Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 232 The President of the United States visits Spain? Just kidding!

The next day, almost all newspapers around the world were writing about this incident.

Among them, the Financial Times, the second largest newspaper in the United Kingdom, has the largest and most detailed article: "The whole world knows that from 1772 to 1775 in the 18th century, Captain Cook from the United Kingdom led his team to begin to circumvent the After more than three years of circling the Antarctic continent, he became the earliest discoverer of Antarctica in the hearts of the people. This does not seem to be negative enough. Therefore, when talking about Ali seriously, if we want to claim sovereignty over the Antarctic continent, according to In terms of European external land, it must belong to the United Kingdom.

If it doesn’t count when you see it, then it should count when it appears above. In February 1823, Weddell, who was also a British man, went south to the westernmost corner of the Atlantic Ocean, which is also known as the Weddell Sea, and this was the Antarctic region at the southernmost tip of Latin America. The Weddell Sea was dedicated there to commemorate him.

Later, the British man Ross landed on the edge of Antarctica in 1841 and named the bay Ross Sea. Therefore, seriously speaking, it is the British who should have the most sovereignty. Now Spain has come from behind to become the owner of the Antarctic continent. This result will definitely cause dissatisfaction among many British people. We call on the Spanish government to re- Examination of sovereignty matters to avoid arousing the reaction of British citizens, thus causing an increase in distrust between governments. "

However, unlike the polite and courteous British gentleman's report, Russia's "Voice of Tsarist Russia" used a Gregorian tone to attack Spain's strategy, which was much more evil: [

"No country in the world can compare to Spain, because they announced that Spain is a peace-loving country, but they suddenly participated in the battle between the two sides of the Kingdom of Najd, and finally formed the Lebanese War. The Sid family was dominant in the Kingdom of Najd, which caused the Saudi family to ruin its progress towards unifying the Kingdom of Najd.

No country in the world can compare with Spain, because Spain is the leader of a philanthropic country. However, please look at Angola and Mozambique under Spanish rule. There, the suzerain country is Portugal, but that is behind the scenes. Although Spain has given a lot of charity to the two countries, the real charity funds have fallen into the hands of those privileged organizations, while ordinary people have not benefited much.

There are still not many countries in the world that can match Spain, because Spain is also very enthusiastic about territory. From buying islands all over the world, to the most recent acquisition of the Al-Hasa region in the Persian Gulf on the Ala Peninsula, This proves that Spain is definitely a country with ambitions to expand its territory.

It was just well hidden before, but now the fox's tail is exposed, Antarctica. Spain actually says that Antarctica belongs to them. This statement is simply ridiculous.

Since the 18th century, explorers have gone south to search for the legendary southern continent. From 1772 to 1775, the British Captain Cook spent 3 years and 8 months sailing 97,000 kilometers, sailing around the Antarctic for a week, and entering the polar circle several times, but he ultimately did not discover land.

In 1819, Tsarist Russia sent Belinshausen to lead two ships, the Vostok and Mir, which lasted two years and 21 days at 69°53′ south latitude, 82°19′ west longitude and 68°43′ south latitude, 73° west longitude respectively. 10′ Two islands were discovered. In February 1823, the British Weddell went south to 74°15′ south latitude, creating the highest latitude southward at that time.

From September 1837 to November 1840, Dilville of France tried to surpass Wedel and set a high-latitude record but failed. However, he named the island he discovered on January 19, 1840, Adre Land, after his wife. Its coastal waters are the Dilwell Sea, and later generations also named a penguin, the Adre penguin, after his wife. Later, in 1841, the British Ross sailed into Ross Bay, which was later named after him, but he was blocked by ice barriers and could not reach his predicted south magnetic pole of 75°30′ south latitude and 154° east longitude.

