Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 367: : Gift thousands of land

Nantian was not afraid.

When tens of thousands of arrows came flying.

Nan Tian brushed his sleeves.

"Passion to the mountains!"

A row of mountains and seas, the blue and black light curtain, inspired, swept the boundless momentum, and bounced back all the arrows.



All these arrows were shot into the chest of the archery soldier.

Nantian killed only tens of thousands of people with only a small method.

King Faye was pale.

Nan Tian's power is far beyond his imagination!


The king of the Philippines wanted to escape when he pulled his leg.

But how did Nantian let him succeed.

All the attributes of the Philippine King are undoubtedly revealed under the exploration of Nantian's Wushen system.

Character: King of the Philippines

Identity: The third-rank prince of the melee kingdom-King of the Philippines

Wealth value: 400 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 37.91

Mental Strength: 36

Vitality: 37.9

Strength: 37.91

Agility: 37.9

Comprehensive combat power: 37.524

Main Class: Ancient Warrior / Yipin Wuzun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: Virtual Dao

The strength of the Philippine King is weaker than that of the Yue King and the Yin King.

Nantian even killed the Japanese king of the half martial king!

A Philippine king is a fart!

Nan Tian held the meteor sword and threw it fiercely in the direction of the Philippine King's escape.


The meteor sword penetrated the chest of King Philip.

The Philippine King died without even screaming.

King Bucky and the original defenders of Xindezong came out one after another, chasing after victory, and killing the soldiers and soldiers of the Philippine King.

Xin Dezheng's chief of the defending army knew Nantian.

This garrison chief was appointed by Nantian himself.

The chief of the defending army has a great worship of Nantian.

At a critical juncture, Nan Tian met all the enemies alone, and gently eliminated these chaotic troops.

Let the garrison chief admire incomparable.

Nan Tian looked at it, and all the soldiers worked hard!

Most of them were all painted.

"Brothers, you have worked hard!"

"Master, actually this time, we were able to hold our base camp, thanks to the help of His Majesty King Bucky! His Majesty King Bucky brought his own soldiers to help us in the future. If not, with the help of King Bucky, we would have been It's broken! Lord, your territory, I can't keep it! "

"Sir, this time, you must thank King Bucky!"

This garrison chief is also a man with a clear sense of justice.

Nantian nodded and said solemnly: "Relax, Nantian is not an ungrateful person! Those who are helpful to us, Nantian will have a great encounter!"

Nan Tian said nothing, and immediately found King Bucky.

King Bucky was helped by several soldiers and healed aside.

Nan Tian walked past lightly and handed King Bucky a bottle of life spring water.

"Drink it and your injury will be better!"

Nantian smiled.

King Bucky had seen Nantian's peerless style on the city wall, and he did not doubt it at all.

King Bucky looked up and dried the spring of life!

When the spring of life fell, King Bucky's injury healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Soon, King Bucky was almost ready.

King Bucky's face was filled with surprise.

"Adult, this is ...?"

King Bucky asked.

Nan Tian chuckled: "You just drank life spring water, which is specially supplemented with life essence. It also has some effects on some skin trauma and internal injuries."

King Bucky nodded: "It's so powerful? Then, this spring of life must be very precious! Master, I'll bother you!"

After all, King Bucky was even more shocked, and said in his mouth: "What's going on, my Dantian faintly has a hot wave running! What the **** is going on?"

"This heat flows along my veins and circulates everywhere! I feel so comfortable!"

King Bucky looked shocked.

"Don't worry, you are a sign of breakthrough! The life spring contains a lot of essence, which is very helpful to your ancient martial arts!"

Nan Tian explained.

King Bucky nodded, quickly crossed his knees to the ground, and began to meditate and practice.

As expected, it took about an hour.

Bucky's eyes opened suddenly, at this moment.

The injury on King Bucky has already been healed, and Gu Wuxiu has become more condensed!

Nantian used the Wushen system to detect, and found that all the attribute data of King Bucky had become 37.999 except for the spiritual power!

According to, the specific cultivation level is divided!

King Bucky is now a real half-step martial king!

"I feel that I seem to have endless power! This power, walking around my veins, gives me a thrill and freedom between the dragon and the sky!"

King Bucky said cheerfully.


King Bucky could not restrain the excitement in his heart.

Bucky King punches freely.

Lian Tuo's true energy, like the flood gates, is running endlessly!

King Bucky said in amazement: "Is this really from my strength?"

"Yes, this is the power from you!"

Nantian chuckled.

"It's amazing, I actually improved so much! I now have a feeling that I am only one step away from the legendary Wu Wang Realm, which is beyond our reach!"

Bucky King murmured.

Nantian patted King Bucky on the shoulder and smiled and said, "Yes, it is divided according to the specific cultivation method! Your current strength is a real half-step martial king who is genuine. Hall! Just go one step further, it ’s the king of martial arts, come on! "

King Bucky was flushed and he thumped down on the ground. He thanked Nantian and said, "Thank you, Master, and the spring of life you gave!"

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Bucky King, first of all, introduce myself: I am the flying king, the master of the fierce king! The flying king, the fierce king are my apprentices!

"You helped my apprentice, defended the territory, and helped me! If Nantian has always been kind, he will pay back ten times!"

"A cup of life spring water in this area is nothing!"

Nantian smiled.

Immediately, Nantian raised his finger to the distance.

"Nuo, now, King Yue and King Fei have been killed by me! Their remaining troops are simply insignificant! You have guarded the territory for me. I have to return this kindness!

"King Yue, King Fei's ten thousand miles of land for both of them, will give you all!"

Nantian laughed a lot ~ ~ After a day or two, the flying king and the fierce king came back, and I will order them to help you attack the two of them! "

Nan Tian said lightly.

It seems that the two third-class princes, King Yue and King Fei, the fertile territory are not worth mentioning in Nantian's eyes.

King Bucky is also a generation of heroes, and he understood a lot of things when he changed his mind.

Suddenly, King Bucky seemed to think of something.

"By the way, you all returned on your return trip, does that mean that the Sun King is already ..."

Bucky's eyes widened, his tongue spit out in surprise.

"Yes, the Sun King has been destroyed!"

Nantian chuckled. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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