Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 256 The Marriage of King Yang and Princess

"Your Majesty definitely has deep meaning in saying so, but I still don't understand what benefits we have from doing this." Eugene made Alfonso a cup of tea. He asked with a curious expression on his face.

He believed that this problem was not just for her. People all over the world were wondering why the agreement between Spain and Russia was so "weird". Even he, the Prime Minister of Spain, did not understand what it meant. He privately asked Trini, the person who negotiated with Russia in person, and he actually replied that he didn't know either. These were all considered by His Majesty himself, especially those related to Spain's interests, which His Majesty personally ordered to achieve. Even the Foreign Secretary doesn't know the reason. There is definitely information that can be dug into deeply. Although he has long passed the age of being very curious, as a political leader, he still couldn't help but ask.

Alfonso was funny in his heart. These guys had been so anxious in the past two days. The reason why he didn't tell them at the beginning was because he wanted to let them guess his intentions. But now it seems that the whole army has been wiped out.

He shook his head, and then he said in a tone that said he hated iron but could not make steel: "There is no need to talk about trade, it is for the purpose of making money, and the framework for subsequent arms transactions, do you understand?"

He looked at Eugene with some hope, but the other person's shake of his head made Alfonso feel like he didn't want to speak. However, fortunately, he also knew that thinking that was incompatible with today's people because of his own era was also a problem. .

"This is the kidnapping method of selling weapons."

"Kidnapping sales pitch?"

" "Yes, you can talk to Trini later. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also needs this method." Alfonso said after seeing Eugene quickly take out a pen to record, and seeing him nodding to express his understanding. : "It's actually very simple, that is, we first created regional tensions, such as the trend between the Ottoman Empire, Japan and Russia,

If we buy weapons in Japan, the Ottoman Empire will definitely be eager to buy them. After Russia sees that its neighbors have such weapons, they will naturally not want to lag behind. The reason why we were at odds with each other before. They don't and can't buy from us, so they can only ask the United Kingdom, the United States, and France for help, but they don't have it either, so. This is about psychology. When something you are used to seeing suddenly disappears. Only then will you understand its preciousness. And when a friend who was plain and looked down upon suddenly turned into an enemy. Only then did he realize that the opponent actually had so many advantages, making him feel that it was difficult to have both offense and defense.

And after Russia turned against us. They will definitely find out what we have, which is discovered through fighting on the battlefield. The impression is even more profound.

To measure the psychology of the Russian government, they will definitely come back to curry favor with us after they know how powerful we are, and they want our advantages, our strengths and our weapons.

In this way, they will definitely buy the weapons that the Ottoman Empire threatens them, and because they will buy it, the chain reaction will make Japan and the Ottoman Empire work harder to buy, while others who have a grudge against the Ottoman Empire will Countries such as Britain can no longer stop us from selling weapons after Russia purchased them. After all, we also want to take care of the comfort of our quasi-ally, the Ottoman Empire, so Britain will have no reason to stop us.

.." "Then since it couldn't be stopped, the British also joined the ranks and became our weapons customers. The British actions naturally attracted the attention of the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was already facing the threat of the Ottoman Empire. Now Russia bought it, and Britain also bought it, so they also asked for it. The German Empire naturally also Supported,

As a result, there are more and more Wumen customers. , did the German Empire buy the French Republic or feel threatened? Will Italy also keep its military power at the bottom of Europe? Greece is also afraid of the power of other countries, so it will also join the army. Therefore, after all this calculation, if it works properly in the end, we will make a lot of money from it. "

The more he spoke, the brighter Alfonso's eyes became. But Eugene was very excited after listening to it, but in the end he was a little worried.

The words stopped.

Alfonso naturally saw it and signaled him to speak if he had anything to say.

"However, if this is the case, then not all of Europe will have such a mass murder weapon. By then, we will very likely be threatened. After all, this kind of weapon has been circulated in Europe, and, With high-tech countries such as Britain and the German Empire and France, they may very well imitate us when the time comes.”

"Hmph! So what if they imitate it? Don't forget, it will take at least several years. After our weapons sales have saturated the European market, they will be outdated by the time they develop it."

