Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 248: Actually, this is planned!

What a good dean, Dean Siti, who really deserves to be an economic person, actually started to speculate on his own intentions in this direction. ..

There was very little entertainment at this time. Therefore, as a king, Alfang Su actually did not need to do many things himself. Therefore, he had a lot of time to squander. He doesn't have many women, only one or two, one official wife, Queen Patricia of Spain, and the other is his invisible lover Elena. And this lover is someone who has been in a relationship for a long time.

The only child is the current crown prince of Spain, who is only one year old.

Such a family and background make Alfonso's time feel free every day.

Therefore, listening to the radio every day is his only necessary topic.

It was no surprise that he listened to it today, especially the program "Rafi Sees the World".

This time Spain's arms sales of bombers to Japan and the Ottoman Empire, in addition to political reasons, actually have economic significance, and other people's opinions are that politics is the most important reason. , in fact, Alfonso values ​​​​more economic reasons.

This time, Russia came to impose a blockade import order on Spain's imported industrial products. Although Spain was at fault with the Russian King first, yes, it was his insulting words to Nicholas II that were first, but isn't this a global temptation for Spain?

Alfonso really wanted to try it with Britain, after Britain was so insulted by Spain. What will be their reaction? However, imagine, forget it, the British's arrogance makes it difficult for Spain to surrender, and there are indeed a large number of interests between Spain and Britain, and The two countries still have the same general views on how to view the world. As for small differences in the distribution of interests, this is allowed to exist. Close brothers again. There are also suspicions and dissatisfaction about the uneven distribution of family assets. Therefore, there are opportunities for cooperation between the two countries in many areas of the world. Not to mention the UK, the same is true for France. They are also the countries with the greatest and most important interests that can affect Spain.

One is the most important neighbor and the other is not far over the sea from the most powerful country in the world. Overlord of the sea.

therefore. Although Alfonso was interested in trying it, he quickly rejected it because... The risks here are too great. France and Britain think the same. The Gauls are extremely proud beings. Otherwise, they would not be worried about the rise of the German Empire, a small former Prussian country. For decades, In the past, they did not recognize or recognize the great power status of the German Empire. They did not admit that their country had lost to them. They thought it was just a loss to the United Kingdom. This is what the great nation thinks. This is also why it is difficult for other countries to destroy their strong will.

Russia is different. Although Russia also has the national will of a big country, Russia's interests are very small for Spain. The combined interests of the two countries are even one-third compared with Spain and France. Britain Less than one-fifth of the total. Therefore, Alfonso wants to test the relationship between major powers. What will happen to their relationship after Spain turns against each other one day, and what tricks will the other side use to deal with Spain? This is a very important thing for Spain. Originally, Spain was planning to use the United States as an experiment. However, now Spain needs to maintain a stable state in the Pacific to do other things. Therefore, it is better for the United States not to move. Moreover, Taft's visit is imminent, which means... .”” is one of the important reasons.

Therefore, after choosing and choosing, Russia was finally selected. The reason why Alfonso chose him was that Spain really needed an opponent to develop and promote Spain's strategic awareness and develop Spain's domestic strategic forecasting system. Let Spain be more able to relax its vigilance.

The emergence of Svalbard has caused a stalemate in the relationship between Spain and Russia, which has devalued the relationship between the two countries.

This is just an objective fact, but Alfonso knows that there are actually other reasons. Among them, Russia's status as a great power over the years has made it difficult for them to adapt to the rise of Spain, which has developed into a world-class country. The status of a powerful country and the identity of a major player are not even much better than those of the German Empire. And when Russia faces the German Empire, it has to be careful about Yiyi's scruples. As for Spain's development into an existence equivalent to the German Empire, how can this make Russia feel comfortable? According to a previous survey, five years ago, when the Russians considered themselves the number one country in the world, More than 70% of their people said that they were the fourth most powerful country after Britain, the German Empire, and France.

However, in this year's survey, it was found that in Russia's current world rankings, Russians believe that it is only fifth among the world's powers, and 21% of the Russians are ranked fourth. The fourth position has given way to France. The reason is that Spain has taken over France's position as the third most powerful country, and the United States is closely behind Russia's 21%, accounting for 19% of Russians who believe that the United States should be tied with Russia as a powerful country.

