxed economic development? This is everyone’s first question when they see Italy’s “Italian Pravda”. The reporter also asked this question from people who read this newspaper.

Hunter: "This is indeed true. Just look at Spain's influence on the outside world in recent years and you will understand that various innovative things in Spain now have such a wide impact on people."

Reporter: "Can you give us some pointers? For example, what are some?"

Hunter: "Let's not talk about other things first. Let's talk about our radio, which is now passed down from family to family in Italy. Its emergence has allowed the Italian government to further consolidate its rule over the people, and it also has Italy's control over the people. Changes in the outside world have a clearer understanding.

It can be said that its emergence has completely solved the difficulty of effective management in Italy due to geographical differences. Some time ago, I heard that Spain has another new innovation. It is said that in order to provide domestic citizens with more standardized and safe fishing, the broadcasting company under the Spanish government will provide free fishing for a month in September. , every Saturday morning from 9 am to 11 am, two hours will be provided by a number of fishing veterans with fishing experience to talk about fishing safety knowledge. "

Reporter: "Really? This is great! I think Spanish fishermen will definitely benefit a lot from receiving such knowledge lessons. This innovation is so practical."

Hunter: "Yes, this is the case now. I even have doubts. This model has begun to be copied to other industries. In this way, Spain's method of changing all walks of life in the country will definitely give The world has once again brought a new wave of education, and with this, the people's livelihood in the world will definitely improve a lot."

Reporter: "Well, the merits are immeasurable."

Hunter: "We don't have to talk about this for now. The most powerful thing about Spain is its movies and other cultures. "The Life of a Merchant in Madrid" has made the whole of Europe and the world crazy. It is difficult for this classic movie to be repeated. Other movies can surpass him. But last month's "Dancing in the Rain" made Europe and the world once again a sensation. The elegant dance steps and fast rhythm, coupled with the Spanish bullfighting in the background, Edison The new research has been bought by the Spanish Film Institute, which then publishes and uses its patented film sound model for free to the world.

A real-life dance drama movie was born. his appearance. Let the world once again appreciate the charm of Spanish bullfighting culture. It also made Spanish group dance popular in the world and has become the most popular dance now. Coupled with Audi cars and other industrial products, Spain already has a large number of product diehards around the world, plus people who benefit from its buying and selling trade. This has made Spanish culture popular around the world and attracted widespread attention. This is now Spain’s cultural invasion of the world.

As for us in Italy, look at the students who love Spanish dance everywhere on campus. Even in society, many people are practicing this sport. In addition, Audi cars have penetrated into the aristocracy. and in the hearts of wealthy people. Coupled with the prosperous life brought about by movies and the Spanish economy, Spain now definitely plays a very important role in the hearts of all people in the Kingdom of Italy. Many people are even thinking about the possibility of the two countries becoming one country. An example is the Austro-Hungarian Empire composed of the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Hungary. "

"Well, there are indeed people who think like this. Many people have begun to want a better life due to the economic development in recent years. Almost every household in Spain has an Audi car, and almost every couple in Spain has Lovers, every couple goes to the cinema every year to slowly enjoy the atmosphere brought by the movie and spend a monthly date to enhance their relationship. These make up the life that many people yearn for in Spain. Not just in Italy, but now many people around the world are undergoing the same psychological change.

Even the United Kingdom, the world's largest country, with a per capita GDP slightly higher than Spain's, is said to have had dozens of people acquire Spanish citizenship last year. I don’t know if it was intentional by Spain. In Asia, Spanish boats and New Zealand are also working hard to absorb elites from various colonies in various countries to join Spain there. Even Pas there has become known as New York and London in the Far East. "

Hunter nodded and said: "Hey, it can be seen from this that the Spanish top leaders under the leadership of Alfonso are a country that focuses on all-round development. The overall explosion of culture has made citizens from all over the world have a mentality of being close to Spain. This is They relaxed their guard against Spain. Then the economic impact made the citizens of other countries become dependent on Spain. Later, Spain's arms and political protection made governments of various countries feel strangely close to Spain, so there are This has led to the active approach of other large and small countries, thus forming Spain's important and ideal ally status among countries around the world.

If we add in the job issues of those of us and the continuous reporting of various news about Spain, Spain will be even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Britain had a serious opponent waiting for it, and France suddenly found that in addition to facing the traditional enemy of the German Empire, it also had to face the Weixie brought by the south.

This is even more true now that there is hostility. As for Italy, as the fifth largest country in Europe, no matter what Zemin says, Italy will need to face the risks brought by other countries, and sooner or later it will be forced to make a choice in its political stance. OK. A few years ago, when I saw that His Majesty the King chose to stand with Spain and the Ottoman Empire, I breathed a sigh of relief. But now, I find that the allergic enthusiasm is beyond the control of His Majesty the King. , many government agencies have begun to think of being hostile to Spain or staying away from Spain, even the king. Perhaps this is a case of extreme prosperity and decline.

Spain also began to feel alienated from Italy. In the past, although Italy did not have the same position as Portugal in Spain, it could also be treated as a second candidate country. However, now that a large number of countries in South America and Siam have become allies of Spain, the two countries have The wrinkles I have now”


"Barcelona's film industry has achieved great success now, Meyer, you have contributed a lot to it."

I can’t write more than 3,000 words. It’s really hard to write and I’m very sleepy, so I’ll just upload yesterday’s third update. There are two more updates today. Please continue to support me. Also, I would like to express my final thanks to Yiyang as before, thanking Huang Dongren for their monthly ticket support! (To be continued.)^-^Book (0000)^-^

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