Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 124 Small countries also have the right to equal diplomacy

Thanks to Shen Xia for casting the first monthly vote this month for Ben. (.)

If there is anyone present who has the most say in what Alfonso said, it is none other than Antonio. Antonio was personally involved in the whole process at that time. He remembered that what His Majesty Alfonso XIII said at that time was completely different from what he says now. Even at that time, His Majesty directly described the other party as an old grandmother in Europe. More importantly, places such as the Philippines and Cuba are calm, but they are only calmer than when Spain ruled. This is also the result of strong suppression by British warships. The cost is not small, because, it is said that every week now British soldiers died on both sides, so His Majesty's statement that everyone gets what he needs made him unflattering. He even wondered if His Majesty was deliberately making fun of him.

Today's Edward VII would surely frown at this. Maybe Queen Victoria, who is in heaven, even lamented the loss after listening to Her Majesty's words. As for the following sentence about the colonies, Antonio didn't take it seriously. However, it can be seen that in addition to the big countries, there are also media from some small and medium-sized countries. Some countries' territories are also occupied by big countries as colonies. Do they think it doesn't matter?

"Therefore, in many cases, it is impossible to generalize who has lost and who has gained. A super-rich man with a huge amount of money but who is so hungry is in the desert, where there is no water to drink and no food to eat. In that case, I think that if a poor man suddenly appeared with only a piece of bread and a liter of water, he would be asked to give 10,000 pesetas for the pitiful bread and water. I don’t think he would have hesitated for three seconds to exchange the other party’s bread and water. After all, compared with the 10,000 pesetas at that time, a piece of bread and a liter of water were obviously more effective in sustaining life. value."

Everyone present applauded after hearing this. Obviously, Alfonso XIII's metaphor is very suitable for today's situation.

"It's so wonderful. Every speech given by His Majesty Alfonso makes people feel immersed in the scene, especially the 'Speech to Britain' and the speech at the Spanish military exercise, which are very touching. This time The metaphor is very appropriate, I think. This metaphor will be the headline again in the newspaper tomorrow, especially this metaphor."

"Sometimes I have to sigh and say that Alfonso XIII is so good at talking. Every time it could have been a difficult question, but in his hands it turned into a color that helped him increase his brilliance. , forcing myself and others to come up with more difficult questions to ask the other party the next time they ask, which is really terrible.**”

Haakon VII looked at the heated discussions of these people. He was filled with envy in his heart. Which king wouldn't want to be more powerful and attract more attention, but that also requires strength. In fact, it is not impossible for him to attract the topic to his side. However, as a human being, you need to know what you should and cannot do. Since you are a small country, you need the awareness of being a small country. In this era where the strong are respected and wars are frequent, it is better for a small country to quietly watch the performances of various princes from the sidelines. For Norway, it is better not to come up and make a guest appearance.

"So what your Majesty means is that for Spain, Svalbard may be the bread and that liter of water that Spain needs?" the reporter from The Times asked.

The ministers next to him and King Haakon VII obviously felt uncomfortable with this reporter's question. However, there is no intention to stop it. First, today's press conference is inherently public, and the reporter's British identity means that people are afraid to act too rashly.

But Alfonso was not among them. He said: "This reporter, I hope you can leave some opportunities for others. After all, everyone has come all the way here, and they also want to ask some questions about what is in their hearts." Question. Of course, I didn’t mean to ask a question that you couldn’t tell. I’m also a free speechist. I like free speech, but I prefer equality.”

When he saw the dissatisfied expressions of the other British reporters looking at him, Alfonso said with satisfaction: "But I think the question you asked is very constructive and I can answer it. A long time ago, I I just thought about hoping that one day Spain would have territory in the north of Europe.”

As soon as Alfonso's words fell, Haakon VII's heart also jumped. He and his Prime Minister Luke looked at each other, feeling helpless in his heart. Antonio, who was next to them, rolled his eyes and secretly said, "Here you go again."

The reporters on the scene even picked up their pens and copied them quickly. Many of the titles were mainly divided into three camps, which can be seen from the titles.

"King XIII of Spain said that he had the ambition to expand Northern Europe a long time ago?" This is the record of the British, Russian, German Empire, Austria-Hungary, France and other media.

