Rebirth in the Wild in Another World

Chapter 190: The role of magic crystal

At the moment when Ape Witch lost the basic framework, Zhou Yang forcibly stimulated Ape Witch to prevent this Ape Witch from falling asleep because of the loss of spiritual support.

The other side controls the mental power, manifests a fireball outside the body, and slows down the manifestation process as much as possible.

Let this shaman who has just lost his basic framework feel the process of manifesting his fireball technique.

It was unrealistic to directly let this ape witch learn the fireball technique. He just wanted the ape witch to realize the composition of the basic framework of the fire element as soon as possible.

So after Zhou Yang took the shape of a fireball technique, he released the fireball technique, and then continued to manifest from the first step.

The perception of the basic framework is also divided into a person's perception, obviously this low-level Ape Witch's perception is not very good.

This manifestation process Zhou Yang has persisted for nearly half a day before allowing this low-level ape witch to construct the first fire element basic framework in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

At this point, there is nothing to do with Zhou Yang. Although these ape witches are not high-level, they have already opened up their own spiritual space.

The only difference is to qualitatively define this spiritual space. If it weren't for the mistakes in their previous cultivation system, this step could actually be ignored.

Because people who are born with fire elemental affinity, it is still very difficult to forcibly transform themselves into other elemental physiques. Zhou Yang admires the ancestors of the ape race a little bit, and he does not know how he trained a fire elemental physique. A magic of wood elements.

These things are just to make Zhou Yang complain. Now that this is the case, change it as much as possible.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly in the inheritance and transformation process, so Zhou Yang's team would lose one waste wood magician, and one more wood magician with unknown potential, and a fire magician with unknown potential.

The so-called potential here is unknown, it can also be said that the potential is unlimited.

Because the monkey witch is cultivating on the path of wood magician, there is no future. Even if the spiritual power can be increased, but because of the inconsistency of casting attributes, they often make the same efforts as other normal magicians, but the result is only other. One-tenth of a magician.

Although with the help of magic crystals, the speed of cultivation will be the same as other people who use magic crystals to cultivate.

However, Zhou Yang never gave them magic crystals to cultivate. Still, Zhou Yang didn't want their mental power to grow too fast.

If it is not for the team's needs, Zhou Yang does not want them to participate in the work of catalyzing crops, because while participating in the work, their mental power will also increase.

As for why Zhou Yang didn't want them to increase their spiritual power, it was also very simple, because the more their spiritual power increased, the more dangerous it would be for them to release inherited magic in the future.

Wu once said to Zhou Yang that it should be considered a miracle that she could survive. I don't know if Wu encountered any adventures when he was young. Anyway, after he released the inheritance magic, he didn't die right away.

This is very rare in the inheritance history of the ape clan. After countless generations, only a few generations of witches did not die immediately after the inheritance.

It was because the witch did not die immediately that gave Zhou Yang the opportunity to replenish energy and food for the witch.

Wu was also lucky, and when the energy in her body had dissipated and her mental power was unsustainable, Zhou Yang gave the witch energy a relatively pure big cat blood.

This allowed Wu to quickly replenish some of the energy in his body, without causing Wu to die immediately.

It was also because the witch had long suspected mistakes in cultivation, and the age of the witch was long enough, so that it had enough xinxing to bear it and did not continue to build the basic frame of wood elements.

Of course the most important thing is that Zhou Yang raised the fire after he got down the tree, so that the witch could feel the fire element from the fire, and thus constructed the basic framework of the fire element.

Of course, in fact, the basic framework of the fire element was successfully constructed on the ancestors of the ape race, so witches can comprehend it in a very short time. Although the inheritance has not been passed down, the inheritance seems to have been inherited. In the genes of every witch.

It was just a signal of awakening, and the fire that Zhou Yang ignited was a signal of awakening genetic memory.

Zhou Yang discovered that the reason the Ape Witch would die immediately after the inheritance was due to the fact that there was too much information to be passed on. In addition, the Ape Witches of the big clan were basically intermediate-level beasts, which was also one of the reasons.

