Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 107 Fox Immortal Blessing

If the sky is like a pasture, those dark clouds are the black flocks crowded in the pasture, rampaging and running amok in the pasture.

Yan Shufang looked at the sky in the west and frowned: "Feng'er, you and your little one should go back first, the river will not be able to pass when it rains later."

Luan Feng loves to listen to the master's words, especially the word "little object" in it is the same as Tian Lai. She tidied up the sewing machine she practiced happily, said goodbye to the master, and left the supply and marketing cooperative with Wan Feng.

"Whose car did you come in?"

"Zhang Hai's."

Luan Feng looked surprised: "What! You borrowed Zhang Hai's car? When he bought the car, he said that he would rather borrow his wife than a bicycle. You can borrow it?"

"Hehe, he said the same thing, but I ignored him, oops, we have to leave quickly, we have to cross the big river before the heavy rain, otherwise we can only go back to our commune, even if it is dark I can't go home."

If the big river floods, they can only go south along the Gushan Bridge to the Warriors Commune and then go home, which is much farther, at least ten miles away according to preliminary estimates.

The two of them ran for a while without wasting time, and finally ran across the Inna River before the heavy rain came.

Just after passing the Yina River, the heavy rain poured down from the sky with a bang.

The two panicked and hid under the Fox Fairy Cave to avoid the rain.

"Let's go to the wishing cave above to take shelter from the rain?" Luan Feng suggested in a chaotic way.

Wan Feng looked up at the top of the cliff.

Although the height of the Fox Fairy Cave is not high, it is still more than ten meters high, which is equivalent to a five-story building. Wan Feng didn't think it was a good idea to climb to the upper cave to shelter from the rain on rainy days. Only a mentally retarded person would think so.

"The road going up is slippery, let's not go up."

"It's okay, the fox fairy will protect us." Luan Feng started to go up the mountain as soon as his head was hot.

These tiger girls are really good! This is simply slapping the ass to make a decision, why can't we think about it rationally?

Luan Feng climbed up like a swift cat, and even Wan Feng had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up the mountain.

The natural stairs up the mountain are very narrow, if you make a mistake...

Wan Feng didn't dare to think about it anymore, thinking of the Fox Fairy's blessing in his heart, he concentrated on climbing the stairs.

Maybe the fox fairy really has a spirit, and the two of them really climbed to the wishing cave on the top of the mountain safely.

There are two caves on the top of the Fox Fairy Cave, one is a cave used to ask for medicine and make a wish, and the other is a cave where the fox fairy lives.

The area of ​​the wishing cave is larger than that of the main cave, but it can only accommodate two people to shelter from the rain. If there is another person, they can only stick pancakes.

"I said that the fox fairy will bless us, don't you see what happened." Luan Feng was a little proud.

This is just going up the mountain, what about going down the mountain later? Wan Feng didn't think going down the mountain would be easier than going up.

"The two of us are probably the only ones who braved the heavy rain to go to the Fox Fairy Cave in a radius of tens of miles." Wan Feng said mockingly.

Luan Feng rolled her eyes a few times, as if inspired by Wan Feng's words.

"That's right! It's raining today, and the Fox Immortal must be at home, so let's make a wish quickly."

What kind of head is this? What does a rainy day have to do with the fox fairy being at home? Could it be that the fox fairy is still afraid of rain?

"Hurry up, let's make a wish today, the fox fairy will definitely remember it." After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but pull Wan Feng to kneel on the wishing stone and make a wish.

Luan Feng folded her hands reverently, closed her eyes, and her lips twitched slightly, not knowing what she was chanting.

Wan Feng looked around, completely absent-minded and harboring ulterior motives.

A minute later, after making the wish, Luan Feng opened her eyes.

"What did you wish for?" Wan Feng asked casually.

"I won't tell you, how about you?"

"I'll tell you if you don't tell me? Do you think I'm that idiot?"

Luan Feng clucked like a hen: "Look at you, you must not have made a wish!"


This woman is getting smarter and harder to fool.

"Who said that, I made a wish." Wan Feng remained stubborn.

"Then tell me what you wished for?"

Xiao Mian, it is a wrong idea to use this set to deceive me, so I won't tell you.

Wan Feng started to be sloppy, talking about him from left to right, but now that Luan Feng's IQ has improved significantly, he is unmoved and just asks Wan Feng what wish he made.

Wan Feng was annoyed by the question: "Making wishes is just for fooling people, don't be so serious, okay..."

Before he finished speaking, Luan Feng covered his mouth: "Bastard! How dare you say such things here? If the fox fairy blames..."

Wan Feng pulled away Luan Feng's hand covering his mouth: "Nonsense, don't take it too seriously, okay? That's what this thing is about. If the fox fairy is really alive, stop the rain now, so that we won't be drenched in the rain." Go home, and I'll send a big rooster over tomorrow."

There are really many unexplainable things in this world. As soon as Wan Feng's voice fell, the rain outside the cave really stopped!

The rain has stopped!

The rain has stopped!

The downpour of rain stopped abruptly, like a speeding car slamming on the brakes and dying on the road.

Wan Feng was completely dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

After being surprised, he looked at Luan Feng with a smirk in confusion.

"Look at the fox fairy's manifestation, let you talk nonsense, and don't apologize to the fox fairy." Without any explanation, he pressed Wan Feng on the wishing stone again.

Wan Feng had no choice but to kneel on the wishing stone again and said something in his heart, such as please forgive the fox fairy.

Now that the rain stopped, the two of them had to hurry up and run back.

When going down the mountain, Wan Feng was worried about Luan Feng's thunderbolt temper and running down stupidly, what if he stumbled and fell, so he stretched out his hand to hold Luan Feng's hand.

The moment he held Luan Feng's hand, Wan Feng obviously felt Luan Feng's body tremble.

"Get down slowly, don't fall like a tiger."

At this moment, Luan Feng's face showed infinite shyness, like pear blossoms in the rain, which made Wan Feng very uncomfortable.

The two held hands and carefully descended to the bottom of the mountain.

"We have been blessed by the fox fairy." Luan Feng suddenly said this sentence after arriving at the foot of the mountain.

"Stop expressing emotion, run quickly!"

The two rode on the bike and ran for a while.

It's also strange, the muddy dirt road in rainy days will be jammed with the wheels of the car, once the jam is tight, the car can't move, and the mud jammed between the tile cover and the wheels can only be buckled to go.

When it is serious, you will be stuck again after a few steps, so many people ride bicycles instead of people on heavy rainy days, and they can only walk with their bicycles on their shoulders.

But today Wan Feng and Luan Feng didn't have any difficulties, they rode home smoothly all the way.

After arriving at Wa, Luan Feng went home first, Wan Feng returned the bicycle to Zhang Hai and went to the brick and tile factory.

As soon as he entered the brick and tile factory, the pouring rain fell again.

Wan Feng looked at the sky in a daze and fell into confusion again.

It can't be such a coincidence, can it? Do fox fairies really have spirits?

How come this rebirth is reborn with a fantasy color?

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