Because of this, the possible emergence of Russia was all caused by Spain. It was Spain's advance that pushed Russia's status back. Russia is not very convinced of Spain's status, so many times, Russia's "Rebirth of the Spanish Empire Chapter 248 Actually, this is planned!" People from all walks of life will not respect Spain's factors in public. Of course, they It’s not that they are not afraid of Spain, but as an ally of Britain and France, Russia still has the power to borrow. Moreover, it has the second largest army in Europe and the largest number of people. Coupled with the relatively small proportion of Russia’s maritime interests, for Spain I don't really care about threats from the sea.

This has intensified the embarrassment for all walks of life in Spain.

Alfonso had heard many reports like this before. For example, the Russian government suddenly confiscated the investments of Spanish businessmen in Russia. The reason was unknown and the government was not enough. For example, Spanish products are sometimes severely forced to pay taxes in Russia, while other Nordic countries such as France sometimes seem to receive preferential tax rates.

This made many Spanish businessmen dissatisfied. As a result, a large number of letters of complaint and appeal are sent to the Spanish government every year. There are many Spanish giants among them, and even Alfonso's Felix Life and Audi have issued similar letters of complaint.

However, because Spain wanted to take advantage of Russia's domestic market, they finally made compromises and allowed them to develop their own market. However, Russia did not make corresponding concessions to Spain's humility. And it continues to support domestic law enforcement agencies in continuing to exploit Spanish businessmen and investors in disguised ways.

This irritated Alfonso. In Alfonso's view, Spain can be provoked by anything, but it cannot stop Spain's development. Economic development is one of Spain's biggest barriers. If Spain's economy cannot develop, then the foundation of Spain's growth has been shaken. Will a big country whose foundation has been shaken continue to become a big country in the world? Can he continue to be one of the people talking about the "rebirth of the Spanish Empire" in the world?

therefore. Afangsu asked Yan Shun to organize a think tank to study countermeasures. In the end, there are two conclusions that are most suitable and should be most useful.

One is to issue a stern warning to Russia and ask Russia to protect the rights and interests of Spanish companies. Allowing Spain to invest more in Russia is guaranteed. Only in this way can Spain expand Russian investment to benefit Russia.

But this one is very possible based on the current practice in Russia. Why?

Because Russia has always been dominated by agriculture, and Russia is different from other countries in that they have a liberal and most fatal monarchy system. In a country where the king has the final say, and he is the one who acts alone, the king's interests are the greatest, even far greater than those of the citizens. The interests of Nicholas II are the fundamental interests of Russia, so what the Russian government needs to do is to safeguard the interests of Nicholas II. \u003cfu is also the point where Nicholas II's interests are gained.

Isn't this a disguised attempt to make Nicholas II vomit out the Spanish food that has not been digested in his stomach?

How could Nicholas II agree to such a slap in the face? Therefore, this absolute rule is not acceptable.

This is a soft countermeasure and it is destined to be difficult to find a real answer, especially when the opponent is still Russia, which is dominated by fists and has the largest domestic territory in the world.

The second rule is that if soft is not enough, then hard will be used. However, if aircraft and cannons are used to attack Russia in an "entertainment show", then will the world really allow such a thing to happen?

Moreover, will the world agree with Spain's approach? In order to open up the Russian market, they used artillery fire to attack Russia.

Moreover, can Russia really defeat Russia? Even if Russia is defeated, will Russia's market be inferior to Spain's losses on this battlefield? In addition, Spain has a hard-earned reputation. If it is lost like this, is it worth it?

Therefore, this forced approach is very troublesome.

Spain will never allow Russian businessmen to continue to go down like this, so this is destined and necessary to deal with Russia, but the dilemma of the think tank in dealing with Russia makes them distressed.

When Yan Shun told Alfonso about this immature report, Alfonso was extremely helpless at first. But when he suddenly thought of the United States' Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy in later generations, the United States manipulated allies behind the scenes and competed in front, he came to the answer, that is, copying it on Japan and the Ottoman Empire, but the target Not China at that time, but Russia now.

Therefore, the scenes that followed seemed to be operating regularly and irregularly. So far, Spain’s planning is going well.

Thanks to Flying Elf for the reward and classmate jingll for the monthly ticket support.

There is another update today, the third one?

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