As a small county with a population of only 60,000 to 70,000, the light industry market in Wu County is very small, and it has not even become independent and confused with the farmers' market.

The products sold in the farmer’s market this season are very monotonous, fish from the Longjiang River, potatoes, cabbage, radishes and carrots from the land, and…

There was no more, Wan Feng walked around the farmer's market and didn't even look at the butchers, that's all there was to it.

Materials are still scarce.

At least there are greenhouses in Hongya in winter, and some off-season vegetables are on the market in winter. In Wu County, the average minimum temperature in winter in the 1980s was more than 20 degrees, and ordinary greenhouses are useless.

Wan Feng originally planned to buy something to take home, but now seeing that these things are available at home, he stopped thinking about shopping.

In a corner of the farmer's market, Wan Feng saw the light industry market, several sellers of cotton shoes and rubber shoes, some sellers of padded jackets and military coats, and one seller of socks and gloves, all mixed together in a mess.

The style of clothing is very monotonous.

At first glance, these products were purchased from the state-owned stores at that time.

"Young man, are you shopping with your partner?" the stall owner in his thirties asked with a smile on his sleeves and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yeah!" Zhang Xuan reacted very quickly, hummed quickly, and then smiled at Wan Feng whose face was darkened.

"Brother, is this what your stall sells?"

"What else can I sell?"

"Your thing looks like it came out of a store, and it looks exactly like the things sold in department stores."

"That's right. These things are all from the supply and marketing wholesale channels. They are about the same as the things in the store. It's good if they can be sold, but I promise to sell them cheaper than the store."

"Then why don't you go out to buy goods?"

The stall owner shook his head: "Aren't these things out there, what's the difference?"

"Have you been to Wahou?"

"Wahou? I seem to have heard about it but never been there."

It has been more than two years since Wahou Daji developed to today.

Its current coverage extends to the south of Longjiang Province in the north, the east of Neimen Province, and the Hehe River in the north to the west.

Wu County is in the northeast of Longjiang, and its coverage and influence have not yet reached here.

Wan Feng popularized the knowledge of Wahou Daji to the stall owners, and talked for more than half an hour, which stunned several stall owners.

"You said Wahou Daji now has so many business varieties?"

"It can be said that everything you can imagine in your mind that you have seen is available in Wahou Daji, and there are even products that you have never seen that you can't imagine. You should have a chance to see it."

"Little brother, how far is it from Wu County to Wahou?"

"It's more than three thousand miles away."

"Holding the grass is so far away, how much does it cost?"

"Even the train and the car, and even the return fee plus meals and lodging will cost one hundred yuan."

Several stall owners shook their heads again and again: "It's not cost-effective. It's not enough to buy some goods for the travel expenses. Then it's better to go to Habin to wholesale. Habin now also has clothing wholesale."

There is no way to do this, the toll is unavoidable, if the purchase volume is small, it may not be possible to earn money for the toll, but at that time the market has already started to lie, if it can be sold, the profit is still very rich.

"Most of the goods approved by Habin's wholesalers are from Wahou. When I was in Wahou, I saw a lot of Habin's vendors. When you approve goods in their hands, they are peeled off. This layer of skin is more than the travel expenses."

"It's also the same reason. Then next summer, when the spring flowers bloom, you can go and have a look. It will be an eye-opener."

I can't pull it out when I see it in the eye.

It was already half past ten when they came out of the market, and the two of them ran to the restaurant to eat.

Wan Feng bought a small knuckle in sauce, a fish-flavored shredded pork, and a bowl of rice and steamed buns.

Zhang Xuan likes to eat rice.

Two people don't need to buy too many vegetables, and they can't eat too much.

"Why didn't you tell them about our pants?"

"You should eat more rice first, and eat less meat first. There won't be much oil in your stomach for a month. If you eat too much meat, be careful not to damage your stomach."

Wan Feng was very angry when Zhang Xuan gnawed his little elbow indistinctly, and no one would fight with you, you lady will die at once!

The food in the canteen of the vocational high school is hardly oily and watery. A month’s clear soup with little water is really likely to cause a bad stomach if you eat meat all the time.

Zhang Xuan smiled and transformed into a lady.

"You didn't even make a pair of trousers. What do you want me to say? It's not too late when you go back to school and you make trousers and send them over. They will definitely want them. If they don't deliver them to their doorstep, they will be a stick. It's just that the market in Wu County is too small. Now, how many goods can you go in this day? It seems that the main direction must be Heihe."

When graduating from the previous life, the school went to Heihe to take graduation photos together. At that time, the Heihe light industry market was already a bit large, but it was the autumn of 1985, and they were about to transfer to the internship period.

Now it is estimated that Heihe's light industry market will not be much stronger than that of Wu County.

"Are you saying we're really going to make flared pants? I think it's so ugly."

"You can't look ugly, but others can look good. Bell-bottom pants will be popular for a long time, and you can sell as much as you make."

"So how much money do we make for a pair of trousers?"

"It's more than one yuan, not more than one yuan and five." Wan Feng had already calculated the cost of a pair of trousers when he ordered the fabric at Aihui Cotton Mill.

The cloth here is much more expensive than Hongya, and even if it comes directly from the factory, it is only five cents cheaper than the price in the shop on the other side of Hongya.

Coupled with the slight increase in prices, a foot of fabric can be combined to forty cents a foot.

A pair of ordinary trousers is about one meter and one meter in fabric, but it is obviously not enough to make flared trousers, so you have to add an extra foot anyway.

Then, the cost of a pair of trousers plus the labor cost would be about 2.3 yuan, and Wanfeng’s shipping price would basically be around 3.5 yuan. The trousers with particularly fat hems can be sold for 4 yuan, which is a profit of more than 1 yuan.

Hearing that a pair of pants can earn more than one yuan, Xuan is very happy: "I can make one pair of pants in an hour and a half, and I can make six pairs of pants a day and I can earn..."

"Wake up! You don't go to school and make pants every day? You can only do it after dinner, don't do too much, just make two a day."

It will take more than three hours to make two pairs of trousers.

Zhang Xuan blinked: "Then my aunt and I can only make four pairs of pants a day, isn't that too little?"

"Hey! Don't you have four teachers in the internship department? Do you think they will do it if I give them a processing fee of 30 cents for a pair of trousers?"

Zhang Xuan nodded: "I think they can do it. They have convenient conditions. The school has the machine. During the daytime, they can do it secretly in the name of teaching, and they can also let those interns help with processing."

There must be worms in this woman's head, elf worms!

Did I have any ideas about those students? But this one can be considered.

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