Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 289: Rage against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

“The most important thing for us now is not how to win over other countries to stand on our side, but how to first examine the advantages and disadvantages we currently have against France, and then take preventive measures. Consolidate the advanced nature of these advantages and make up for the disadvantages, so that France will not take advantage of it to steal our friends. After clarifying our position and the attitudes of our friends and other countries around the world, we can do the opposite. Steal their allies.

Instead of blindly discussing how to win other countries to our side to support us like now, the end result of this is that we have been taken advantage of. As long as some countries with some brains do not want to offend our two countries, Next, they will definitely choose to have a vague attitude. In that case, in addition to not offending us, they can even turn themselves into Xiangwowo and let us give up benefits to them. In this way, we will become the ones kidnapped by them. If this is the result, then there is no need for us to risk fighting France, a world-class neighbor. It is better to resolve it through direct peaceful negotiations. . The relationship between the two countries will not be as bad as it is now. "

"Trini, it's your turn, tell me what you think, huh, lest something goes wrong with your people. If something goes wrong, don't blame me then."

Of course Trini didn't dare to disobey, but soon, he said some scene words step by step, and the minister's speech ended. This made Alfonso a little uncomfortable. But at the same time, he also knew that the other party was trying to establish more prestige for himself as a king. This made him really not know how to say whether he was right or wrong.

Madrid. Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs headquarters building. Alfonso was extremely angry and roared at all the senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel under the podium in the internal conference room. It’s no wonder he was so angry. These guys in the audience actually made some comments about Spain’s current situation during an internal spot check. To investigate the relationship with the political tensions in France, the survey items were single-choice answers. Originally, Alfonso wanted to check. Under his special attention over the years, he asked for money, money, people and supplies. I want to test the political awareness of these guys at the headquarters. However, the results he obtained greatly disappointed him. Therefore, she just vented her anger.

"You are all the elites of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You are all selected after thousands of times. You are the elites left after we have made cuts and cuts. However, this is where you are. It makes me feel greatly disappointed.

How should Spain and France handle the next tense situation? There are three answers: The first choice is to have a head-on military confrontation with them. This is of course a good answer. For those who choose this, I think you are all good Spanish men. Secondly, Spain is right to choose negotiations with them. In any country, especially the existence of big countries, it is very common for conflicts to break out between big countries, no matter how close they are. Therefore, negotiations are absolutely allowed and even Say necessary. This can minimize the possibility of large-scale conflicts for both parties. Therefore, for those who choose this option, it can be seen that while you love peace, you should also want to control the conflict between the two countries in a way that is beneficial to Spain. This idea is not bad either.

The third answer is should Spain impose economic sanctions on France? I found that many people did not choose this option, which made me very happy and very unhappy. The reason why Spain is so powerful now is because economic development has made Spain more prosperous.

Therefore, economic development is definitely the most important thing for Spain. Some people may ask, in this case, with Britain, Italy, the German Empire and the Ottoman Empire, Portugal is one of Spain's most important economic partners, why do we still have to cooperate with France? Knowing that there are political risks, we must continue to seize territory by force."

Alfonso looked at the people in the audience. Several people lowered their heads impatiently after seeing Alfonso's eyes glaring over him. This was obviously a sign of guilty conscience. He looked at Trini next to him again. Although this guy's face was extremely serious, Alfonso still saw his smile from the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and glared at him angrily. The former was pretending He looked timid, but it also made him feel helpless.

"I want to say that it is wrong to have such thoughts and questions. You don't have to have any wrong thoughts about this, because having questions proves that you are thinking about something, rather than copying it step by step. France is indeed important to Spain. , is a very important partner both economically and politically, and its existence is very representative for Spain. Another harmonious France is very important to Spain's maritime and safe trade on the northern land. Importantly, on the contrary, if there is a fight or even a political and military crisis between the two countries, the border between the two countries will be very unstable. Even if it is serious to a certain extent, the economic ties between the two countries will definitely deteriorate. In this case, why Why do I still want to do this? Why should I do this to my third trading partner after Portugal, my largest trading partner, and Italy, my second partner?”

Alfonso's words made everyone in the audience raise their heads and look at Alfonso. Obviously, they do have such doubts in their hearts. Now they are even more concerned about this issue. Not only them, except special Apart from Lini, no one in the entire Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs knew Alfonso's thoughts except for a few heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Intelligence Center and a few deputy ministers.

People outside are discussing this issue in increasing numbers every day. Some people have even offered huge sums of money in Europe to offer rewards for answers to the Spanish government's policy towards France. It can be seen that such an answer naturally makes many people excited.

"The third reason why I have to add the reason why I am very unhappy is why we can't choose to impose economic sanctions on them. Why do you want most people to choose not to choose this one? Jeb, you are the Spanish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Tell me, what are your thoughts now, and if you take over Trini's position, how will you guide the development of Spain's diplomacy?"

Wow! After hearing Alfonso's words, everyone was shocked and looked at Jeb, who was sitting at the farthest position among the several seats on the stage, with wide eyes.

Everyone knows that Jeb is the rising political star of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, after he chose to go to South America a few years ago, his voice disappeared, causing many people to shift their attention to another place. Harveys, the 36-year-old ambassador to the UK, and the 31-year-old Jeb are the political twin stars of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Xavius ​​was a conservative figure under Antonio's leadership and his favorite disciple. Represents aristocratic etiquette. Jeb represents Spanish liberals and is a disciple of Palacides. Spain’s upper house (Senate) is controlled by conservatives, while liberals control the majority of seats in the lower house (House of Representatives).

Therefore, there is also a competition between the support rates of the two people. Originally, according to Spain's political rotation system, it is now a liberal party government. After November this year, there will be a rotation, and conservatives will take over. Now it is said that the most The possible person is Chavez. Chavez is the current finance minister and a big boss in the conservative party. Let me say here that the Spanish government does not stipulate that people from the same party must be selected to hold government officials. People from other parties or liberal parties can do it, as long as the prime minister agrees to recognize the other party when forming the cabinet. The Prime Minister and the King have the same right to nominate cabinet members. The Prime Minister has no decision-making power, only the Senate has veto power, and the King has the final veto power.

The current Interior Minister Jose was nominated by Alfonso, and Chavez was the conservative selected by Eugene to participate in the cabinet.

After November, conservatives came on the scene. According to most people's opinions, Harveys, the ambassador to the world's largest country, should take over Trini's position. Many people are even thinking that Trini is only 46 years old today. He is three years younger than Jose and he should still be able to stay in office. After all, Trini's diplomatic work has been favored by most Spaniards in recent years. Recognized, even internationally, many people who like diplomacy refer to Trini as a representative figure.

But now His Majesty's words have diverted many people's attention away from the matter just now and shifted it to the matter of their immediate superiors in the future.

Alfonso also noticed this change after he said it. As the parties involved, Jeb and Harveys both looked at each other calmly, and then looked a little nonchalant on their faces. As for whether this is really the case, it is a bit unclear.

"Your Majesty, your hypothesis makes me feel very stressed, but this hypothesis also makes people feel very refreshed. It is really painful and happy." The serious expression on Jeb's face coupled with these somewhat joking words made people feel very happy. It was so funny that everyone couldn't help but laugh. The thick atmosphere aroused by Alfonso's hypothetical idea just now was not completely gone, but it was still clear and cloudless. This made Alfonso treat him a little differently and a little more seriously.

Trini also looked at him with a little more admiration, while Harveys looked at him with a little more solemnity.

Chapter One. (To be continued.)^-^Book (0000)^-^

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