Rebirth of Extreme Evolution

Chapter 22. Materials and Prominence

"With this heavyweight metal door, there must be important things inside!" Mu Xiao clenched the handle of the metal door, his body full of blood, his legs like big rooted trees, and the strength surged into his arms, and veins popped out. When he stood up, his tightly tensed muscles squirmed like a horned dragon, and his whole body's strength exploded like never before, struggling to pull the metal door open.

A strong and heavy metal door was gradually pulled open by him.

Mu Xiao's muscles had just been exercising intensely, but as if nothing happened, he quickly calmed down the surge of blood and muscle soreness and walked down the stairs.

His body has been strengthened by flexibility, and the elastic stretch of most ligaments, joints, muscles, skin and other cell tissues has become full of vitality, and naturally has good recovery power, as long as it does not exceed the body's flexibility due to repeated explosive force. limit, then there is no fear of physical damage.

The stairs on the third floor underground were deeper than the previous two times. Mu Xiao's mental power also detected the stair passage, which contained a lot of surveillance equipment and armed equipment. If the machine had not been invaded by an electronic virus, most of the equipment would have been intact. Under the circumstances, Mu Xiao could not go on so easily.

"With so many safety measures, what exactly is inside?" Mu Xiao walked for about a minute and saw another metal door standing in front of him. It was also a very precise and strong metal door, but not as heavy as the previous door. Mu Xiao pushed it open with less than half of his strength.

After the door opened, Mu Xiao saw the mountains of things, swallowed subconsciously, and said to himself in shock: "It turns out to be a material storage area..."

The room of more than 500 square meters, which is like a small square, contains a large number of boxes of things. Mu Xiao used his mental power to explore and found that there were electronic components, mechanical parts, different levels of nutrient solutions and life gene potions, and many high-end Chinese medicinal materials, numerous weapons and equipment of varying degrees, as well as unopened multi-functional robots, micro-detectors, maglev sports cars, bullet-type nuclear energy vehicles and other expensive things.

Among them are at most many different types of energy blocks, and some optical brain machines were also found.

"Such a large amount of supplies would cost at least tens of billions of credits before a disaster occurs. With weapons and equipment, nutrient solutions, and life gene potions alone, it would be enough to support an elite force of about three hundred people." Mu Xiao was slightly stunned, and also No wonder there are so many security measures. It turns out to be a large warehouse. It seems that I made the right bet to stay here and explore.

He was certain that some of the supplies were stored here by the federation in case of inconvenience, while the other part should be smuggled goods. It can even be said that some people took advantage of their power to confiscate certain company properties and obtained materials, or obtained some good things from other invisible ways.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a warehouse to be so chaotic, with many types of items being mismatched, and most items not being clearly labeled or stored in categories. The most important thing is that Mu Xiao found some goods with the trademarks of other companies. If they were federal supplies, they would definitely have the federal logo printed on them, not the trademarks of other companies.

The law firm is a federal secret service agency, so it is not difficult for Mu Xiao to understand why there are so many different types of materials.

"We must move here!" Mu Xiao's eyes were filled with determination.

This large warehouse stores so many rich materials, it is even more difficult to shake Mu Xiao's intention to use this place as his base. He can't wait to move in immediately, but there are also a large number of precious medicinal materials and potions in his residence, so he cannot give it up in vain, and His little sister is living again, and there is a certain risk in coming here. She must be able to protect herself before she can come and live here smoothly.

"Now go back to your residence and try to find a way to move everything in, and take the little girl to increase the number of genetic resonances on the way..." Mu Xiao did not touch the things in the warehouse, left decisively, and closed the metal door. Then, he returned to the upper level, and without bothering, he once again used all his strength to close the heavy metal door.

In fact, there is a secret exit in the basement. Mu Xiao does not want to open this secret exit for the time being, because if it is opened, he will not know what is outside and attract other unknown mutated creatures to come in, which is not a good thing. Moreover, when encountering surviving humans, some might become greedy, and Mu Xiao would inevitably kill more.

Therefore, he temporarily used his law firm as his outlet.


Mu Xiao exhaled a breath, stretched the muscles of his joints, and turned around to leave.

Previously, Mu Xiao killed a few zombies and left corpses in the stairwell one floor above. Mu Xiao took out a bottle of fire chemical from the machine room from his backpack and sprinkled it on.

A ball of high-temperature blue flame quickly burned on the corpse. After about five or six minutes, it turned into a pile of dry charcoal.

Mu Xiao made sure that the flames were extinguished before leaving. Otherwise, if a fire broke out here, all the supplies would be burned, and he would definitely feel bitter at that time. Although there was no debris in the stairway, there was not much chance of a fire, but he didn't want to take such a small risk.

After a while, Mu Xiao returned all the way to the fourth floor where there were corpses on the ground. He didn't encounter any zombies on his way back, so he probably killed them all.

All the fire-burning chemicals were sprayed on the corpses on the ground, and the green and red flames were like a fire monster constantly devouring the corpses.

The walls of the stairwell were made of fireproof stone, but the flames were very hot, and soon part of the stone cracked, and thick smoke filled the entire passage. The ventilation equipment here was paralyzed and could not work. Mu Xiao couldn't stand the black and pungent smoke, so he had to go into the room, close the door, and use his mental strength to observe the extent of the burning outside.

The fire chemical agent does not last very long. When the temperature reaches a fiery peak, it gradually extinguishes.

Mu Xiao detected that the flames had gone out, but he did not leave immediately. Instead, he waited until the smoke inside had almost dissipated. When he went in, he saw that the floor was filled with strange human-shaped charcoal, and was filled with a strange feeling of chill.

"That's fine for now..."