What does this mean? It shows that Spain has not been an active country in Antarctica historically. It is in the past ten years that we have entered Antarctica, the last virgin land in the world. Therefore, Spain has proposed that the Antarctic belongs to Spain. As the Prime Minister of Tsarist Russia, my attitude on behalf of Russia is absolute. Such a result will not be accepted. "

Japan, on the other hand, chose the neutral and unclear statement. In an interview with the Japanese media "Nihon Keizai Shimbun", Japanese Prime Minister Katsura Taro's attitude when asked about this question was: "I know that there is a very huge continent. It is also the only place in the world where few people live. There is an animal called penguin, which is very beautiful and cute. As for Spain’s approach, I can only say that we are still studying it and there is no conclusion yet. However, I still hope that Spain We can be more humane in law enforcement when dealing with adventurers..."

"We hope that Spanish law enforcement agencies can take more protective measures when facing American adventurers traveling to Antarctica. Yes, we have no ambitions for Antarctica. We only regard it as a place where our countries like to explore. It’s just a place for people. I’ve also heard that Spain has set up a warship patrol system around Antarctica. In any case, this may be a way for Spain to maintain its territory in their understanding. I hope the international community can be more peaceful.” The United States What Secretary of State Ferland said in a brief interview with major American newspapers made everyone confused and confused when the United States said that these are not the main point and are not professional diplomatic terms.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ferrand's words are a matter of diplomatic dodge. However, as one of Spain's most rival countries, the United States must engage in such diplomatic dodge to cover up key comments in order to take care of Spain. The other person’s way of answering?

But soon, after they received a piece of news that surprised them, they understood why the United States responded to their Secretary of State reporter in this way when faced with Spain's claim for sovereignty.

In the first week of September 1909, U.S. President William Howard Taft will visit Madrid, Spain. This was announced by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 23. Apart from the news, nothing else about the visit was of any nature. However, everyone in the world has been shocked by this, because even if the US president's visit to Spain does not have any substantive content, it is already a historic event.

From the founding of the United States to the present, it seems that a U.S. president has never visited Spain. Especially in the past century, the United States has played a major role in encouraging South American countries to become independent from Spain. Spain has always listed it as a major opponent.

It is the number one country on Spain's blacklist, but now Spain has allowed the US president to visit. Obviously, the Americans have given other gifts to Spain. The current attitude of the United States when it comes to the Antarctic issue is that they have given Spanish ones are especially great for gifts.

"From independence to the formal contact between the two countries now, does this mean that the relationship between the two countries will slowly develop into a formal normal relationship between countries in the next time? Also, Spain's treatment of the United States Is the United States starting to seriously contact the United States because of its attitude on the Antarctic issue? Also, is the United States sincerely willing to get closer to Spain? These are all very complicated imaginations to think about. Next, let’s listen to our special political commentators of "Rafi Sees the World", Bart, the dean of the School of Political Science at the University of Madrid, and Sti, the dean of the Barcelona School of Economics.

You two, I think everyone is trying to see what the nature of US President Taft's trip to Spain is. Is it an ice-breaking trip? Or is it to express that in the coming time, especially during President Taft's term, Spain will have more friendly interactions with the United States? "

Bart: "The ice-breaking trip is the most likely. From the perspective of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' speech this time, it is simple and concise, but the news is shocking. As you can see, as soon as the news came out, the world originally paid attention to the Antarctic issue. When it comes to dressing up when the President of the United States visits Spain, this illustrates a problem, that is, the visit of the President of the United States to Spain is definitely something that the whole world can take seriously. Why does it matter? Because he has been the President of the United States for hundreds of years. This is my first time here. What does this mean? I think everyone is doing it for this reason. I noticed that some of my colleagues in the United States were surprised. This shows that there are actually very limited people in the United States who know the news. My My friend is Charlie, the president of Harvard University, the most famous university in the United States. Even he doesn’t know about it. Think about it, how many secrets there are that the outside world doesn’t know, which really makes everyone more interested. After all, it is said that Charlie is still Taft. The President’s College Tutor.”

Lafite: "This matter has a surprising significance. Even I don't know when this was arranged. However, I think the people of the two countries will also agree with this kind of exchange. After all, the government Only exchanges between the two countries can drive goodwill exchanges between people, and can also benefit the people of both countries in their economic and social relations. Where is Dean Siti, what do you think?" [

Second update. Thanks to Shuhuang Luo Yu for your monthly ticket.

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