Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 234: Opponents and spokespersons of the consortium

At first, when the U.S.'s willingness to visit came to him through the U.S. Ambassador to Spain, Alfonso was really surprised. After all, the relationship between Messi was not very harmonious at that time, and the highest level of the United States and Spain visited each other. This approach is really something that has not happened in the past 200 years since the founding of the United States.

There was a big discussion within the government during Taft's visit. Some people said that the United States should not be given the opportunity to come to Spain because the United States was just here for a show. Therefore, Spain did not need to cooperate with it and make a show in front of the world. In line with Taft's message of friendship between Spain and the United States, and this may change the atmosphere of hatred and defense against the United States that the government has been cultivating, so that Spanish people will not become pro-American when treating the United States, this is effective to prevent Spanish nationals from being exploited by the United States

Those who support it say that as the world's largest industrial country, the United States can effectively open up Spain's market for industrial products. Also, politically, the United States is no longer a big threat to Spain. On the contrary, we are the real culprit of the squeeze on the United States. Therefore, this time the United States is not so much a show as a show of easing relations between the two countries, and Spain also needs an international environment to develop, especially in Antarctica. The problem requires some countries to buffer it, and the United States is a good target. Of course, we will not care about the thoughts of other international countries on the Antarctic issue, but with the support of the United States, Spain can reduce a lot of diplomacy stress and trouble

These two parties mainly represent the views of the military. Of course, they need to have imaginary enemies. With imaginary enemies, Spain's military development will have real significance, especially on the issue of military budget. Spain's annual military expenditure is now 35 One billion pesetas, calculated as one pound is equivalent to 5 pesetas, is a big gap compared to the UK's 1.2 billion pounds, and even compared to the 1.5 billion marks of the German Empire, it is still a big gap, that is, compared to France’s 1.3 billion francs is just higher [

However, France's military facilities are not comparable to those of Spain, and in terms of national economy and overall national strength, France is weaker than Spain at heart. France only outdoes Spain in its colonies.

However, the complexity of France's colonies has become an excuse for the Spanish military to increase military expenditures. This means, look, the Principality of France cannot provide military expenditures, so there are so many troublesome Alfonso. After all, it is a good thing that the military has such an idea. No army is willing to increase its role in the country. Well, although this was established in a period when the country may have been in chaos internally and externally, strengthening the military The purpose of construction is to protect Spain. Doesn't it matter that all the dignified kings of mine still need to argue with them about the amount of military expenditure?

The military is not willing to see the U.S. call, but unlike them, there is indeed a cautious welcome approach in the political and economic circles. Alfonso naturally understands their "little thoughts". People in the world think that this can increase Spain's international political strength and improve Spain's years of hostility with the United States. When Spain was a child, when dealing with powerful countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Austria, it would often be used as a Spanish national diplomatic presence by the other party. The issue of partiality and ridicule, which to a certain extent implies that in their dealings with Spain, if Spain does not make concessions, they may choose the United States as a substitute for Spain. Well, Russia is the most powerful one.

Therefore, this year's close proximity to the United States and the enmity between Spain and Russia has become a matter and advantage that Russia considers to humiliate Spain.

Therefore, in relation to politics, especially in dealing with other countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chávez, the country’s Minister of Finance and Minister of Industry, are particularly active.

Prime Minister Eugene, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Defense, and the Chief of General Staff did not speak. When Alfonso asked them why afterwards, the result was, Your Majesty, didn't you already have the result? This made Alfonso can only laugh. Have a laugh

Alfonso naturally guessed the U.S. plan, and the U.S. proposal later proved this. In fact, during Theodore Roosevelt's administration, although the two countries did not have such an agreement, the two countries did have such an agreement. The reality of secret cooperation is that both countries implemented a truce policy after the Hawaii incident in the Pacific.

xNow Taft is just substantiating it and what would be called a binding clause

This also indirectly allowed Alfonso to understand the governing style of the fat man William Howard Taft: things need to be made clear and open. Unlike Theodore's little conspiracy theory, he pays more attention to practicality. publicly available results

Suddenly, he thought of another possibility. Could it be that the reason why Taft did this was not just because of his governing style, but that he did it to gain the people's favor and support for him. He may aim to be re-elected in the US election more than three years later!

