Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 144: Make peace with the outside world first

Thanks to Decline Boy and Sajia Monk for their monthly support, and thanks to warlord for the reward.

Alfonso knows that although Spain has occupied a place among the Western powers due to its development in recent years, and it is still a very important seat, small trends can be changed, but the general trend has not changed. For example, , Britain, France, Russia and other countries, the German Empire and Austria-Hungary are still gnawing at each other, while the Ottoman Turkey in the south is still surviving on its own, supporting itself in the dining area, and Italy is still the same as before. It seems that neither side is helping. In fact, it is Both sides are helping, and both sides are falling. This is the general trend, the general trend that war is getting closer and closer on the European continent, and the small trend is that the existence of Spain has made countries start to worry a lot, and because of Spain, the United States, which originally wanted to implement a slow-burning cannibalization policy, has really begun to run away. When the sun is shining, I want to absorb the rain and dew brought by the game on the European continent.

In other words, due to the changes in Spain brought about by Alfonso, the United States has also joined in the small trend of change. Alfonso does not know what the final result will be, but he knows one thing. , that is, the Western War is absolutely necessary. Not to mention the colonial issue, it is impossible for all countries to compromise on issues such as national pride. In this case, what reason does Alfonso have not to fight for this future? How about preparing for the big war?

The economy can make people and citizens live a better life, which is the most direct way to win over people's hearts. However, in addition to this, the political relaxation of free treatment given to citizens is also one of the ways to reduce the accumulated hatred and hatred among citizens.

And as long as there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and there will be unequal treatment. This is absolutely possible, so the emergence of organizations is not a rare thing. Good organizations can do good things, but bad and big organizations can do good things. Can do bigger bad things. In this case, then, on the premise that underground forces can do bad things, why doesn’t Zheng Fu arrange some people to guide these underground forces to organizations that do good things? As long as they respect the Publicly abide by the law, network all the bad guys, and turn them into organized and disciplined people. As long as the top gives orders, the bad guys below will not dare to disobey. As long as the group of people above obey the Spanish government for various interests. If so, then the underground forces are already one of the largest hidden forces in the Spanish government.

As early as more than ten years ago, Alfonso thought about this problem. Of course, he saw through this because he came up with this idea after reading the opinions of many angry young people on the Internet. That is, in fact, there are many horrors in the world. The reason why elements are destroying other countries everywhere is actually because of the forces formed with the support of some countries in order to have an excuse to participate in the internal affairs of other countries and to interfere in other people's domestic affairs. Although these are some bizarre ideas, it makes people feel It's creepy, but if you think about it carefully, it seems very reasonable. For example, take a certain country as an example. Every time when the world is calm, their country's warships have been loaded with oil and are ready to apply for military expenditures. At that time, when the possibility of the country's Congress passing a large amount of military spending is reduced, terrorist activities will appear in the world. Immediately afterwards, the news will launch a series of reports, and then a certain organization of Al Qaeda will appear in the world. They will admit that they did it, and then they will actually get the excuse through bloody actions as an excuse to ask for money for military expenses. Is this, as angry youths on the Internet and military and political observers say, the result of risking censorship? I don’t know, before Alfonso came to this world, no country had declared that it supported these activities.

However, just because these introductions had wonderful comments, he had this idea. Why doesn't Spain control these forces of its own?

You can reassure yourself at home, and disrupt hostile forces abroad. You can also help allies in party disputes. For example, if there is a ruling election between the two parties AB in an international country, if there is domestic chaos during the period when the unfriendly party A is in power, the underground If the power is extremely rampant, then during the election, will Party A still be supported by voters? No, Party B will definitely take advantage of the momentum at this time. This is the role of underground forces in Alfonso's ideas.

Stabilizing the country, concealing power, intervening in foreign countries, controlling secret operations, etc. These are Alfonso's evaluations of this force.

"Sit down, sit down, can't you be polite to me?" Alfonso said with a smile.

"I don't know that your Majesty..."

