Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 251: Turning enemies into friends

Russia is indeed beginning to hesitate now. It would be impossible not to hesitate. The situation is extremely urgent. ..Originally, in the opinion of a few people, the most serious result was that Spain would break off diplomatic relations with Russia, or even more seriously, become a direct hostile country.

To be honest, this is not a big deal. Since Russia obtained the Svalbard Islands from Norway, Russia has felt the threat from Spain, so it has long been on guard against Spain. The increasingly bad relations between the two countries gave rise to the idea of ​​​​breaking off diplomatic relations, and Alfonso XIII's words became their excuse.

In their view, Spain needs Russia more than they need Spain. Russia's agricultural products used to be better and could occupy a lot of position in the Spanish market, but later the free trade zone appeared. Spanish allies such as South America and Portugal quickly appeared on the Spanish market.

In particular, the cancellation of their import taxes will be an absolutely fatal blow to Russian agricultural products. Therefore, they can only retreat to the Spanish market. On the contrary, Spanish products are greatly intensifying their impact on Russian products. In terms of market share, it is said that last year, the purchase volume of Audi cars in Russia exceeded Spain's total sales by more than 15%. What a huge share for Spain. Coupled with Felic Life Company and other enterprises, Spain's capital in Russia has begun to make a significant leap.

It can be said that Russia is definitely at the forefront of important markets for Spanish companies, and it is against these backgrounds that are important to Russia. It shouldn't be difficult for Russia to beat Spain's arrogance at this time. They were all full of confidence, but they didn't expect that Min would end up like this.

"" Stolypin had to lament that his Prime Minister was far inferior to Spain's Prime Minister Eugene. At the same time, he already felt good that he could find someone who gave him great power. Only for a king like Alfonso, although he was envious of Eugene's luck, that was just envy. In addition, he was more jealous of a combination like Spain.

"Prime Minister, if this continues, it is definitely not good for us. After all, if it's just Spain, we can continue to consume it alone. Anyway, there is plenty of food, but as an industrialized country, they import their own food. This is not good for them. It is even more disadvantageous for them. Even if they can supply it, the price is not cheap." As the Minister of the Interior, Plevi naturally understood the gap between the two countries and the differences in the basic situation, and he also used it as a basis for understanding .

"But. Now, it seems that the whole world is helping Spain to put pressure on us. Such a result really makes people feel very frustrated and oppressive. I secretly investigated and found that many citizens are now secretly surging, if If we no longer take effective countermeasures, then the undercurrent will really come out and shock Russia. If we add the thoughts in the hearts of the royal families and survivors of Poland, Ukraine, and Finland that are currently provoked by Spain. , then it is very likely that the lake will have a bigger situation that we don’t want to see happen. Hey, Spain has to say that they have indeed overwhelmed us in every aspect. It stands to reason that we are tough enough, thinking that they can catch We picked up their pigtails, but we didn't expect it. Now we are dumb and eating Coptis chinensis. It's really hard for us to know how hard we are.

If I had known that this would happen, I should have stopped His Majesty's impulsive impulse. "I was about to say something impulsive, but when I saw Stolypin coming over..." After being informed, he shut up. , and broke into a cold sweat at the same time. He seemed to have remembered at this time that what Nicholas II hated most was for others to say bad things about him behind his back, especially among ministers. He had really almost made a mistake just now, and he also It might implicate the Prime Minister, and the thought of this made me break out in cold sweat.

"Well, there's no need to complain. We still have to be realistic. This time, it's obvious that Spain is proceeding with a plan."

"It's impossible. Don't forget, we haven't told anyone before. We and Pedonoschiev are absolutely loyal people, and although that guy Sergey Witte is annoying sometimes, but I don’t think we should question His Majesty’s loyalty, although I doubt his ability to hold the important position of Minister of Finance. Needless to say, Your Majesty, so in the final analysis, this seems somewhat unlikely.”

Stolypin glanced at him angrily, why did this guy suddenly think of that place? Seeing the look in his eyes, Previ knew that he would be wrong, and he smiled on his face. Stolypin tried his best to maintain a correct attitude, but Stolypin didn't know what to say about him. Fortunately, he also knew the character of his confidant and ally, and he didn't take many similar situations to heart.