"Outdated?" Rebirth of the Spanish Empire Chapter 256: The Marriage of King Yang and Princess "" Eugene looked at Alfonso with some confusion. Suddenly he thought of something, and then looked at him with a look of surprise, thinking I wanted to ask, but Alfonso said directly:

"Don't forget that our military aircraft have been developing rapidly. This is only the first generation. We will have fighters with longer range and more powerful firepower in the future, and now we have begun to test the Center B. I believe that it will not be long before We can install it in our air force.

As more advanced aircraft come out, they won't be afraid of imitation, and they will never dare to challenge us now that our aircraft have appeared. After all, as users, the fear in their hearts became even deeper after they became familiar with the power of these weapons. "

On August 5th, many people have been discussing this matter for a long time. However, such a matter has finally received a definite answer.

Who are the most popular single men and women in Europe right now? The answer is naturally the golden son-in-law of the 21-year-old King Manuel II of Portugal. Portugal is one of the powerful countries in Europe. Although it cannot be compared with big countries like Britain and Spain, Portugal is definitely not inferior to the Netherlands and Belgium. As well as top players in second-tier columns like Denmark.

As the king of such a country, his marriage naturally attracted a lot of attention. What's more, unlike the Netherlands, Portugal is an ally with Spain. As the most powerful country in the world, Spain's closest ally, Portugal, is definitely the most powerful, least vulnerable and safest country in Europe. one.

This is recognized in Europe and the reason is the existence of Spain.

"Rebirth of the Spanish Empire" As for the female, she is still Spanish. Today, the daughter of the former King XII of Spain is now Princess Marie Theresa, the sister of King Alfonso XIII of Spain.

A legendary figure. He went to the United States to study alone at a young age. A few years later, he was quickly appointed by the king as soon as he returned to Spain. He became the consultant of Spain's National Security Council and the king's exclusive adviser. Such a level exists.

Of course, these are not the most important things. What attracts the most attention is that he is one of the only two siblings that Alfonso XIII likes. He is also the one who grew up with Alfonso XIII. Human emotions are of course indescribable, and Spain's status destined this princess who was loved by the king to be one of the most powerful princesses in Europe.

And her age is also a hotly discussed topic, the love between sister and brother! The sibling relationship between the princess and the king.

Manuel II was born in 1889, and Princess Marie Theresa was born in 1883. The two people, who were six years apart, actually became a couple and even got married on New Year's Day today. After the news came out, , many young people beat their chests and complain.

Princess Teresa's beauty has been famous throughout Europe for a long time. Many royal nobles have been peeping at her for a long time. However, because of her sudden appearance, and the addition of Alfonso XIII and Mary Queen Christina loved her so much that she didn't force her, so I fell in love with you freely.

If this were not the case, I believe that members of the major European royal families would already have occupied the Spanish royal family. After all, marrying her would definitely bring fame and fortune, especially from other small kingdoms. It is said that even William In the second life, his son proposed the possibility of marriage to Alfonso XIII, but in the end Alfonso XIII rejected it. The reason is that he promised Princess Teresa that he would not interfere with his marriage, at least This is true before the age of thirty. So William II could only return with a bitter smile in the end.

As for Manuel II, he is another golden beetle. After marrying him, he will immediately become the queen of a medium-powerful country. Who wouldn’t want such a thing? Especially the small countries are even more anxious for it, because Mainly if they have such a relationship with Portugal, then they will be connected to Spain. In this way, they will rely on a big backer like Spain. You should be able to survive the ever-changing situation in Europe.

Therefore, the effect of such an idea is many people. There is even a king who, in order to gain a greater chance, he bets on both sides and called on the country, from the princesses and princes to the citizens, all young people should launch a campaign against the two of them. They attacked her for love and expressed that as long as they got their love, their country was willing to directly make her (him) a grand duke.

It can be said that this kind of thing has greatly increased the attention of everyone in Europe, and a large number of people in the world are also paying attention to them. It can be said that because of their golden boy and girl-like existence, they have attracted a lot of attention. More and more people in the world are paying attention, especially in the United States and Europe, because they ignore age and devote themselves to love. They are called a model for safeguarding the freedom of love and are the guardians of love in Europe. This result made Alfonso dumbfounded.

Third update, please support. (To be continued.)

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