Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 150: Future Calculations in the White House

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"Will this make members of Congress dissatisfied? Is that guy Roosevelt still staring at us?" In the past few days since he took office as President of the United States, Taft finally saw the situation he was facing clearly. Min Zhu's party was watching eagerly from the side, which made him feel huge pressure on his re-election. What made him even more angry was that former President Theodore Roosevelt was now expressing his disapproval of himself within the Republican Party. Fortunately, there are still relatively many people standing on his side, but don't forget that there are neutral people watching there. Taft has no doubt that if he doesn't do better, , then in the end, will those centrists all embrace Theodore Roosevelt?

Ferlander looked at the somewhat aggrieved Taft and lamented his complicated relationship with the former president, Theodore Roosevelt.

In 1908, former President Roosevelt believed that the then Secretary of Defense Taft was the heir to his progressive ideas, so he strongly recommended Taft as a presidential candidate at that time. However, Roosevelt later saw that Taft actually had his own set of progressivism, believing that judges rather than administrative officials or politicians should judge justice and injustice. In other words, focusing on the rule of law, this made Theodore Roosevelt Some are doubtful about their own vision. Taft was not a clever and flexible politician, nor was he as energetic and cheerful as Roosevelt, nor did he have the public support and close followers of Roosevelt.

When Roosevelt realized that lowering import tariffs could create tensions within the Republican Party and pit manufacturing interests against those of retailers and consumers, he dropped the subject. Taft ignored the risks of tariff reform. On the one hand, he encouraged reformers to reduce taxes, and on the other hand, he made deals with conservative leaders, so that the overall level of tariffs remained high. In short, there is a thin mud between the parties. At a time of crisis within the Republican Party, Roosevelt traveled to Africa and Europe, leaving Taft to make his own decisions.

In this way, the two Tafts began to be complicated by this.

Taft and Roosevelt had very different acting styles, and they never verbally offended big businessmen. However, he advocated solving the problem within the legal system, so he launched 90 antitrust lawsuits against large companies. The largest company at the time, U.S. Steel Company, was also among the defendants, and the company's merger had been approved by Roosevelt. As a result, Taft offended everyone: antitrust reformers disliked his conservative rhetoric; big businessmen resented his legal actions; Roosevelt was annoyed that he had embarrassed himself.

So after Roosevelt returned from Europe, he unexpectedly launched a crusade against the federal court, which had always supported Taft. This made Taft very angry. Not only did Roosevelt denounce big business, he also did not spare federal judges. Most of these judges were appointed by McKinley, Roosevelt, and most of them were appointed by Taft. Isn't this undermining Taft's ruling foundation? After all, Taft himself did not have as many connections in the U.S. government as Roosevelt did, nor did he have as much influence in American society.

After all, Roosevelt set many precedents during his presidency. In 1901, he invited a black man to have dinner at the White House for the first time, so he won the support of black people; the first Jewish cabinet minister in the United States was appointed by him. Ferrand had to lament the other party's win over method. He was lucky and lucky. Unexpectedly, he received strong support from the Jews; after McKinley was assassinated, Roosevelt became the first president to receive round-the-clock protection from the Secret Service. This was a very honorable thing for the military, and it also indirectly gained military support. He was the first person to wear a tie in the official portrait of the president, and his gentlemanly demeanor made people more fascinated by him; and in 1906, Roosevelt became the first American to win the Nobel Peace Prize, which made people fascinated by Europe. People began to worship her. That same year, he inspected the Panama Canal Zone captured during his term, setting a precedent for a sitting president to travel abroad while also endorsing American expansionists.

These are not comparable to the current Taft, so those staunch supporters who suppressed Taft are absolutely unacceptable to him who has less support than his predecessor. Therefore, there is now this relationship between the two. In general, competition began within the Republican Party.

"But do we have any other choice?" Seeing Taft who was a little silent, Ferlander knew that the other party had also thought about his current situation. "Your Excellency, President, you said that the reason why former President Roosevelt and The reason why we did that, you said, is this to prepare for the nomination of a presidential candidate within the party four years later. I have always suspected that he is just building momentum in order to regain the throne of the president in four years."