"It's not a problem between us. I mean, it's possible that Spain has been digging holes for us to jump in. Although I don't know what their purpose is, it's obvious that the other party can suddenly appear. They have taken so many sound response measures, and they have carried them out one by one for us in an orderly manner, which shows that they have foreseen research on us. That’s why they can carry out such a good job.”

"Rebirth of the Spanish Empire Chapter 251: Turning Enemies into Friends" Although this was Stolypin's guess, he guessed that they were almost inseparable. If Trini and the others heard this here If so, then he would definitely give a thumbs up and praise the other party's excellent research and judgment ability.

After hearing this, Plevi thought about it, it was really possible.

Stolypin drank the Cha in front of him, and then said: "So, when the opponent has such a strategic advantage, we can only retreat."

"Just giving up like this? This is really unacceptable."

"Not just you, who among the Russians would be willing to accept it, unless they don't like to be Russian nationals." Stolypin said as he suddenly thought of a question, that is, did Spain really treat the Finns and the people there? Are the three major national centers of Poland and Ukraine established in Madrid just to counter Russia's current policy of importing Spain?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that it seemed that Spain's move was not that simple. Also, selling bombers and other cutting-edge weapons was a matter for the Ottoman Empire. If Russia gave in, Spain would sincerely Will it stop? If it stops, although Spain has gained understanding from other countries in the world and does not regard Spain's actions as a threat, Spain will also lose something accordingly. For example, Spain's suspension may harm the Ottomans. Since they understand the trust that the royal family of the empire and the people have in Spain, then as the prime minister of Spain, that guy Eugene should also understand such a simple truth.

Therefore, how they will solve it, Stolypin has some expectations. He hopes that Spain will declare war on the latter, so that the Ottoman Empire will not have a weapon to threaten Russia. However, if you think about it more carefully, it seems that this is suspected of deceiving others. Spain may not give weapons to the Ottoman Empire now, but it does not mean that in a few months or a few years, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not make such a show again to make Russia succumb to Spain again. Therefore, he thought of the second item.

However, if Spain chooses to sell weapons to the Ottoman Empire, then Spain will briefly face accusations from various countries. This is what Russia wants to see, but when I think about it, it feels wrong. Although Russia can be freed from being accused of pulling Russia with it. The risk of Spain's provocation is that it will directly become the biggest victim of weapons targeting. Calculating it like this, it is really frustrating to find that Spain seems to have tied Russia to it and cannot move. The risk of calling an enemy to untie the rope is as great as choosing to die without untiing the rope for the rest of your life. . This result really discouraged him.


"Where to go?"

"Orthodox Headquarters!"

Why not a palace? "

"While His Majesty is recuperating, we'd better communicate with that guy Pobedonoschaif first. Then you go and do the work of Pain Witte." Stolypin raised his head and said calmly: "What should come will always come. They are all coming, now we go over and negotiate with them first, and then report to His Majesty, so that the change will be more bearable."

This time Plevi did not ask any more questions.

At the Orthodox Church headquarters, Pibedonoschaif was also talking to Witte about this matter, and both of them had extremely solemn eyes.

"It's true that Werther is a little greedy for money, but, as he said himself: That's just my instinctive reaction. Everyone doesn't like this thing in this era. If he is not greedy for money and does not love power, then this person is definitely an irresponsible person, and he is not popular in this era. The reason is very simple. If you don't love power, then you don't have the right to protect your beloved things from being snatched away by other people in this era where gangsters are everywhere, thieves are everywhere, and military wars are frequent. With money, I can live a good life, and with power, I can protect the money and my beloved things. My wish is that my family can live a happy life. It’s just that simple me.

This is the notoriously corrupt Russian official and Russian Finance Minister Sergei Witte whom Pobedonoschaev knew.

"Witt, Spain is obviously trying to be the last straw for us. They are in the final period of comprehensive pressure. As long as we can get through it, Russia will definitely be more resistant."

"But, what about Stolypin and Previ?" Werther murmured with some worry.

"Don't worry, you have such thoughts, am I still going to lag behind you?" Werther just continued to enjoy talking, but Previ's words made him stand up in shock as if he was a prisoner.

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