Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 707 The Smaller the More Enchanting

When Wan Feng returned home on Luan Feng's motorcycle, he began to think about how to put a coat on this ugly electric fan. Dream Novel Network ()

He drew a few patterns according to the shape of this table fan, and then handed over the task to his uncle.

Anyway, he has an injection molding machine, as long as he makes a mold, pours out the shell and installs it, isn't it all over? What a big deal.

After the assignment was completed, Wan Feng came to the garment factory on a motorcycle.

After the motorcycle is repaired, it will naturally be delivered, otherwise a certain woman will roll her eyes again.

It turned out that he planned to go to the places where those companies were located to find plastic products machinery to discuss custom-made plastic bottles, but because he wasted too much time in the machinery factory, he went directly to the garment factory.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to find plastic manufacturing machinery, and it will be done in two days.

Seeing that the motorcycle was repaired, Luan Feng's eyes turned into the moon on the third and fourth nights of junior high school, looking at Wan Feng with love.

This made Wan Feng very worried that this girl would rush over and bite him in public.

Her thinking logic cannot be measured by ordinary people's standards.

Fortunately, although Luan Feng had this idea, he didn't realize it, which greatly relieved Wan Feng.

The motorcycle was put aside, and Luan Feng took Wan Feng to the upper courtyard of the courtyard, pointing to the idle factory buildings with closed windows and doors.

"I'm going to transform this row of factory buildings into dormitories. If I recruit more workers, the small dormitories below are completely insufficient. If this row of idle houses is remodeled, it will be just right. In this way, I plan to convert the small dormitories below into warehouses for raw materials and finished products. , The raw materials and finished product warehouses that were originally placed in the workshop were all added to the workshop, and I calculated that at least 60 machines can be installed."

Wan Feng started to scratch his head, alas, is it really okay for this woman to change like this?

If you become so calculating in the future, my family status will definitely be affected, what should I do?

"Speak up! Is it all right?"

Wan Feng nodded vaguely, "Very good, very good!"

"Huh? You seem a little unhappy?"

You have become so smart from being paralyzed, it is strange that I can be happy, what I like is you who are muddleheaded, not you who are completely shrewd.

"Then I'll hire someone to decorate it this afternoon?"


At this time, the bell for the noon get off work in the garment factory rang, and a group of female workers in white coats poured out of the workshop and went to the cafeteria one after another.

Wan Feng and Luan Feng also entered the cafeteria.

The staple food at noon today is corn tortillas, and the dishes are fried zucchini and potatoes stewed with beans.

Cornmeal pancakes cost two cents each, and vegetables cost eight cents. A female worker can eat almost enough to eat for ten cents, and the daily meal cost is only about thirty cents, which is cheaper than Wan Feng's going to high school.

When he was in high school, he had to pay at least 50 cents a day for food, which was hundreds of miles away from the clothing factory.

The canteen charges are only symbolic, and this price is specified to be compensated.

But this was Wan Feng's instruction. It is impossible to eat for free, but it is enough to pay a little for the food so that the employees can save some money and eat well.

Wan Feng and Luan Feng entered the cafeteria, and the employees booed one after another.

"The second boss is here, you don't know that you are not here, the second boss, the big boss seems to have lost his soul all day long."

"That's right, it's either forgetting the east or forgetting the west. I suspect that she didn't know what she was thinking when she hit the wall with the motorcycle."

"And there's more..."

"Shut up! Eat!" Luan Feng yelled like an atomic bomb dropped in the cafeteria, so the employees immediately fell silent, grimacing while eating.

"It's the other way around, don't think that the second factory director is here because he wants to be my slander, and tell you that he is the second factory director because of his second."

Wan Feng's face turned black immediately, who the hell?

"No, it's not the second child. It's because he can only be the second child with me here. It's useless for you to sue."

Wan Feng decided not to eat at the same table with Luan Feng when eating, don't you know what the second child does?

This bitch did it on purpose.

right! on purpose!

Wan Feng made a small pot of stewed potatoes and beans, took two pancakes and ran to an empty table to eat.

After a while, Luan Feng also came over with food.

"Five meters away from me."


Luan Feng didn't take Wan Feng's words seriously at all, and sat opposite Wan Feng and looked at the angry Wan Feng with a funny face.

The little villain is angry? Why are you angry?

After eating, Wan Feng walked out of the cafeteria with the flow of people. The next step was to visit the stamping machines of Jiangwei Brigade.

Xu Jingmin is still on duty in the reception room today.

Wan Feng stopped here and asked Xu Jingmin, "Uncle Xu, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, Xiaolin can send it to me later when I'm close to home."

"Is Xu Bin on summer vacation?"

"I was on vacation the day before yesterday."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm helping to sew hats at home."

Wan Feng felt that he should go to Xu Bin's house to have a look. It seemed that he hadn't been to his house for a long time.

He turned around and entered the supply and marketing cooperative, bought a few gifts, and then walked towards Xu Bin's house.

When she walked to the door of his house, Xu Meilin happened to come out with a lunch box to deliver food to her father.

"Brother Feng, you're here."

Xu Meilin is twelve years old this year. Although she is still a girl with yellow hair, she has already grown very tall. It is estimated that she is about 1.55 meters now. Although her body is still thin, she has already shown the prototype of a beautiful figure.

Seeing Xu Meilin and Wanfeng still felt a little complicated.

"Haha, come and see your mother and brother."

"Just look at my brother and my mother? Without me." Xu Meilin pouted and rolled her eyes at Wan Feng, with an extremely aggrieved expression on her face.

Holding grass, is it really okay for you to be so enchanting at such a young age?

Wan Feng waved his hand and patted Xu Meilin on the head, "It's not a young age, why don't you hurry up and deliver food to your father!"

Xu Meilin made a grimace, and bounced away.

Xu Bin already saw Wan Feng coming in the room, and came out of the room to greet him.

"Brother! You are here!"

Wan Feng nodded.

Wan Feng hadn't seen Xu Bin for more than half a year, and the guy's size had changed a lot.

Xu Bin took the gift from Wan Feng and let Wan Feng into the house.

Xu Bin's mother was sitting on the kang sewing a hat when she saw Wan Feng coming and smiled at Wan Feng.

"Xiao Wan, here we come!"

"Well! It's been a long time since I came to your house. I'm here to see you."

Wan Feng sat on the edge of the Kang and picked up a hat that had already been sewn.

This is an authentic traditional hat, very ordinary and unremarkable.

"Auntie! How long have you been working?"

"It's been more than twenty days."

"How much can you sew a day, and how much money do you make?"

"I can sew more than 20 roofs a day, and earn a dime for each roof."

Twenty tops is two yuan, more than sixty yuan a month. This income is definitely not bad in rural areas.

The workers in the Wahou factory only earn 30 yuan a month. Even if there will be some adjustments in the wages of Wahou next year, those workers can get an increase of about 10 yuan a month, which is only 40 yuan.

Xu Jingmin earns 30 yuan a month as a shift worker in a garment factory, and his family earns 60 yuan a month, so he can earn nearly 1,000 yuan a year.

This is already the income of a wealthy family in 1983.


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