Alfonso knocked again, and the result was that this idea is definitely more than 99% possible. Thinking back to Theodore's various diplomacy before, especially towards Spain, Theodore was hostile to many, and Now Taft is taking great strides to visit Spain. This is obviously very inconsistent and inconsistent with the approach of his predecessor.

With a thought in his mind, he guessed one of the consequences of doing so, that is: Theodore might not support Taft's re-election. Could it be that there are other candidates for Theodore's support? No, he, who is also a Republican, should support The taboo of one-party multiple elections, also known as elections, causes excessive infighting among party candidates and causes supporters to feel fatigued and disperse the votes. It is impossible for him not to know this.

Could it be that the other candidate is him?

When Alfonso thought of this, he immediately asked Chirac to investigate some of the grudges between the two.

The final result actually made Alfonso a little unbelievable and at the same time he felt completely understood. Why, it's very simple, let's start with American politics.

"The political foundation of the United States has always been that the federal form composed of various states appears in front of the world. This sentence is derived from being as a whole.

And every state has an interest group, and their interests are closely related to the rich people in the country. With money, you can buy weapons, and with relatives, you can hire a lot of security guards to protect your safety. Under the influence of other states, the wealthy people began to form organizations based on their own states and counties. Later, the groups in Brother State discovered that when they were still organizing groups based on states, they had already Some people have begun to bring together several states that are friendly and have common interests to jointly protect their own interests. This will of course cause panic.

The result was that everyone else stood together in pairs. As a result, various famous American consortiums emerged, among which the Morgan Consortium and the Rockefeller Consortium were the most famous, but they were just in the lead.

Later, there were the DuPont consortium, which came from the chemical industry and military industry, the Boston consortium, the Mellon family's Mellon consortium, which was named after the local area, and the Cleveland consortium, the Chicago consortium, the Texas consortium, etc., which were generally named after several local consortiums. The powerful Morgan consortium, the Rockefeller family consortium, and the Mellon consortium are formed by a combination of families. However, in fact, they are not finished yet. They also have different interests. For example, the Morgan consortium and the Rockefeller consortium are There is a battle between financial banks and the steel industry other than the coal mines of the Mellon Consortium. There is also a certain degree of competition with the Morgan Consortium. Of course, it has not reached the level of enthusiasm between Rockefeller and Morgan [

Therefore, an interest map emerged, and the Republicans and Democrats absorbed these financial groups into their own camps.

Among them, the Democratic Party is dominated by the financial-based Morgan consortium, while the resource-based consortium of the Rockefeller family is dominated by the Republican Party. The Rockefeller consortium is dominated by the Rockefeller consortium. Among them, the typical sphere of influence is Texas, which has the most obvious symbol. The state's oil is the stronghold of the Republican Party supported by Rockefeller, while the Democratic Party is California. Just look at why so many Hollywood stars generally supported the urban Democratic Party and you will know that there is the stronghold of the Democratic Party, New York and Washington.

Many people know this, but what many people don't know is that there is actually a force floating among them, that is, the forces led by the former steel king Carnegie and the current Mellon Consortium. Their strength Not much smaller than the first two. Therefore, sometimes, they are the beneficiaries of compromises by all parties.

And this time Ferlander went up under such circumstances. Because the Mellon Group and Carnegie benefited from supporting Taft of the Republican Party, Ferlander was the spokesperson who represented their interests.

Theodore Roosevelt is a well-known uncontrolled figure. He is a Republican, but he likes to do things that Democrats have done, such as antitrust trusts. This is what caused the conglomerates to panic during Theodore Roosevelt's term. Unfortunately, Taft, the successor at the time, overturned the policy because Taft's position was that of the consortium's agent. Therefore, conflicts between the two arose, and a series of things happened like this. became a process

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