Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess

Chapter 443 Yun Hua's Frustration (Thanks a lot for the little princess!)

57 seconds 33.

This is the result of Fan Zitong's 100-meter freestyle swimming in the 50-meter standard pool.

When this result appeared, the audience couldn't help cheering and applauding!

This is the preliminaries, and they have already broken the record of the Winter Swimming Championships, so what about the main competition?

Fan Zitong became an instant hit.

Swimming is a kind of sport, people who don’t like it watch the excitement, or even don’t want to watch the excitement, but those who like it will definitely love it to the core. After all, this is a healthy exercise suitable for all ages, and there are so many benefits!

The thousands of spectators in the stadium are definitely avid fans of swimming, and they will come to watch a not-so-famous game at this time.

After Fan Zitong's record-breaking results came out, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely enthusiastic.

A group of sports media reporters gathered around Fan Zitong to ask questions and interviews, but Fan Zitong left without answering a single question.

The reporters didn't look too happy.

Yun Hua didn't have time to worry about so much, her competition was about to begin!

Yun Hua, who was assigned to Group C, was about to play.

In addition to doing your best, do your best.

There are only preliminaries and finals in this competition, no semi-finals, and there is a three-day interval between the preliminaries and finals, so she doesn't need to stay focused. Otherwise, if you can't even make it to the finals, what's the ranking?

Give the order, enter the water.

In just one hundred meters, the 50-meter standard swimming lane only needs one round trip.

Fan Zitong took just over 57 seconds, less than a minute.

For the audience, this minute is too short.

For athletes, this minute is definitely the speed of life and death. Every breath, every second, is focused to the extreme!

Yun Hua didn't think about anything, all she knew was to do her best!

Finally, hit the wall.


First in this group!

But Yun Hua couldn't be happy about this result, because the swimming results were ultimately determined according to the big ranking, and the first place in this group did not mean that the big ranking was the first.

Especially her result, 01:06 seconds. Not even up to the standard of a first-class athlete!

The drop is too much!

With this result, he may be able to enter the finals, but there is absolutely no way to win the ranking!

In this day and age, in the world swimming competitions, neither the men's team nor the women's team, China has a very good ranking, so Zuo Ning's medals in the Asian Games are so eye-catching!

But even so, Yun Hua's grades could only be regarded as average.

She was a little depressed. Although she had already prepared for such a result, she still felt very uncomfortable when the result actually appeared.

The coach in her previous life said she was talented, and Coach Fanmengying also said that she was talented. Combining talent with hard work, there will be good results.

Now, Yun Hua could only tell herself that the reason for her poor grades was that she took a month off during the critical preparation period for the competition!

The next group of games will be completed soon.

Big rankings appear.

What surprised Yun Hua was that Fan Zitong didn't rank first!

Ranked first is Zhu Zhu with 56.47s.

The second place is Zhou Jia with 57.21s.

The third place is Fan Zitong, 57.33s.

Yun Hua... Ranked eighth!

Being able to make it to the finals, Yun Hua was a little relieved.

But this result disappointed Yun Hua.

Sure enough, there are people beyond people and beyond.

The stage of the swimming competition she was exposed to in her previous life was still too small.

She is also young, competing with a group of seventeen, eighteen or even twenty-year-old swimmers, her disadvantage is too obvious!

After adjusting his mind, Yun Hua changed his clothes and went to see the coach.

But Fan Mengying's complexion was very, very ugly!

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