Chen Tianqiao’s younger brother asked:”Brother, if we open our own company, what should we name the company? It has to be more domineering, right?”

Chen Tianqiao said:”I have thought about it a long time ago. Why not call it Shengda Go online.”

Chen Tianqiao’s classmate said,”Eh? This seems very good. It’s catchy and domineering. I’ll join it later.”

“Let’s go. Let’s go back first. This matter should be discussed in the long run. We are not in a hurry.” Chen Tianqiao said,”Now that I have resigned, I should take care of the most important things first.”

“What’s going on?” Chen Tianqiao’s girlfriend asked

“Let’s get married first. You have to start a family first before you can start a career! You won’t marry me, will you?” Chen Tianqiao said

“marry!”My girlfriend quickly said happily!

My younger brother and his classmates started to make noise together.

Chen Tianqiao hugged his girlfriend and said,”Let’s go! Let’s find a place to eat first! Celebrate my resignation!”


The other side of the S sea.

A room at Home Inn���In the bed room.

Liang Jianjiang, Shen Lanping, Fan Mi and Ji Qi were sitting cross-legged on the bed, plotting a big event.

These four people were able to get together because they met in a restaurant. It was a stroke of luck, and it felt like fate. The four of them all graduated from prestigious universities, all had experience of going abroad, and finally returned to China at the same time. Now they are together

“I think this Home Inn is a model for us to imitate. If we want to build a hotel, we can definitely copy them.”Ji Qi said,”Look, I have recorded the height of their hotel door and the length of the bed, and I also took a lot of photos.”

Ji Qi took out a Canon camera and took some pictures.

It was all photos of the room he had taken.

“Yes, if we want to build a travel website, I think it is very necessary to build an express hotel as well.”Liang Jianjiang agreed very much.

“Later, when our travel website was built, Ji Qi and I took time off and started working on the hotel business at the same time.”Shen Lanping also said

“Have you thought of a hotel name?”Fan Mi asked

“Not ready yet.”Ji Qi said melancholy. When he first saw Home Inn, he always had a vague feeling that the name of this hotel had some connection with him, but he didn’t think much about it.

“Don’t worry about the name of the hotel. If we want to build a fast hotel, we will definitely have to wait for our website to go online before we can do it. But the name of our website has been decided? Is it called traveling with oranges? Liang Jianjiang said

“Just use this name. Make it catchy and easy to remember.”Several others agreed

“But we need investment. We want to be an Internet company and a fast hotel.”Fan Mi said

“Look at this. Liang Jianjiang pulled out a copy of the”Huangpu Morning News” from under his p-shares and spread it out in front of everyone:”I just saw this morning that a company in Shanghai is willing to invest in Internet companies.” We can get financing from them. With the resumes of the four of us, there is no reason for the other party to think that our website has no potential, right?”

Everyone read the newspaper about the Internet project incubation plan launched by Shengyi Investment and nodded.

“The money problem should be easy to solve. It shouldn’t be a problem for the four of us to attract investment. The key now is that we need to build the website quickly. Now the Internet in Dragon Kingdom is changing with each passing day, and we must be ahead of everyone. As the saying goes, in a hundred battles, those who strive first should not fall behind others.”Shen Lanping agreed.

“That’s right, those who strive first, I will register the company tomorrow. Liang Jianjiang said

“Let’s work together! Ji Qi said

“work together!”The four of them stretched out their hands and folded them together to cheer themselves up.


Also seeing this report in the newspaper was Teacher Ma from Xihu City.

When he saw this report, his eyes widened immediately. Now his company is a start-up and in urgent need of capital injection. But the person he finally found who could help him suddenly disappeared, which put him in a very embarrassing situation.

Now that he saw the report in the newspaper, his eyes lit up.

Isn’t his Ali Company the Internet company that supports Long Guo’s entrepreneurship?

Is it possible to seek investment?

Thinking of this, Teacher Ma was suddenly full of motivation. The top priority was to go to Shai quickly and persuade this company to invest in him. As long as he can get money, his Ahli company can embark on the path of development and not be as embarrassed and shabby as it is now.

Then, Teacher Ma immediately booked a bus ticket to Shai City for himself. He couldn’t wait for a moment.

………… at this time.

Brother Xiao Ma from Pengcheng, the”Special Zone Pioneer” in front of him also published a report on the Internet project incubation plan of Shengyi Investment.

But Xiao Ma is different from what others think.

He currently has no plans to find venture capital because he is very distressed now and his OICQ is facing two crises.

The first crisis is that they have not yet found a reasonable profit model.

So far, the instant messaging software he designed is still burning money.

Now the number of registered users of OICQ has exceeded tens of thousands, and the server rent is increasingly making it overwhelmed.

The second crisis is that the foreign ICQ software he copied is currently being sued through lawyers for infringement.

In other words, Xiao Ma is facing a lawsuit.

“If I had known earlier, I would have been better off going to work and stock trading, but now it is simply too torturous.”Brother Xiaoma is browsing, and he is also an active user on When OICQ was first launched, he used a female account on every day, pretending to be a female user every day, and hooked up with users to register. His OICQ.

That was a painful past.

Now that the number of OICQ registrations has increased, it has brought him a lot of troubles.

“Don’t say anything like giving up. I already resigned from the Quarantine Bureau to start your own business with you. If you back down now, you will be the one cheating me!”Xiao Ma’s old classmate said,”I even threw away my iron rice bowl!”

“That is, persistence is victory! Another old classmate Xu Chenye said.

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