Yes, I originally had a pretty good relationship with Roosevelt, but "what you said is very possible. Since the second half of last year, uh, that was when he started to have bad relations with Spain, his thinking began to change. Every time Every meeting was more enthusiastic than that of someone who was about to leave office. I wondered at that time whether he was too patriotic because he was dissatisfied with Spain's actions. However, as a military representative at the time, I was also overwhelmed by the anger at the time, so I didn't pay attention. Now that you said this, I remembered that many of his subsequent policies seemed to be very coherent, and one of them was based on the premise of being at odds with Spain. Could it be that he was really planning for a few years later? It has already been planned so that he can be re-elected as president in a few years?" He squeezed his hands when he said this. He thought that compared to the other party, he had more

"It's most likely what you guessed. After all," Ferrander tugged at the world-renowned Rolex watch made in Spain, "After all, you are one year older than him. In such a situation, Under the premise, it is not unexpected that the other party has that kind of mentality. Moreover, my predecessor has always been extremely concerned about the development of the U.S. government's diplomatic strategy. Just the day before yesterday, he was still saying that our government should start a war with Spain. Stronger competition, I wonder if he is directing our actions to set within their ideal circle."


Ferrand thought for a while and said: "So, since the other party wants us to act within their circle, then we will do the opposite. Although we still adhere to the guidance of the Monroe Doctrine, now that we are The former president was obviously bankrupt during his tenure, so we can open a way, that is, while the predecessor is on good terms with Russia, we are also slowly reducing the antagonism between the United States and Spain. For example, this The Women's Association of this time is a good opportunity. I think this is a very good opportunity. After all, this organization is led by the Queen of Spain. This is to give face to Alfonso XIII, and more importantly, the President. Your Excellency, Queen Patricia is still a British princess. Her father is the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in the Mediterranean. Moreover, she is also the favorite niece of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom. This is great for improving relations with those two countries. Not bad”

William Howard Taft was a little moved. He also wanted to open up his own diplomatic situation, instead of being stuck within the framework set by his predecessor and waiting for Theodore's return as king in a few years. He also wanted to continue Re-elected as President of the United States.

Ferlander obviously did not intend to just wait for Taft to hesitate. He added: "Also, if we insist on supporting this organization, there are several advantages, that is, the United States can show the world that the United States is also an international government. A modernized government is a country with a different degree of openness than Russia. This can dispel some people’s prejudiced views on the American government. Secondly, since former President Roosevelt has surpassed you in public opinion, he has also done very well in many aspects. If he wants to outshine him a few years later, it is absolutely impossible for the president to use some special means. So this time if we strongly support the Women's Association and other friendly actions for domestic women, such as working If the working hours of the system are shortened, this will win their favor, and then respond to their requests to push the courts and Congress to legislate that women also have the right to vote. I believe no one is willing to hinder the bill you are promoting. After all, no one is willing. Offend women all over the United States. So when the time comes, when the president comes to choose the Republican candidate and the final president four years later, after they have already supported you and are grateful to you, won’t they still not vote for you, president?”

William Howard Taft's whole body was shocked, yes, why didn't he think of this?

"Okay, it's up to your State Department to coordinate and let the women know that we care about them." Taft's bold voice showed no trace of the hesitation just now.

While the President of the United States is still hesitating whether to allow the World Women's Association, which is obviously led by Spain, to establish a branch in the United States, other countries in the world are responding one after another.

On March 13th, the Portuguese government officially announced that it recognized the World Association for Women headquartered in Madrid. The reason for the recognition is: This is an organization that protects all women in the world. Its establishment can make women in the world better. How could Portugal not accept or recognize such an obviously sensitive organization?

The reason why Portugal has turned all its attention to Spain in recent years is that it is actually no different from Spain. Just like what some media say, in fact, Portugal is called the 21st state of Spain. In this way, following Spain's policy changes, Portugal this time successfully avoided being like other European countries. Domestic women did not have too many negative noises about government. This result naturally made Barroso The leader's government became even more determined to follow Spain.

Except for them, everyone saw a surprising and shocking scene, and Spain's influence was once again evident. (To be continued.

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