Old rules, early robbery!


“Well, it’s all very smooth.” Li Nianwei said with the happiest and most satisfying smile on his face, said softly: “Young Master, thank you. It is a concert that I have been since I was a child.” Now, I finally realized it,” she said, stepping back a little half, then squatting at Hong Dali.

In fact, for her, whether it is a real big star, how much money to earn, these are not important. She only wants her talent to be recognized by the world, and her songs can be liked by the world, which is enough.

Today, Hong Dali has helped her reach the First Step. After the concert, this is not something that anyone can open. That requires considerable manpower, material resources and financial resources. And these are not limited, the most important thing is that you still need fame.

At this time, Li Nianwei is still not famous. But in the eyes of Hong Dali, this is not a problem at all.

People in heaven have always had genes that like to watch the excitement, especially for free. Long nights, unintentional sleep, can watch a free concert, what more can be more comfortable than this?

Therefore, the most difficult part of the original concert was to Hong Dali. It was the simplest thing – because his purpose was to lose the family, to spend money, and to earn money without making concerts. How could this be possible? Will it be in the eyes of his super defeated family?

“Aiya, what are you doing so, hahahaha!” Hong Dali scratched his hair, laughed heartily: “In fact, I just want to lose a home by the way. Anyway, how to spend money is a flower, then the flowers can still be used here.” I am happy, why should I thank you so much? Ah, haha, haha!”

From a young age, Hong Dali was rarely thanked so much. At one time, it was quite a bit of a hand.

“Strongly, you are actually blushing, hehe!” Tang Muxin stared at Hong Dali’s face, said with a laugh: “This is really the sun hitting the west, is your skin not always thick like a city wall?”

“How thick is the meat, the red dot is normal.” Hong Dali coughed, then asked Ling Xiaoyi standing next to him: “Xiaoyi, that concert, how is the venue now built?”

Ling Xiaoyi respectfully said: “Back to Young Master, everything is under your arrangement.”

Well, this is fine. Hong Dali touched his chin: “Well, everyone is free to move for a while, I am thirsty, let me drink and talk.”

“It is good.”

Hong Dali Since this protagonist said so, everyone naturally obeyed. Soon, only Ling Xiaoyi was left alone. Hong Dali secretly called the Godly Prodigal System in his head. When he looked at the numbers above, he suddenly smiled: the current amount of defeat: 2051874.

Two million! Wow Hahahahaha! A concert burned two million dollars, cool!

When someone else opens a concert, they are afraid that they will lose money. They are afraid that they will not be enough, and they will not be able to recover the cost. What Hong Dali is most afraid of is that the money is not in place and the flowers are not enough. At that time, the attribute point will not go up…

If you don’t want to exchange good points, you don’t want to add all of them to the health index.

From the eyes of Hong Dali, I only saw myself shining into the golden light, just like the success of the master in the novel. The whole person is like gold. It has been flashing for half a minute, and the golden light is finally dimmed. Go on.

Aiya, Shu Tan, really his mother is too comfortable!

Hong Dali was satisfied with the stretch. At this time, every cell in the body is cheering, which is the feeling that the whole body will have when it is perfect. This is the feeling of a really great Perfection in good health. It is no exaggeration to say that Hong Dali at this time is as healthy as a newborn baby – the most capable of absorbing the state of energy on World. This is probably the case.

At this time, the system sound in the mind sounded at the same time: “The host health index reached one hundred full points. When the five attributes of the host are all full, the system upgrade will be initiated, and the small defeated family will evolve into a big defeated family.”

Is it just a small defeat? What is the shape of the big ruined family?

If you can’t manage that much now, anyway, today is really a happy day.

There is no evil in the path, and blessing is not alone. The physical state is now Perfection, and what I should do next is naturally to improve the sexual ability index. This has always been the most important thing for Hong Dali. Men can’t do this, is it still called a man?

As for the speed of power response, those who are not in a hurry, anyway, they will not go out to fight.

I want to squander, I want to lose! I want to improve my sexuality! I want Xiaoding to become a big dick!


Tianjing City Center thousand songs headquarters building, 16th-layer.

“Hong Zong,” the secretary stood in Hong Weiguo’s office and is reporting to Hong Weiguo on the latest development of the West Fourth Ring: “The West Fourth Ring is progressing very smoothly. Fengyuan Lake and that hill have been approved, and it will take about one week. Officially placed under the strong Young Master. Chenhui Building has also been fully acquired. The three plots previously purchased have now been cleaned up and progressed very quickly.”

“Well, it’s good.” Hong Weiguo smiled and drank his tea. Since I knew Hong Dali’s physical condition is good, his mood has been quite beautiful these days, no less than when he was in love with his wife, Lan Ruoxi.

The secretary continued: “The current three plots of land have begun to plan specific architectural blueprints, but there is no final draft yet.”

As the absolute controller of Qiange Company, such a large-scale development project naturally needs Hong Weiguo to personally set it. Hong Weiguo stood up and opened the map of the newly printed night scent. He whispered while touching the chin: “This is a good place, but since it is going to be developed, it can’t be careless.”

He thought about it and said: “I am going to go to the film and television company he made out to play today. It seems that this little bastard wants to engage in film and television again?” Thinking of this, Hong Weiguo said: “Right, Fengyuan Lake When I was there, I said what he was going to do? I was busy that day, I didn’t ask myself, I asked you to ask.”

The secretary is sweating and replied: “Young Master said… Young Master said…” He paused, and finally he said: “Young Master said that he wants to build a cottage there, learn about the waters of Liangshan, be a mountain king… …”

“haha, this mixed kid.” Hong Weiguo laughed heartily: “It’s hard for him to come up with so many bad ideas. Well, I think…” He looked at the map again, suddenly eyes shined, his fingers on the map A not long curve: “It’s not far from the outside of Tianjing Mountain…”

Thinking of this, Hong Weiguo suddenly said loudly: “Xiao Zhao, you will immediately inform, contact the Land and Resources Bureau, ask Tianjingshan near Fengyuan Lake, there is no Lord, if not, try to buy these hills. !”

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