Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 347: : Descendants of the Yangs

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"Map of Xiangyang City? This little meaning, promise, benefactor, this is for you."

Yang Lie said, handing the map from his arms to Nantian.

"Okay, thank you! Bye!"

Nantian waved his hand and was about to leave.

Yang Fei stopped Nan Tian.

Yang Fei was a little embarrassed.

"Benefactor, there is one thing, I don't know whether to say or not."

Yang Fei whispered.

Nantian chuckled: "Look, I don't have any quirks."

Yang Feixuan said, "Sir, don't tell you. If you want to go to Yangcheng from here, you must go through Lord Ji Wang's land. It's better to join us. Now, Ji Wang's territory must be chaotic. Incomparably, the Beastmaster found the powerful backer of the Indian King. "

"I'm a soldier under Ji Wang's account. Ji Wang is currently unaware of his life and death. I have to check it out. However, our brothers have limited strength, and please ask the benefactor to help again!"

"As long as the benefactor, you destroy the beast king and the king of India, and avenge the lord of the season king. My brothers and I will live and live for the benefactor for you.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie and dozens of knights all knelt to the ground and said respectfully to Nantian.

Finally, Yang Fei and Yang Lie shed tears of anger.

Nantian couldn't help but correct, Yang Fei and Yang Lie were all loyal and loyal generations!

Nantian has no reason not to help.

However, Nantian has shot several times.

There is also a limit to help.

Nantian said hesitantly: "I don't want to intervene in the struggle between your princes! Whatever, Ji Wang, Beast King, Yin King, I'm not interested."

"I'm going to Xiangyang City now, to do my own thing!"

Nantian said firmly.

At this moment, Yang Fei and Yang Lie will let Nan Tian leave.

Nantian is so brave!

If you want to repel the King of India, the Beast King, and the King of Recovery Season, you must use the power of Nantian!

Yang Fei, Yang Lie and their dozens of knights are not enough to seal the king, they can see the beast king.

"Benefactor, please help!"

"I wait to be a slave!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie fell to his knees and hugged Nantian's thigh.

Nantian shook his head and sighed: "No, it's a matter of servants not servants! Do I still lack servants like you in Nantian?"

In these years, Nantian has received a decent servant, that is, Du Du's housekeeper who has conquered on the white mine comet.

Du butler is really capable!

But, Dayan-level talent!

Is one level higher than the virtual level!

In the endless star sea, any talent of Dayan level, with a little training, will be a big star in the bright sky in the future!

As for Yang Fei and Yang Lie, what do they have?

Sanpin Warrior?

Psychic talent?

These two are not enough to watch!

Nowadays, the followers around Nantian are all mecha-level!

Is a servant, Yang Fei, Yang Lie, in Nan Tian's view, is not enough!

Nan Tian waved his hand, and the tone was slightly cold: "Go away! I really want to do something! Help you, once or twice. But we cannot be involved in the endless war between you. After all, I am an outsider. Everyone meets together, and I am not a bad person. "

Yang Fei, Yang Lie's head dropped, and he looked a little downcast.

"Benefactor, you are right. We are a little greedy! It is our excessive demand!"

"Benevolence, I'm sorry. You go first!"

Yang Fei and Yang Lie also realized their mistakes.

At this time, the little black in the realm of life suddenly excited, across a space, thinking of Nantian conveying the mind.

"Quickly, let me out!"

"I really want to find a great person!"

Said Xiao He excitedly.

Nantian Wenyan also opened the realm of life and summoned Xiaohei.

As soon as Xiaohei came out, he was next to Yang Fei and Yang Lie's brothers and kept sniffing and touching, touching and touching!

"Erlang God Yang Jian, the blood of the Yang family is really the blood of the Yang family, the root of the Yang family!"

Little black murmured, the whole body was shaking.

"What, Erlang God, Yang Jian? Xiaohei, you mean Yang Fei, Yang Lie, the bloodline on your body was passed down by Yang Jian?"

"Xiaohei, this matter is of great importance. Don't talk nonsense! Don't listen to other people say that the surname Yang is the descendant of Yang Jian!"

Nantian looked solemn.

Erlang God Yang Jian was in the age of Shenwu, but he was a magnificent god.

If it is, Yang Fei, Yang Lie, with Yang Jian's bloodline, that's different.

These two people will have an extraordinary future in the future.

Xiaohe shook his head and solemnly said: "Master, I have no nonsense. My ancestor was a pet of Yang Jian. The characteristics of Yang Jian and the magic blood line peculiar to the Yang family, I can't understand more clearly. They must be Descendants of the Yang family, but I do n’t know how many generations it is. "

Said solemnly.

"Since they are all descendants of the Yang family, they inherit the blood of the Yang family. So why are their talents so general and poor cultivation, I have not found any magical place for them."

Nantian is very puzzled.

Xiao Hei waved the dog's paw, and hey smiled: "This master, you don't know it! Yang Jian is an ancient deity, and the extraordinary people are more blood and roots! After all, everyone is not a gift. It ’s the same, it ’s inherently impossible to inherit. But the blood and roots are invisible. ”

"If not, Xiaohei's ancestor served Yang Jian for many years, and he has a deep understanding of Yang Jian, and put this memory into my mind as an inheritance memory, which has been passed on forever."

"I might not be able to find their anomalies! Not to mention, Master!"

Xiaohei smiled proudly.

Nantian said lightly: "Your ancestor used to serve Erlang God Yang Jian, so do you also want to serve Yang Jian's descendants?"

Xiaohe pouted his lips: "How is that possible ~ ~ My ancestor is my ancestor. I am me, not a concept at all!"

"My little black has only one master, that is the master you! Master, you are my little black master forever, forever!"

Said little black sonorously.

Nantian was very moved and patted Xiaohei: "Relax, Xiaohei you follow me, I will not let you suffer. We will fly Huang Tengda together!"

Nantian inspired.

Xiaohei nodded: "Yes, the master, these two boys, after all, are descendants of Yang Jian, and Erlang God Yang Jian is also the master of my ancestor. Erlang God Yang Jiantang is an ancient deity, and there is a tremendous presence. I ca n’t look at people like this. In the middle, after all, there are some ancestors, Master, you can help these two downhill guys. "

Little black feeling.

"This is of course! The blood of the deity flows on the body, and the roots of the deity, how can they be so ordinary.") Download the free reader !!

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