Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 209 The Japanese started to cheat

"Hmm." Wait, Louis Meyer! "You mean, it's called Louis Meyer?"

"That's right"


"Yes, Your Majesty"

After receiving a positive answer, Alfonso finally showed a smile on his face, "Let's go back to Madrid" [


"Do you think it will be tomorrow?"

"Well, of course I don't dare to waste your precious time." Chirac secretly made up his mind to investigate this person named Louis Meyer. He actually had such great magic power that allowed His Majesty to recover so quickly.

Louis Meyer, that's Louis Meyer, he really found a real talent this time. Many people may not know who he is, and this name will be unfamiliar to him. However, if you like watching movies, especially American movies, you will definitely not be unfamiliar with him, because he is the true king of movies of the generation.

Do you know "Gone with the Wind"? It belongs to his company. If you don't know, then you should have seen the "007" Bond movie. It is also the company he founded. The name of his company should not be used again. It’s strange now. However, MGM Film Company, one of the five major Hollywood film companies in the United States, was founded by him. The one is dyed. If that were the case, then it would be impossible to obtain this title. Because he still has a large number of supporters.

"I would like to kneel down and kiss the ground where talented people walk." Hollywood will always remember these words of Meyer. In the 1930s and 1940s, under the leadership of Meyer, MGM entered its heyday, and there were also a large number of movie stars produced by MGM - Gable, Vivien Leigh, Garbo, Qu Cy, Taylor, Crawford and other big stars are all properties of MGM.

These people are all world superstars that he single-handedly brought out, and he has absolute control over them. He even has a famous saying that makes all stars in Hollywood contradictory because of this: "I made you, and I can also destroy you!" ", referring to his stars.

These are definitely not counted, because other companies also have them. However, if the following are added, no one in my department will not recognize his status in the movie.

In the 1920s, nine major companies centered in Los Angeles: Warner, Columbia, RKO, Republic, Paramount, MGM, United Artists, Fox, Universal, etc. were established one after another. The American film production industry has been firmly established. Heel, for the purpose of filming, major companies hope to control their subordinates with the cheapest salary to earn more profits, while the actors and actresses hope to receive higher treatment. Workers in the film industry have repeatedly proposed negotiations with the factory. As a boss, Meyer was very worried.

Film company bosses fear that workers will be more difficult to control if a union is formed. So, in 1926, at a banquet, the worldly Meyer delivered a moving speech, calling on Hollywood to establish an industry guild for film producers and to evaluate the film itself. Without exception, these people were moved by his speech, signed documents one after another, and Meyer was elected chairman of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' planning committee.

In the year 1927, the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which later had a profound impact on the film industry in the United States and mankind, and the first film academic institution in mankind, was born. Under his command, this academy has innovated a world-famous event, and the annual Oscar Awards ceremony was also established with his support.

Now that such a person has actually appeared, I have to say that this idea of ​​​​film management talents should be implemented. However, at this time, Meyer is not as capable as he will be more than ten years later. But soon, he threw them away because he thought of a problem, that is, sometimes people still think about history and move forward, and the agency is now ahead of schedule.

On May 20, 1909, Alfonso finally met each other, a very young man. At this time, Ukraine was under the rule of Russia. The reason for fleeing was because of the massive persecution in Russia, and he happened to be The Jews had been in the United States for several years, and Alfonso also discovered that the other party had very impactful ideas in this era in many aspects. Many times the two of them had conversations with each other and had the idea of ​​not making peace.

It was under this kind of commensurate dialogue that Alfonso officially appointed him as the chairman of the Spanish Film Association, and even put the proposal he introduced directly into his scope of power for him to implement. The personal film work was also handled by him. It can be said that because of his arrival, Alfonso has begun to delegate power. He is reassured about the future development of the Spanish film industry, allowing him to spend more time elsewhere. For example, newspapers, but I don't know if it was due to evil or luck. Not long after Meyer, I discovered another real talent named Randy Orton. He has a particularly aggressive approach to the media, and he is especially comfortable dealing with media from various countries. Therefore, after Spain's Film Association, it established a chairman of the Spanish Media Association to uniformly manage Spain's major newspapers, media and broadcasts.

But just after finishing the work, before there was time to rest, the eyes of the world began to shift from Copenhagen to the Far East again. This time it was not a party or a quarrel, but an invasion. This was Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands in June 1909. On the 10th, the words directly used in the press conference at the Dutch Royal Palace on Dam Avenue in front of all the European media.

