Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 394: Walking Armor

In the living room of the main house, Gao Cheng looked through the window at the lit wing.

That old man is really powerful, staying alone in that kind of place...

"I'd better wait until tomorrow to talk to my dad," Damon Yoshiro accompanied Uncle Mori to drink on the sofa next to him, and handed a notebook to the uncle with a low expression, "This is the news clipped by my mother..."

Uncle Mori looked at the newspaper clipping: "On December 10th, Kenichi Sasaku, the president of Sasaku Industry, committed suicide, but rumors in the industry say that Sasaku Industry was exploited by Daimon Industry, and vicious competition forced it to close down...Is this news four years ago? "

"Yes," Daimon Yoshiro turned his head slightly, "My dad may indeed have done such a thing for his own purpose. You should have seen that armor just now. In fact, the president who committed suicide is that armor The original owner."

"December exactly today," Gao Cheng's face moved slightly, "Is the president's surname Sasaku really?"

"I've also heard about it," Hojo Hatsue brought tea and dessert, "The factory has been abandoned there since then, and I heard that some people saw ghosts there, isn't it scary?"

Xiaolan hugged Conan tightly: "The owner who collected General Hidetomo's armor actually committed suicide on the same day... Is there really a curse?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Xiao Lan?" Uncle Mao Li said with a drink, "I think it's just a coincidence, let's not talk about it, let's have a good drink of Xuejian wine, alas, the wine here is really good."

"Of course, it's the best wine in the area."

"The snow has stopped." Gao Cheng was not interested in drinking, and closed the curtains with a yawn. "It's getting late, I think it's better to go to bed early."

"Ah, that's right," Hatsuho Hojo reacted and smiled, "I've already made the bed, everyone can rest now."

"I'm really sorry for your inconvenience, Miss Chusui," Xiaolan stopped the uncle from drinking, "Okay Dad, you're tired from driving all day, go to bed quickly."

"Let me have another drink!"

"I'm going to the bathroom first."

Gao Cheng ignored the uncle who was fighting for the wine glass with Xiaolan, and walked out of the living room with his hands crossed.

Really, after a day of freezing, I still have to be nervous when I come here to stay overnight.

Sometimes a guy like Uncle, who is so dazed and ignorant, is quite enviable.

"If Dad passes away, you will have an inheritance." The voice of the eldest daughter-in-law talking to her husband suddenly came from the room on the other side of the aisle.

"But looking at Dad's body, it's still too early to die."

"That's true."

"Speaking of which, why did that kid Lianglang come back suddenly?"

"Ghost knows, it's bullshit to leave Japan. I think he must have come home to please Dad. Hmph, in fact, if you can successfully become the president, you will have no problems. Marry you This kind of useless guy is really angry..."

"Didn't you marry me for the sake of property back then?"

"What did you say?"

Gao Cheng stood outside the door, silently listening to the quarrel between the husband and wife.

So what if this kind of family is rich? No wonder the old man moved to the wing...

"Forget it, it's none of my business... Anyway, I'm only staying for one night, and I'm leaving tomorrow."

Gao Cheng turned around and walked towards the toilet at the corner, just as the eldest son Damon Kazuki also opened the door with a cold face, squinting his eyes to watch Gao Cheng walk into the toilet.

"Are you going to spend the night in the audio-visual room again?" The eldest daughter-in-law in the room said coldly, "As a wife, I can't compare to music!"


Daimon Kazuki slammed the door shut, and when he passed the kitchen, he said to Hojo Hatsue who was still washing the cups: "Hatsuho, please make me a cup of coffee, and send it to the audio-visual room when it's done."


In the guest room, there are 5 beds on the floor in a very large room. When Gao Cheng and Xiao Ai were lying next to Conan, Xiaolan pulled Uncle Maoli over with great difficulty.

"Dad, if you're still hungover tomorrow, we'll have to live here again!"

"Xiaolan, you are so talkative, I only had two drinks!"

"Keep your voice down!"

Gao Cheng closed his eyelids with a headache.

Being in the same room with Uncle Mao Li again is really tormenting, please don't snore later...

Pulling the quilt over his head, he wanted to fall asleep quickly, but the figure of a warrior in armor appeared in his mind again. The weird drumbeats from the previous Requiem Festival seemed to sound outside again, and he couldn't forget that weird festival dance.


Gao Cheng lifted the quilt in surrender, and looked at Xiao Ai who closed her eyes and slept soundly.

"Xiao Ai, can we sleep together?"

"No." Xiao Ai turned around decisively.

"Brother Kido," Conan looked over with half-opened eyes, "you are afraid of ghosts, aren't you?"

"Afraid of ghosts? Am I afraid of ghosts?" Gao Cheng opened his eyes wide, "If there are ghosts in this world, why do we need detectives? If there are ghosts, you can come to me anytime, the more the better!"

"Really?" Conan smiled with the corners of his mouth twitched, and was suddenly taken aback, and was dragged by Xiaolan along with the bed.

"It seems a bit cold," Xiaolan pulled Uncle Mao Li's bed next to her, and said seriously, "Everyone, let's squeeze together."


"Boom!" The bell rang at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, echoing in the silent snowy night. The old woman, Damen Longzi, knelt in front of the Buddhist altar and shrine to worship, and vaguely heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow outside.

The sound of boasting became more and more clear, and the old woman walked to the window strangely and opened a gap to look at the yard.

Under the bright moonlight, the ferocious warrior in armor came into the eyes of the old woman, and seemed to feel the sight of the old woman, and suddenly stopped her figure.

"General Hidetomo..."

The old woman quickly closed the window, turned her head away and closed her eyes tightly. When she heard the sound of footsteps outside the house again, she quickly knelt down in front of the Buddhist altar in fear.


In the early morning, Gao Cheng opened his eyes in a daze, and found that Xiao Ai had leaned to the side at some point, Conan was snoring softly, Xiao Lan was curled up in the quilt in fear, and Uncle Mao Li didn't know whether he was drunk or something. The pillows and quilts were all kicked aside.

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Well," Uncle Mao Li scratched his itch, and suddenly woke up from the cold, "Is it already dawn? I don't know if I can go to the hot spring today..."

"Didn't the snow stop yesterday? It's definitely okay to go to the hot spring." Gao Cheng yawned again, tightened the quilt and said, "I'll sleep for a while, just call me later."

"I said you kid didn't sleep all night, did you?"

"Who told you to snore all the time? I always fall asleep with my head covered..."

"Hmph," Uncle Mao Li scowled, "Speaking of which, you brat hasn't thanked me well. If it wasn't for my sake, why would you let us stay overnight?"

"Yes Yes……"

Damn it, Uncle is a stinky and shameless guy.

If this guy hadn't lost his way while driving, everyone wouldn't be trapped in the snowy night, and we could have soaked in the hot spring yesterday...

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