Although it is the same to use up one's own mental power, but this kind of exhaustion of low-level monsters and middle-level monsters are completely two concepts.

Because the low-level monsters are entering the magic gate, the combination of mental power and energy in the body is not very close. Even if the mental power is exhausted, it will only use up the available mental power on the surface.

However, the understanding of the mental power of the middle-level monsters is much higher than that of the low-level monsters!

They want to drain their spiritual energy, but there are ways to drain all their spiritual energy!

Inheritance magic seems to be able to call all of your own knowledge, which means that even the mental exercises you understand can be used. This also means that if the ape witches above the intermediate level use inheritance magic, they will almost empty their minds. Rhythm.

The head is emptied and the machine is down. It is a real miracle if a person is not dead, and the witch is the product of this miracle.

Aside from the topic, the ancestor of the ape tribe and the ancestor witch are not the same person. The ancestor witch should be the great power who led the ape tribe up the tree after the second generation of the ancestor of the ape tribe, and also the great power who was complained by Zhou Yang. NS.

I don't know if she is smart or stupid, but she is stupid. She has realized the inheritance magic, which may be more powerful than the real ancestor of the ape race.

But is she smart? However, she stubbornly broke the fire element affinity into the wood magic path, of course, she wouldn't be able to do this if she wasn't smart.

It can only be said that it may be a wrong coincidence, creating a wrong path.

Zhou Yang's team is here, when the first ape witch succeeds in inheriting, he has a bottom.

This time, the remaining place fell to one of the five ape witches who followed him first.

Although these five ape witches are not orthodox great tribe ape witches, they are not like the ape witches who joined later are all from Ye Luzi.

So this time when it is transformed, there is danger!

Fortunately, Zhou Yang was afraid of danger at the beginning of the transformation, so he prepared a lot of monster blood in advance.

Although this was Zhou Yang's guess, the result was the same as Zhou Yang's guess. When the Ape Witch's life was in danger, after pouring the Ape Witch's blood, the Ape Witch's breath of life stabilized.

The only thing that made Zhou Yang dissatisfied was that this time, no matter how the aberrations stimulated Ape Witch's Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ape Witch did not immediately wake up.

After Zhou Yang guarded the monkey witch for three days, the monkey witch slowly woke up.

After feeling Ape Witch awakening, Zhou Yang immediately began to let Ape Witch feel the basic framework of the fire element.

Fortunately, there wasn't much difference, and the ape witch turned into a fire magician smoothly.

The Orthodox Ape Witch is different from the Yeluzi Ape Witch. Although they are both low-level monsters, they can release fireball skills with their own power soon after they become a fire magician.

That Yeluzi Ape Witch also wanted to try the fireball technique with this orthodox Ape Witch, but Zhou Yang stopped it.

Although the spiritual space in the two seas of ape witch knowledge is large enough, because they have just been transformed into fire magicians, their recovery conditions are different.

The mental power available to that wild ape witch was not enough to release two fireballs, and the remaining mental space was similar to being blocked after magic backlash.

Similarly, this part of the mental space cannot recover mental power due to meditation. The difference is that the blockade of magic backlash will automatically recover after a certain period of time.

The space that was blocked after the inheritance needs to be unblocked a little bit through meditation.

Of course, since it is one's original mental power space, the speed of unblocking must be much faster than the speed of cultivation.

But now that it is blocked, it is blocked. It is not enough for the spiritual upper limit of two fireballs. It is like an experiment to release fireballs. It is almost the same as looking for death. Zhou Yang definitely can't let her try.

Zhou Yang now has a more secure method, which is to equip these two newly transformed ape witches with magic crystals to assist them in their cultivation.

Of course, there must be a difference in the allocation. Zhou Yang's mother-in-law was allocated a middle-level fire element magic crystal.

Although there is no solidified magic in this magic crystal, the preciousness of this middle-level magic crystal is much more precious than the low-level magic crystal assigned to another ape witch.