"Okay, since you Geshe has said so, let me make a long story short. You have done a good job in this matter. The development of Menorca is absolutely very important to Spain. This cannot be allowed. The lost existence, Gilad, Figo, Tony and you two, are the largest existences of underground forces in the southeast, northwest, central and western areas of Xibinaya. You play a relatively important role in the security of Spain. Needless to say, I already said it when you started.”

Of course Geshe knew. He still remembered that he was in a team with more than 100 people. Everyone had their faces covered, with their eyes and mouths exposed. In this way, he looked at the Spanish Supreme Ruler on this stage with a glorious look. Or, under the instruction and encouragement of His Majesty Alfonso XIII, who was less than ten years old at that time

"You people are the most important people in Spain and the people with the greatest potential to do things for Spain. You are the dark angels, not the ones who do bad things, but the ones who catch people who do good things and hide them in the dark but are great. We are a group of people. You don’t know each other now. This is for the safety of all of you. After all, there is a possibility of being involved in your dangerous mission, so in order to prevent your colleagues from being betrayed, you will meet in this way today.

I hope that ten years later, fifteen years later, twenty years later, or even thirty years later, I can still see you and see that you will continue to have good things next to me. I will encourage you. If you do things well, then I will give you a knighthood, and I hope you can get the highest honor in Spain..."

This is what His Majesty said. Now he has a civilian name. Looking at Lisboa, he knows that he should be one of his 100-person team. Now, the other party has also received He was as sure as himself. As for the other 98, Geshe thought about it with his fingers and knew that there were definitely many people who were still alive, but just like Yang Fan back then, they were still invisible now. Thinking of this He felt a cold swishing behind him, very cold. At the same time, he was also recalling his past, as if he had done anything to disgrace His Majesty.

"You two have done a good job in these years, and many of you have done a good job. In these years, you muttered that Ade and his group have achieved their own success one after another, and have made Spain truly fall into stability. These are all It’s all your credit. I’ve recorded it all. If the development on Menorca Island is really successful this time, then I will personally reward you with the title of Baron without any hesitation.”

Both of them were shocked, Baron? His Majesty actually said that he would be rewarded with a title, and it was not the lowest title of squire that they originally imagined (the ranks of Spanish titles are from low to high: squire, baron, viscount, earl, marquis, duke, prince, aspen). Prince Turias is the crown prince, king and queen), but a baron, a baron, which is a hereditary title. For them, what kind of reward is more attractive than this, the two of them because Very excited about this news.

Chirac looked at them. Of course he could understand this feeling. Although he was a hereditary baron, his title was just like what His Majesty said. Your title is already equivalent to what you are doing now. Next step, work harder. When your efforts fill up your title bottle and the credit overflows, I will give you a new bottle so that you can increase the space for struggle. The meaning of this sentence is obvious. His goal, the next step, is to become an earl or viscount. This is already a middle-level title outside the royal family. It is the source and motivation of his efforts.

But Alfonso looked at them with another thought. The charm of the title is really irresistible. Every time he sees those people receiving the title under his personal award, they will be inexplicably excited. Everyone is excited. He will remember every look one by one. Just say that Antonio and Palacides were like that last time when they won the Marquis. People in their decades were still jumping up and down. It can be seen that in In the hearts of all Westerners, the supreme glory of the title has shrouded everyone's hearts, representing the most sacred and honorable area in their hearts.

However, I don’t know what the expressions of those people will be at the Spanish knighthood meeting that will start next month. Alfonso is really looking forward to it. This time, Yan Shun’s earl career is coming to an end, and the new The journey begins with the Marquis.

Thinking of the title, Alfonso also thought about the issue of absolute rewards. Yes, it seems that the hierarchy of the army is still not very clear. So, since the title is the honor of everyone, should it be more absolute? To establish their honor, after all, which soldier doesn't want to have more stars and more medals on his shoulders. The more Alfonso thought about it, he realized that he had forgotten the place of military honor in the past.

First update (to be continued.

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