Mu Xiao also felt that the entire staircase was filled with charcoal ash from corpses, and he felt uncomfortable all over. However, if the corpses were left alone and a large group of zombies were attracted to come here for dinner, it would be even worse.

"General cleaning robots can be repaired, so these little troubles should be solved soon." Mu Xiao understood that what he lacked now was not strong combat ability, but auxiliary abilities, whether it was minor troubles with cleaning problems now or repairing them in the future. The work of the underground defense system must also have the ability of 'intellectual system'.

Starting from the first floor, Mu Xiao closed the rooms outside this secret staircase one by one to reduce the number of zombies entering or people taking refuge from entering this secret passage leading to all secret rooms and basements.

After he finished everything, he left the ordinary room on the fifth floor and returned to the corridor outside the lawyer's building.

"There are no survivors, and there are no zombies." As Mu Xiao walked down, he used his mental power to detect the surrounding rooms to see if there were any signs of human life, and to sense whether there were any zombies.

It’s not that he wants to save people, but he doesn’t want his ‘new home’ to welcome strange guests.

Mu Xiao already regarded this law firm as his own.

He walked down to the fifth floor in a few seconds. After walking a few steps, he just turned into a corner.

Suddenly, Mu Xiao's mind caught an unknown object that was as fast as lightning. When he reacted, a tall thing flashed in front of his eyes.


So fast that Mu Xiao had no time to react, something suddenly appeared and tore his black armored defensive suit. The backpack strap on his chest was also torn into two sections. The entire backpack fell to the ground, and five streaks appeared on his chest. Scratches, deep cuts into the muscles, but strangely not a drop of blood flowed out.


Mu Xiao endured the pain and screamed, and his movements were not slow. He kicked the ground hard, his body rushed back to the stairs, and he bombarded the front with telekinesis without hesitation.

Only then did Mu Xiao clearly see what was attacking him.

Tall and thin body, hands full of razor blade nails, like sharp claws. The white hair is stained with blood, the eyes are blood red, the teeth are one section longer than ordinary people, and the teeth are bared in a fierce and sharp grin. If one is bitten, a large piece of flesh may be torn out.

This is a woman wearing white overalls. There is no doubt that she is a staff member inside the building. However, she mutated into a monster and did not leave. She was also lurking upstairs for genetic evolution. When Mu Xiao appeared, the mutated woman suddenly launched an attack out of hunger for flesh and blood.

After evolution, mutants have cunning wisdom like humans, which can also be said to be instinctive beast intuition. Moreover, the strength is still higher than that of Mu Xiao, with a full 20 times of genetic resonance. It is no wonder that Mu Xiao's mental power detects an object approaching at high speed, but his body cannot react.

Mu Xiao's telekinesis only pushed the mutated woman's body back a few steps without causing any harm at all.

"Damn it! I actually met a mutant!" Mu Xiao cursed secretly, hunger surged out again, and his body was slightly affected. The new human beings who have not cultivated are too weak!


The mutated woman's sharp teeth rubbed against each other and made a sharp sound like scratching the glass, as if they were mocking Mu Xiao's weak attack.

"Mutants are really different from the living dead." Mu Xiao endured the pain and still made a calm analysis, and also noticed that there was no blood flowing out of his body.

"It seems that there is something unusual about my body..."

While Mu Xiao was thinking of countermeasures, the mutated woman launched a ferocious attack.

The suddenly mutated woman opened her cold blade nails and sprinted quickly.

Mu Xiao refused to retreat and counterattacked, the angry veins of his fists bulging out, and his telekinesis turned into an invisible fist shield. As a superimposed force, he punched the head of the mutant woman who was rushing towards her.

The mutated woman who was rushing toward her was unable to dodge Mu Xiao's fist at high speed, but her sharp claws grabbed Mu Xiao's arm. However, Mu Xiao's gravity punch completely hit the mutated woman's face. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The impact made the mutated woman somersault several times, and she hit a bench in the corridor. The powerful impact smashed the bench into pieces.

There were five more deep marks on Mu Xiao's arm. The fist that smashed the mutant woman's head was slightly numb. Her face was like a steel plate covered with flesh.

The pain cut into the bone. Mu Xiao gritted his teeth and endured the pain. The scars on his arms and body were cut into his flesh. If he didn't have a telekinesis fist to cover his fist, it would probably be even more painful.

Mu Xiao knew how big his punch was. Even an elephant could be killed with one punch. However, when his fist hit the mutant woman's face, it did not smash it to pieces. Instead, it made his fist numb. He vaguely guessed that this mutant His physique is the same as his own, and he has to break through to a new physique. The most important thing is that his gene resonance frequency is higher than his own, so that he can feel suppressed.

"Fortunately, telekinesis can be used in a variety of ways. If we use tactics like those used to deal with mutant cats, we will not be able to restrain this mutant at all. It will easily be forced away by it and it will only be a waste of telekinesis..." Mu Xiao's thoughts flashed through his analysis. , immediately counterattacked and killed the mutant.

Although the mutated woman's head was not exploded, she was briefly dizzy and could not get up. Mu Xiao jumped up, his mind turned into a drill and attached to his feet. He gathered all his strength into the soles of his feet and kicked the mutated woman's back with the force of breaking mountains and rocks!

The spine makes a "clicking" sound.


The mutated woman let out an extremely painful, high-pitched hoarse sound that was deafening. She was instantly awakened from a coma by the pain. Her tall and thin body struggled violently, like a reptile, clawing its limbs on the ground to exert force.

"This guy really hurts!"

In a moment of thought, Mu Xiao stepped on the mutant woman's back and was suddenly thrown away by the mutant woman's explosive power. He rushed forward and opened a safe distance from Mu Xiao before the mutant woman stopped.

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