Although the low-level magic crystal assigned to the wild road witch has solidified magic, it is a water magic crystal on the body of the most common magic wolf.

The one with solidified magic seems to be better than the one without solidified magic.

But it is not!

This is also a relatively interesting thing Zhou Yang discovered while studying the magic crystal solidification magic some time ago.

That is, if a magical beast, holding the same magic crystal to release magic, it will have a bonus effect on the released magic.

And the higher the level of magic crystal, the stronger the bonus effect.

For example, if the power of a fireball technique of a low-level magician is ten, then if he holds a low-level fire magic crystal and releases the same fireball technique, the power of the fireball technique is fifteen.

But if the middle-level fire element magic crystal is in hand, the power of this fireball technique is twenty.

If you switch to a middle-level magician, without the magic crystal in hand, the power of his fireball technique is also close to twenty.

If you hold an intermediate fire magic crystal and release it, its power will increase to thirty.

In other words, the bonus of the low-level magic crystal to the low-level magic of the same system should be about 50%, and the bonus of the middle-level magic crystal to the low-level magic of the same system should be 100%.

The magic crystal has no bonuses to different types of magic!

In other words, the low-level magic crystal with solidified magic obtained by the wild road witch, in addition to assisting her in cultivating mental power, it also provided a different type of magic.

But the orthodox Ape Witch's middle-level fire element magic crystal can double the power of her fireball technique.

And increasing the magic power is not without a price, the price is how much power is increased, how much mental power you consume!

But this kind of price is exactly what the ape witch needs, and having this kind of price in the cultivation process means that he can consume his mental power faster.

Although building magic takes some time and bears some dangers, it consumes faster than a single low-level magic anyway!

And the most important point is!

If you hold the magic crystal to release the magic, you will not suffer a backlash even if you fail to construct the magic!

Because of the increase, the magic crystal has become a transit point for mental power, so when the magic is released, the world rules default to the magic crystal to release this magic.

So backlash is also a backlash against the magic crystal!

The difference between the middle-level magic crystal and the low-level magic crystal is magnified here!

In the case of low-level magic crystals, basically if the holder fails to release more than two low-level magic in a short period of time, it will be abolished!

However, unless the middle-level magic crystal fails the middle-level magic, it will be destroyed if it fails twice in a short time. If it is a low-level magic, it does not matter if it fails more than ten or twenty times.

If a magician fails to release a magic ten or twenty times in a short time, then the magician will be useless!

Of course, as mentioned above, it is a continuous failure in a short period of time. The spar and the human mental space are the same. They will slowly recover after backlash. The recovery time may be twice as slow as the human body, but it will always recover as before.

As long as the spar is backlashed, if you don't use the spar again, it will recover.

So Zhou Yang concluded that the spar has several effects on magical beasts. The first one is definitely to assist in cultivation, and the second is to increase the magic of the same system.

There is also a third point, that is, even if you hold a spar of a different type, although it can't boost your main magic, it can be used as a talisman to prevent magic backlash.

Especially when fighting the enemy, this third function is especially precious!

Regardless of the fact that the wood magicians in Zhou Yang's team have not suffered magical backlash, this is also a characteristic of wood magic.

Perhaps most wood magic is related to life, and wood magic may be the least prone to failure of all element magics and defeat the caster.

But this is not the case with other elemental magic, especially fire magic, because the magic element is the most active of all elements, so it is very common to fail and suffer backlash!

No matter it was a witch or Zhou Yang's several sisters, when they first transformed into a fire magician, none of them hadn't been beaten back!

And several of Zhou Yang's older sisters almost lost their lives because of magic backlash, so Zhou Yang didn't dare to let that wild ape witch try fireball!

We must know that although Zhou Yang’s sister has not accepted the inheritance, they are the children of a big family after all. Coupled with the supply of various blood foods from Zhou Yang, when they advanced to the fire magician, they had already crushed them physically. Ye Luzi's ape witch.

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