On the morning of June 8, 1909, as usual, the Dutch garrison in Indonesia shrunk the islands from west to east to search the dens of protestors and independents, especially focusing on arresting the Supreme Good Society, which was established last year. An organization with organization, program and leadership that poses a great threat to Dutch rule.

It had always been smooth sailing, especially when it came to those Chinese families. They got a lot of valuable things in the name of searching people, and even got a few beautiful Chinese women. Just when they were thinking about going back to enjoy and share the loot after exploring the area of ​​​​the raid, they actually found dozens of dead bodies on Halmahera Island, and they were still bleeding. The kind that looked like Chinese, but were a little bit different. They didn't care much about it at first, because it was normal for some people to die in this era. After all, more than this number of natives, Indians, and Chinese died at the hands of each of them. Numbers, so don't take it seriously. Even after I returned home, I forgot to report it because I was having so much fun.

But something happened the next day. Due to the proximity to Australia, especially the developed Western Australia, they had secretly visited several times. Therefore, the newspapers they preferred to read every day were "The Australian Daily" and "The Pass". Daily newspaper, on this day, they read the newspaper as usual, but they were stunned. I saw a photo of the scene they saw yesterday in the newspaper. And the difference is that they also took pictures of them holding Mauser guns together with the dead bodies and published them on the front page of the newspaper.

What is written above is quoted from the Japanese newspaper "Sankei Shimbun". The dead people written on it were Japanese, and now many Japanese have come together to condemn the Dutch massacre of Japanese people. [

"It's too cruel. I think this is not what a European country should do. It hinders our European civilization's efforts to promote it to the world and damages Europe's image in the world. I call for this to be given as soon as possible. The Kingdom of the Netherlands will give the Japanese people a solemn explanation after careful investigation. At the same time, I also hope that the Emperor of Japan, the Kitaro government and the people will give the Kingdom of the Netherlands more time to conduct this investigation." This was Alfonso's statement in 1909 His reaction during an interview with the Spanish media on the morning of June 11, 2018 was also the first country among the world's largest small countries to take a stand.

Alfonso was polite, but William II was not that easy to talk to.

"As a neighboring country and a European, I am very shocked by the massacre-like behavior of the neighboring countries. Such people think of many tragic events in Europe, which makes me feel very uncomfortable every time I think of it. Comfortable. As a member of Europe, especially those of us who were still discussing image issues in Copenhagen a few days ago, could it be that the consensus reached at this meeting has disappeared like this. Therefore, I strongly urge the Queen of the Netherlands and The government enforced military law on these soldiers who participated in the massacre, so as to serve as a warning to others, so that others would not do such an incident that damages the image of Europe again. Also, in order to protect the great German Empire For the sake of security, the German Empire reserves all possible measures.”

Buckingham Palace, London, England.

Asquith told Edward VII everything about today's government.

The Edward VII cigarette holder was still not far from his mouth. After taking a puff of smoke and coughing a few times, he said with a slight blush on his face: "According to your analysis. This time it is very likely that Japan and the German Empire are uniting. Only then did I dare to take action."

Asquith nodded in agreement without much thought.

King Edward VII thought for a while, and then "What is my nephew doing now? Well, he refers to the military."

Asquith naturally knew that he was talking about William II.

"It is said that the navy currently in Tanzania has begun to move eastward quickly more than ten days ago, and has now crossed the Strait of Malacca. At that time, it was thought that Amen's goal was to reach their overseas territory, the Marshall Islands, as before, but now It seems that it is possible to prepare for this world."

"So, where is my niece-in-law?"

We have begun to enter the fast lane of authentic history books. This period of time has been talked about by book friends, especially the article in "Rebirth of the Spanish Empire" titled: When to write about World War I? The book friends in it made me see that I need to change my perspective on time in this book. Thinking about it, as mentioned earlier, if I want to write into the 21st century, I have already written nearly two hundred books in 1909. Chapters, you have to know that there are still more than 100 years to go. That doesn’t mean 10,000 chapters. I feel dizzy just thinking about it, hehe. Therefore, I would like to set the time faster like Doraemon. I hope you all like it and continue to support this book and me. The gap is still huge. Before it was put on the shelves, there were more than 300 tickets per year, but now there are less than 100 tickets per day. In addition, the collection has grown from more than 8,000 on the shelves to about 7,900 now. It seems that the seniors are right, comrades, we still need to work hard to siege the city. Strive to reach the level of 10,000 as soon as possible.

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