Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 113: Little People, Big Ideas


"***, they have gone too far! Are our government too weak?" After Harry S. Truman saw the report in the "Chicago Times", he tugged hard on his military uniform. Visit to download txt novel.

"Harry!" Next to him was his good friend and teammate John. The two have served here in Missouri for more than three years, and the friendship between the two is extremely strong.

"Look," he said, pushing the newspaper to John.

There was no folding, and what Truman was looking at just now was the front page, so he could see it as soon as he picked it up. The first thing that comes into view is a large black and white picture with three people on it. One of them is Max, the president of Venezuela. He has been on the headlines of American newspapers several times. It is said that he rose to the top through political change. Guy.

After him, two other people also introduced a man named Wayne, the vice president of Spain's second largest oil company and the seventh largest oil company in the world, who might be the successor to the president's position. The other one is Spanish Ambassador to Venezuela Jeb.

"The latest news is that after nearly five hours of inter-departmental talks between the two parties, Wayne, the vice president of Spain's Occidental Petroleum Company, and Spain's Ambassador to Venezuela Jeb and Max, announced at a small press conference yesterday that the two countries would will use Occidental Petroleum Company as the medium to create a closer relationship between the two countries. The two countries signed a formal contract, one of which is worth noting is that Occidental Petroleum Company will vigorously carry out oil exploration operations in Venezuela, and Venezuela will Give full policy support to it, including obtaining unrestricted exploration permits. Based on the development of oil, the Venezuelan government and Occidental Petroleum Company will allocate shares in the form of 37. Finally, there is a more important The latest news is that Spain has promised to allow Spanish arms dealers to sell Spain’s active arms and weapons to Venezuela as long as it does not harm its own security or threaten the security of its allies.”

"Asshole, Spain is really going too far. If this continues, the whole of South America will become their world." John couldn't help but curse after seeing this. Now he finally understood why Truman was so angry.

As a soldier, the blood flowing in his body is hot blood, so he was extremely angry at the aggrieved state that the United States encountered in front of Spain. In their view, the government should be tough on those greedy guys on the European continent and not allow them to run rampant in South America connected to the United States.

"It's useless. Those weak guys in the government have been intimidated by Spain. Alas, don't forget what the state of our army is now." Although Truman was also very angry, he calmed down after venting his anger.

After listening to Truman's words, John was silent. The U.S. Navy and Army only had less than 170,000 soldiers, and the number of Spanish troops of more than 400,000 was reported by the media. Although Spain's military strength is widely distributed, even if the United States In a one-on-one situation, the probability of victory is also relatively small, because since the Anti-Japanese War in the 18th century, the United States has not had many opportunities to participate in real battles. The larger war was a few years ago. During the annexation of Hawaii.

However, a small island war can be compared with a big country like Spain. In Spain, on the contrary, decades of civil war have made their older generation of soldiers develop a fighting spirit. There are a large number of veterans, most of whom are still alive, and have become powerful strategic resources.

After the civil war was resolved, many battles with the locals in the overseas territories of Cuba and the Philippines produced many soldiers who shed blood. It has been ten years now, although these ten years have made the war somewhat difficult for Spain. It is far away, but those who have been stained with blood are still alive, and many have even become the main instructors of the army. This is somewhat different from those American soldiers who have not been baptized with blood. Perhaps, this is also the concern of Theodore Roosevelt!

"But even so, I think we should not keep silent instead. This will make people think that we are really afraid of them. More importantly, this will also greatly damage the morale of the Americans. In the future, the national When they see Spain, I'm afraid many people will not be able to raise their heads to face each other."

"Although we think so, what can we do? Don't forget, we are just ordinary guard soldiers who have just served for two or three years."

"But, we are still young, aren't we? I have already decided that in the near future, I will apply for admission to the field army. I want to use all my passion on the battlefield. John, what about you?"

"Now that you have decided, as a good friend, will I still refuse to be with you? By the way, Beth, you are in the middle of a fierce fight now. If you let her choose to go to the field artillery school, I think You will probably be miserable.”