And countries like Spain, Portugal, the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy said: "Alfonso XIII said that for Northern Europe, they hope that Spain's footprints can reach there, and even Spain has its own territory there."

As for Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc., I don’t know how to write. After all, Alfonso XIII will visit now or next, if it is too serious. The public reaction may worsen the relationship with Spain, so the willingness to invite Alfonso XIII to visit several countries this time may have the opposite result, and if he does not report or just touches it lightly, If you touch it, it is more likely to cause citizens to be dissatisfied with their own newspapers. After all, foreign newspapers are also sold in the country, especially "International Online", "Times" and the national newspaper "The Times" which has a great influence on Northern Europe. "Deutsche Rift" and so on, they are one of the sources of news.

Therefore, they all have the urge to scold Alfonso, why are you doing so many planes? It's not like you are looking for something to do. It's okay for you to just say it, but it's us people who are harmed.

Alfonso didn't know that his words divided the media present into three groups. He continued: "However, I think that is a very distant thing. Yes, it feels very difficult. However, this is something that happened when I was a child. Now I have grown up." As I grow older, I find that many things will change, such as the changes in the feelings between people, haha, and the relationship between countries. Due to decades of civil war, Spain has been developing its economy and Regarding diplomacy and other issues, before my father, who was the twelfth century, except for the diplomacy of a few big countries, it was almost like being in a blind spot, and I couldn't figure out where Spain's diplomacy was. But after my father came to power, he began to It ended the painful days of the war, developed the economy, and laid a solid foundation for the current Spain. It also began to open the door to European diplomacy, and after me?"

"I am a person who pays great attention to details, so in my eyes, big and small countries are all candidates for friendship, although the value of friendship is different. Yes, I use the word value to describe the diplomacy of the two countries. It has its benefits to make friends with big countries, which can build a more stable foundation for world peace, but with small countries, it is equivalent to adding bricks and mortar to make the world more peaceful and perfect. Therefore, in recent years, Spain’s diplomacy has not only been carried out by major countries, but also established a stable foundation for world peace. In addition, almost every small country has our diplomatic mission. In particular, I believe you have also seen that in the past, when a big country established diplomatic relations with a small country, it would never send ambassadors to the small country, only some low-level ones. Only high-level diplomats go to various countries.

However, 14 years ago, in 1895, due to Spain's historic decision to send ambassadors to various small countries, world powers such as the United Kingdom, Germany, the Empire, France, Russia, and the United States have all sent ambassadors. , they began to respect small countries like Spain and conducted equal diplomacy, so that the diplomacy of each small country was taken seriously.

This is what I value. Whether you say I am deliberately showing off here or whether Spain’s diplomacy is to enhance its presence in the world, in short, we have strengthened exchanges with the host country, but it is real. Local exchanges have increased. Knowing the news of the host country and understanding the other country's economic development will be a very important prerequisite for investment. You only need to look at Spain's current investment in various parts of the world to know, especially in terms of data, it has grown in more than ten years. The speed has increased by more than 50 times. What a terrifying and astonishing statistic. Apart from the territorial issues that concern us this time in Norway, in fact, the thing that we should be most concerned about is the investment agreement signed between Spain and Norway. "

"Hello Your Majesty, I am Linda, a reporter from Madrid Daily. I would like to ask, what is Spain's data in Norway this time? Also, what are the data in Denmark and Sweden next?"

"Linda, that's a good name. It makes people remember your name right away. Also, I took a closer look. Among the dozens of reporters present, it seems that until now, I found that among the reporters, except you, In addition, it seems that all of them are male reporters. At this point, I would like to commend your bosses at "Madrid Daily News". They are very admirable on the issue of respect for women. I think it is worthy of many companies. "Zheng Fu is studying, but I would like to ask again, isn't it because all the male reporters from Madrid Daily are afraid of the cold, so that's why you were pushed out and sent here?"

Second update, please support with more monthly votes and recommendation votes.

Today is April Fool's Day, and it is also the tenth anniversary of the death of my brother Leslie Cheung. Everyone bows to show respect for this Chinese who made a lot of money overseas! After all, I grew up watching his movies when I was a kid. There is also a third update, uploaded around 22:00 in the evening. . . )


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