Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 330: : Wu Na's surprise

Ye Sheng was so scared that he shook his body straight, shouting again and again: "Adult, I'm wrong, I'll go, you don't want to kill me."

Ye Sheng said nothing, and ran away in vain.

Nantian shook his head and sighed, and then ignored the animal.

Next, Nantian chatted with Chu Tiesheng, Baron Roda, Elder Yao and other old friends, and flew to the Sky Star and Star Luo base on the "Taigu" spacecraft.

During the period, Nantian also found Chang Guzhong, an intermediate inspector, to help Gu find the younger brothers such as Yu Bai and Xiao Feng.

Yu Bai and Xiao Feng are all loyal to Nantian.

Now, they set foot on the endless Xinghai. In the past few years, there was no news, and Nantian was really worried.

[My good brethren, you must not have anything. 】 Nantian was talking in his heart.

The "Taigu" spacecraft was so fast that it took Nantian to gallop all the way through the space tunnel.

Soon, the spacecraft landed at Xingluo base.

Unexpectedly, Nan Tian.

The spaceship had just landed, and there was a roar of ritual music around.

The long red carpet was spread under the spaceship.

Numerous beautiful flowers are placed on both sides of the road.

Nan Tian is unknown, so get off the spaceship.

"what happened?"

Nan Tian murmured.

"Lieutenant Colonel Nantian, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Yan Lian laughed.

"Yan Lian Defense!"

Nan Tian saluted him, out of respect in his heart.

At first, if not, Yan Lianhui saw the hero and brought Nantian out of the sea blue star.

Nantian will not grow so fast.

Over the years, Yan Lian's help to Nantian has been enormous.

Although, now, Nantian is also a lieutenant colonel officer internally prepared by the Galactic Army, and has been on par with Yan Lian, the garrison officer.

However, Nan Tian still treats Yan Lian as a honest chief in his heart.

"Lieutenant Colonel Nantian, you have grown!"

Yan Lian patted Nan Tian's shoulder with relief.

Nantian really did it, something ordinary people can't do!

The **** market competition, blockbuster, led Xingluo base, the military base on the third-class colonial star, soared into the sky, on many second-class colonial stars, first-class colonial stars, won the top spot and won the championship at once!

This first place inspires many **** men of the star Rocky!

Nantian shook his head, sighed, and blamed himself.

"After all, I didn't do my duty as a captain! With my brother, other than the little white fox, other people, like Tuo Haoqi, Mao Kaile, they sacrificed!"

"This is my fault. I blame my strength is not strong enough."

Nan Tian said, clenching his fists, nails entering the flesh, bleeding.

The little white fox looked distressed aside and hugged Nantian slightly.

"No, Captain, you have done a great job."

"If it weren't for Captain Shenwu, we would all have to sacrifice, what else is the first!"

The little white fox soothed.

Yan Lian looked solemn: "Yeah, Nan Tian, ​​don't blame yourself! Mao Kaile, Tuo Haoqi, these martyrs who sacrificed for the base, their families will be supported by the base finance department and all the officers and soldiers. Will be moved to the base of the martyrs at our base for the worship of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers. "

Nan Tian's face was indifferent and sighed inexplicably: "But, what about it? Not all people are dead, alas, life is precious, and when you live, you must cherish ..."

"However, this time, the sacrifices of the brethren are of great significance! There is a bright moon three feet above the head, and the world is vast, and I will remember the brothers forever!"

Nantian secretly said in his heart.

"Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Nantian, do n’t be so worried! Today is a good day for you to confer, and be more energetic! You are now the officer of the rank of lieutenant colonel compiled by our Galaxy Army! Within 10,000 light years, you are the youngest lieutenant colonel! Yan Lian has mixed with me for a lifetime, which is a lieutenant colonel! "

"Nantian, your kid is awesome!"

Yan Lian said heartily.

Soon, the entire Xingluo base was immersed in joy.

Drumming, singing and drumming sounded throughout the Xingluo base.

In the base, Nantian saw many acquaintances.

He Wei, instructor Marcus, stone bomber of the recruit class, Xiong Li and others.

By the way, there is Ruan Dan who has been clamoring before, very arrogantly.

Now, Ruan Dan no longer has a trace of dissatisfaction and frenzy.

Time flies, Ruan Dan is still on the spot, and even a lieutenant has not become a leader.

Nantian is not a small soldier anymore!

Nantian is now a lieutenant colonel officer on par with Yanlian.

"Chief Nantian!"

Ruan Dan bowed his head respectfully and saluted.

Nantian raised his head slightly, responding.

Ruan Dan was very excited.

With a trace of understanding from Nantian, Ruan Dan was relieved.

He Dawei and others also held hands enthusiastically with Nantian.

Because of his outstanding military skills, He Wei will soon be promoted to major!

He Dawei watched Nantiandi grow up at a glance.

He Weiwei smiled: "Nantian, your progress is really too fast, it makes me speechless!"

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Adj. He, don't call me sir! You are the adjutant of the defensive site of Yan Lian, and I have a great relationship with me. Let's just intersect with our peers!"

Captain He shook his head again and again: "No, no! You are the lieutenant commander. In the army, rank and respect are very important, but you can't be disrupted! You are now my sir, I must respect, how can I meet in the same age, What about disobedient sir? "

Nan Tian sighed, "Okay!"

After all, Nantian talked to Marcus, Shi Danjian, Xiong Li and others for a while.

Now, Shi Danjian and Xiong Lidi are making rapid progress.

The two will soon serve as the chief and deputy squad leader.

As for the instructor Marcus, he will also be promoted to deputy chief instructor of the training department of Xingluo Base.

Nantian is also very happy to see that all the people are mixing well.

As it happens, this time.

Now, Wu Na and a group of sergeants have just returned from a mission outside.

Wu Na has not returned to the base in a long time.

When Wu Na first arrived, she saw that the inside of the base had changed a lot, but it was very lively.

Wu Na secretly wondered: "What happened inside the base? Why is it so busy?"

Exactly, the southern sky passes by.

Wu Na's eyes fell on Nantian ~ ~ Wu Na was very surprised.

See also Yan Lian, He Wei, and a number of high-level base officers, surrounded by Nantian.

Wu Na is unknown.

"What the **** happened?"

"This Nantian, it seems like his temper is stinky and hard. Isn't he crazy for a while, annoying the big men of the military department!"

"Now, Chief Yan Lian, Chief He, will **** Nantian to the military court!"

"No, no matter what! This guy, after all, saved me many times! Now, he is in danger, I have to stand up and can't watch him be taken away. My father is also a general who was prepared outside the Galaxy Army, and A department-level cadre at Xingluo base has a great relationship. "

"It's time for me to come forward!"

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