"Forget it, we told her, and her family doesn't look down on me as a poor boy. So instead of waiting like this, it's better to find an opportunity to get ahead, make money, and propose directly to her door. One point. We will have a bright future."

John looked at his friend's confident look and felt even more happy for him, because this was the Truman he knew.

Just as distressed as them is the current Franklin Roosevelt, but unlike the two of them, the newspaper in his hands is the New York Times, the dominant newspaper industry in New York.

"Spain again?" He held the pen in his right hand and kept spinning it, but his eyes never left the newspaper. With a serious look on his face, he sighed. It must be said that Spain is indeed developing very fast. Economic development and political progress have all achieved rapid development. "

"But there is no progress in the United States," Anna said, kissing the other person's face lovingly and putting down the hot coffee she poured for him.

"Economically speaking, the United States is not inferior to others. However, the United States' diplomacy is still in a mess. The United Kingdom is no less wary of the United States than it is of Spain. Although the French say nice things, who doesn't think they were wary of the United States back then? The matter of driving them out of North America is still lingering on. Although Japan's relationship with us has become much better in recent years, it is still based on our providing them with arms and financial payments, not to mention Tsarist Russia. , Alaska has now become a pain in their hearts.

It is said that a few days ago, "Voice of Tsarist Russia" had several pages talking about how beautiful Alaska is and their lost treasures. Although Germany shows kindness to us, it is only to relieve their pressure. The purpose is to divert some of Britain's attention to us. The northern neighbor is the work of the British, while the southern South America is now occupied by Spain. From south to north, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and now there is another Venezuela. Imagine that because of our relationship with Panama , if you ask Rafael Reyes, when facing Spain, the former colonial power, and the current head of state of the United States, who he likes more, I think he will definitely say Alfonso XIII rather than Spain. Otto Roosevelt. "

"Isn't there Argentina? And Mexico?" Anna asked.

"Don't you like politics?" Franklin looked at his wife strangely and said. Everyone who knows him well knows that Anna doesn't like politics. However, today's Anna made him feel very different from usual. .

"A good wife should be consistent with your hobbies. A good wife should consider everything from your perspective. Whether you like politics, books or certain dishes, unfortunately, you like me. Politics is the most unfamiliar thing. In this case, if I want to be a good wife, I can only learn it from scratch. In the future, I can be your most trustworthy assistant and appear by your side to analyze and relieve you." Anna said affectionately What she didn't know was that decades later, all the words she wrote about Dou E came true, and she even became praised by the world as a good wife and the best woman in the 20th century. The title of a politician.

"I love you, Anna, I really love you to death." Franklin hugged the other person and gave her a passionate kiss. However, his passion for politics overcame the passion caused by the passionate kiss and let go of the other person. Although Argentina Because of the assistance provided by the United States over the years, it has no relationship with the United States. However, don't forget that it is surrounded by Spain's ally Chile. With Spain's offensive, it may fall to the other side at any time.

The UK's position in Brazil is incomparable to ours. Even with the goodwill shown by other parties, Argentina will not support us unconditionally. When the time comes, they will decide who is more important to their interests. Who to deal with? For this reason, if the United States wants to maintain its current relationship with Argentina, it will actually be forced in disguise to provide the other party with benefits that are still within the scope of interests.

Although it is not a big deal to take out a small share, don't forget that we are different from Spain. The industries controlled by the Alfonso family can carry out any diplomacy with the strength of national policy support, so whether it is a loss or not, then Alfonso alone has the final say. People can make such investments when they value long-term interests. While the U.S. Congress and others are controlled by consortiums, the interests of our domestic consortiums are controlled by them. , national policies are just tools for them to make money, and they will be thrown away after use. If you ask them to give up their interests, it would be strange if they are willing. Therefore, this congenitally shows that our diplomacy is insufficient." Said this, Franklin also felt very distressed.

"I think that although the British are wary of us, a Spanish domination in South America does not meet their requirements."

First update.

Chapter 113: Little People, Big Ideas\u003cdd\u003e

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