Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 156: G8 Summit

Thanks to the Chinese players, it’s so cool and exciting.

"Hello, President Max, I am Rafa, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times. I would like to ask why Venezuela suddenly became the host country of the G8 Summit. Is this profound? What kind of significance does it have? What does it mean? For example, political motives, and will this cause a decline in relations between Venezuela and the United States?"

Others understand this, and the subtext is, why are you hosting this summit? Is it aimed at the United States? If so, is Venezuela ready for its relationship with the United States to deteriorate? Reporters are naturally not slow in thinking. They are all ace reporters from major newspapers who have the most sensitive reactions in politics. So after hearing this question asked, they quickly wrote it down, then took a pen and I wanted to draw Max, and I was ready to hear what the other party would say.

Eugene kept a smile on his face. During this period, he had held many large-scale gatherings with leaders of other countries. The last time he was in Rome, Italy, everyone had their own language for speeches, but It was here that he truly felt his advantage, and that was: Underline what Max said below.

Max: "This American friend speaks Spanish very well. Can I ask, are you an immigrant or a native-born person in the United States?

"I'm a Mexican immigrant"

"Sure enough, let me tell you, you should ask the former president of the country Diaz later." Max's teasing words made everyone present laugh, and Rafa also smiled reluctantly. He understood that this was a counterattack by the other party, and the purpose was that if someone published this exact statement in the newspaper today, it would increase his troubles in the United States. As for what troubles they were, who knows what will happen in the future, he secretly felt unhappy. Call the other person mean.

Of course Max couldn't hear it. Even if he heard it, he wouldn't care, and would even be happy. After all, being able to make the Los Angeles Times reporter look like this would make his conquest more satisfying.

"Before I answer your question, I want to say one thing. I think that after this matter is clarified, everyone will not be confused about us getting together now." Looking at everyone's eyes, he drew Max continued: "I don't know if you have discovered that all the leaders here today have one thing in common, that is, of course, we are all men."

Hahaha! Everyone was scorned by Max, a man who launched a military revolution. Before contacting him, they felt that he was aloof. Only now did they realize that he turned out to be such an interesting person.

"Spanish, yes, it is Spanish. All our countries use Spanish. This is the largest language variety in our countries and is also the official language. This is the most basic factor for us to be together today. As for the United States and Venezuela relations, what I want to say is that Venezuela is open to the world and welcomes all countries in the world to be friends with Venezuela, including close friends. Thank you for your question. Here is the official press conference time today. Please invite Prime Minister Eugene Come and announce the official contents of today’s press conference for us.”

The gentleman pointed at Spanish Prime Minister Eugene. Although he was reluctant to give up, the gentleman's attitude made everyone change their view of Max.

The seat where Eugene is sitting is right next to Max, fourth from the left, and Max is on the right.

"Thank you all for traveling thousands of miles or for the major media in South America to come here. This makes us very touched and at the same time very proud, because this illustrates a problem, that is, several of us Countries like brothers are already in the world. In the eyes of the world, our strength of unity cannot be ignored. This makes us more confident in uniting together. But speaking of confidence, let’s talk about it below. The two things announced are the basis for our confidence."

It finally came, and everyone looked at Eugene, except of course the insiders on the rostrum. Everyone of them was smiling and looking at the audience. As for what they were thinking under the smile, it was not. What others can know!

The silence below made Eugene extremely satisfied. Seeing that the atmosphere had reached the level he wanted to see, Eugene loudly announced: "After careful study by Spain, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, the five countries have officially agreed to Venezuela. , Colombia and Mexico have applied. Starting this year, they will be official members of our Golden Snake and Cobra joint military exercises, headquartered in Guayaquil. Also, our eight countries have unanimously agreed to conduct military exercises in the Caribbean every December. Conducting joint military exercises codenamed Hurricane at sea, headquartered in Venezuela..."

Second update, please recommend and reward me. As for the monthly ticket, please vote if you have one! (To be continued.

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