Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 241 Spain’s counterattack again


As for the French Republic, the world's second largest colonial power established a strong foundation for it to become a world power. Coupled with its not weak industrial system and a population larger than Spain's. It can also establish its third position. As for the United States and Russia, they are two alternative complements...

"We are firmly opposed to Russia's behavior of discriminating against the Spanish industrial system. Our products are among the most advanced in the world. Under such circumstances, Russia has launched such a tight import order against us. This is It is unfair to Spain and disrespectful to the fruits of labor of all industrial merchants and hard-working workers in Spain. Not only that, it is also disrespectful to those in Russia who like Spanish products and does not take into account their feelings. We condemn this This trade policy is truly trade protectionism and racist discrimination against Spain.

In view of this, we will use the next two days of the Saturday weekend to observe Russia's response. If the country does not correct such a policy that will definitely be angry for Spain, we reserve, At that time we will likely carry out our coping strategies.

When everyone, including everyone, was paying attention to what Spain would do, Spanish diplomacy finally stepped forward, and it was Trini, the foreign minister. However, it was disappointing that during this meeting, Trini expressed some ordinary words. The retreat did not involve what their next move would be. They only knew that Spain would regard Russia as the next step. How about giving Spain an answer within two days and carrying out corresponding action plans.

However, as many people expected, Russia seemed determined to do such a thing, so during these two days, Russia still insisted on its own approach, claiming that it had not surrendered to Spain.

"As one of the most powerful countries in the world, how can we easily succumb to the pressure of other countries? This is absolutely impossible for us. As for Spain's next actions, We are already assessing the extent of the damage to Russia. We are still very concerned about it. We call on Spain to adopt a friendly attitude and accept Russia’s import ban due to special reasons. We are also peace-loving , we hope that the two countries will hold more things to increase friendship in the future, rather than the opposite." This was said by Russian Finance Minister Sergei Vette, a favorite of Nicholas II, during an interview the sound of.

After hearing this, people all over the world couldn't help but call them villains. His words clearly had a proud meaning, and now they clearly meant to add insult to injury.

On August 18, 1909, when many people were looking forward to how Spain could "subdue" the Russian polar bear, anyone who had read a few foreign newspapers with news about Russia might have You will understand what Spain is doing.

"It is said that in order to cater to Nicholas II's previous suppression of women's rights demonstrations, many governments in Russia have carried out serious surveillance measures on Russian women in private to prevent the same thing from happening in Russia. This is central. And In the local government, some people were eager to show off and began to seriously harass the women. It is said that some military soldiers even used this reason to harass Finns and Ukrainians in Finland and Ukraine in Eastern Europe and Northern Europe. Ukrainians in the region and Poles in Poland conducted special investigations. From the women's movement in Russia to the present, it is said that more than 1,000 women in more than three places have been raped. Many of them do not dare to express themselves to the outside world. They have experienced unfair and immoral harm, because the people who violently inflicted violence on them were either Russian government officials or Russian soldiers. They were afraid that the officials above would protect them. Especially when the other party was also a Russian, as a Russian Most of the battles between the highest-level ethnic groups and second-rate ethnic groups ended in failure.

For this reason, this newspaper calls on the Russian government to pay more attention to the women in the three places. Of course, this means not to care about their beauty, but to care about their attitude towards them from the Russian government and what they get after being hurt. Whether various negative psychological factors have been resolved.

Finally, we call on the Russian government to pay more attention to all those who have objections to the Russian government instead of suppressing them. This is something that the whole world hates. We call on Russia, as a world power, to be able to make a strong country. Set an appropriate example. "————"Madrid Journal".

Although this newspaper is only one of the major newspapers in Spain. This newspaper may be one of countless news items, but it has attracted reports and citations from all over the world.

Seven Latin American countries, including Ecuador, Chile, and Mexico, cited the report on the change. At the same time, the governments of various countries criticized Russia's policies on women, although they did not mention it by name, but it was vaguely directed at Russia.

Venezuelan President Mez: "We feel very sad about this. Whether a country is strong depends on whether the unity of their country is maximized. The reason why a country can be strong is because their internal coordination has been achieved. Under such a good release, Russia obviously disrespects women. Under such circumstances, I guess that the women in this country definitely dislike the government of this country. Even if Russia wants to hold elections like Ecuador, If it were not a king system, it is even possible that the Russian government and royal family might really be defeated this time because of the anger of women. Therefore, we call on the Russian government to care more about the women of the country."

Mexican President Porfirio Díaz: "In this world, men and women are human beings created by God. God hopes that we can live in peace. God hopes that we can live with more respect for each other. God I hope that we can live a good life together believing in him. As a country with faith, we hope that the Russian government’s religious Orthodox Church can participate more in the secular world, so that they, who have already committed original sin, will not If you deepen your sins, God, please forgive them and give them more time to change their ways. This is the essence of your salvation for the world."

Spanish Prime Minister Eugene: "We condemn those who discriminate against women. Everyone has a great mother who gave birth to you. It is because of them that your life will be complete. Now, but, now they are so great Many people are suffering from unequal and inhumane treatment. We call on those who want to violate women's rights and hope that you can treat your female compatriots more kindly and rationally.

Before that, we knew that during the last women's demonstration in Russia to demand rights around the world, Russia went so far as to harm the women in their country and even directly resorted to violence. This is very unusual. Something unkind, deeply disrespectful, and utterly contemptible.

And we also found a lot of evidence and statistics. It was under the background of that time that Polish, Finnish and Ukrainian women in Russia suffered the most unfair treatment, and all the results we can think of show that, The one who violated their discomfort was the bad guy within their tribe, and it happened to be Nicholas II's native Rus. It is said that the current tension between the four major ethnic groups in Russia is because of this incident. I am guessing that this may be because the Russian government and royal family treat their people and other ethnic groups too badly. It is also said that now , the Russian countries in Central Asia are also starting to make trouble. If the control is not good, there may even be an internal crisis in Russia that shocks the world. In order to reduce the probability of such things happening.

I, as the Prime Minister of Spain, and on behalf of our King Alfonso XIII, as well as the Spanish people, will focus on all ethnic groups in Russia except the Russians in the coming days. The people developed deeper friendships and lessened their hatred of the Russians, allowing them to try again in the world with Spanish and English people. The Germans, Italians, French and other nations and countries in the world that were friendly to them made them feel that there was still warmth in the world, which then transformed into the same feelings towards the Russians after they reduced their hatred. This is our life. As one of the greatest peoples in the world, we Spaniards have a responsibility to these suffering peoples not to let them become dark elves, but to become real white elves, and to social existence. Likeable people. To this end, I will look for countries around the world to have more discussions on this, and let them help Russia improve their domestic political relations, create a harmonious atmosphere, and make their various nationalities live a better life. "

The blow stirred up thousands of waves, and the world was shocked by the words of the Spanish Prime Minister. Especially, with the two new allies of Spain, Venezuela and Mexico, as a foil, the meaning of this made countries all over the world also understand at the same time. Feeling frightened.

"It's simply unreasonable. You can say this about us, you can be so shameless, cough cough cough cough."

"It's not good... it's not good... hurry up and call the Prime Minister and others to come to the palace and tell them that His Majesty has fainted from anger. Hurry up, His Majesty has fainted from the Spanish people."

Thanks to Haoda Yitu for the two monthly passes. There was a problem with the network cable today, so I updated late. Please forgive me. Now I am borrowing someone else's network cable. There will be one more update before 00:00 in the evening. Please continue to support us. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and reward. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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