The Taobao company project was officially launched, and Lin Shen could temporarily breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, Lin Shen snatched the opportunity that originally belonged to Teacher Ma, and the entire founding team did not leave it for him.

In the previous life, the first few major financings of Ali Company were actually realized through Cai Kexin. The first $5 million was raised by Cai Kexin from an investment manager at Goldman Sachs Bank in Hong Kong. Now, not only is Teacher Ma gone, but Goldman Sachs also has a close relationship with Lin Shen.

Not to mention the second round of financing, which is crucial to Ari, and was contacted by Cai Xinxin. Softbank, owned by Sun Qianyi, invested US$20 million, and it was invested next year when the Internet bubble burst. Now that Cai Kexin is gone, even Lin Shen has a stake in SoftBank, how can Mr. Ma raise funds from SoftBank this time.

The third deal was also brought in by Cai Kexin…

If this is the case, Teacher Ma’s Ali company can still achieve results, then he is really awesome.

As for the Taobao Internet Technology Company founded by Lin Shen, the starting capital provided by Lin Shen was only 100 million U.S. dollars, which even eliminated the steps of financing.

The Internet bubble bursts next year and can be spent smoothly.

Now Lin Shen has invested in Jinshan Company, and Jinshan Company has invested in Li Yanhong. Now Lin Shen has founded Taobao. It can be said that Lin Shen has already made a deep layout before the Internet wave completely arrives.

But Lin Shen felt that it was still not enough.

Sun Qianyi can invest in more than ten Internet companies in Longguo, Lin Shen has no reason to do this���point.

Naturally, what he wants to do is to invest as much as possible in those Internet companies that will achieve results in the future, because Lin Shen cannot do all of them by himself for many companies. First, he will be too big to attract attention, and second, he will bite off more than he can chew. If he does everything by himself, he may not be able to do it all. Make a success. It is better to use investment. Then according to the development of the previous life, you can follow and win.

Isn’t it much stronger than myself?

Anyway, none of these Internet companies do not need financing, and they are all severely short of money.

Lin Shen made this decision without thinking too much. He picked up the phone and called Mu Tingting and asked her to come to school.

Mu Tingting put down what she was doing and immediately went to Lin Shen’s office at school.

“Boss, you are so willful. I have heard that you just established a new company in Shai and directly gave it 100 million US dollars.”Mu Tingting said with a tongue-tied tongue.

“One hundred million US dollars, is it a lot? Lin Shen said

“It’s really not much compared to what you made last year.”Mu Tingting said

“Boss, you have invested in so many companies related to the Internet. Are you very optimistic about the future development of the Internet?”Mu Tingting still feels that the Internet is a bit invisible and intangible, and it is difficult for him to understand how to make money on the Internet in the future.

Although she often visits and buys Kingsoft Cards to read novels, he feels that the money that can be earned through this method is still Limited.

Among other things, the novel she read had just been updated by, and was reprinted by other forums the next day. Copyright awareness on the Internet is basically zero, and the government will not do it at all. Just forget about it.

How can you make money in this situation?

Lin Shen could only patiently tell Mu Tingting what the future of the Internet would look like.

After hearing what Lin Shen said, Mu Tingting’s eyes widened. It felt very incredible.

Just the payment license that Lin Shen said would allow everyone to save money on their mobile phones and not even need to bring cash when going out to buy things. How was this different from a bank

? Can such a scene really be realized?

It feels incredible no matter how you think about it, but I have to say that the scenes described by Lin Shen are very novel and charming. After hearing it, Mu Tingting was fascinated.

The development of Dragon Kingdom has been changing with each passing day. , but she still couldn’t imagine a world changed by the Internet as described by Lin Shen

“Therefore, I have to lay out the Internet early. Lin Shen said

“Boss, I understand.”Mu Tingting nodded obediently.

“I called you here today because of this. I want Shengyi Investment to launch an Internet project incubation plan for domestic Internet companies with potential���Make investments. Lin Shen said.

Mu Tingting heard this and said,”Specially invest in Internet companies?””

“right. Lin Shen said

“As I just said, the Internet will affect all aspects of us in the future. I don’t want to do everything. The best way is to invest in Internet companies with potential. Therefore, it is necessary to launch such an incubation plan. Lin Shen said.

Mu Tingting nodded.

“This is a group of domestic Internet companies and people that I think have potential. You can pay attention to them. If one day they happen to come to our door, we can help them. The purpose of our plan is to support young people to start their own businesses in the Internet field and provide them with financial help. Lin Shen took out a piece of paper with the names of several people and the company written on it.

Mu Tingting took the paper, glanced at it, and said,”Okay boss, I will pay attention.” When I got back, I published an article in the newspaper announcing that Shengyi Investment had launched an Internet project incubation plan.”

There were too many Internet companies founded in 1999, and some later went bankrupt. Of course Lin Shen eliminated them. But there are also many that will develop very well or not bad in the future.

Internet companies founded this year include Ctrip, Dangdang, Shanda, Jingdong…

Lin Shen is of course willing to hold shares in these websites. Even if he sells the stocks later and makes a lot of money, it will be good.

“Oh, by the way, if a person named Teacher Ma comes to you, no matter how fantastic his words are, don’t take any chances.���he.” Lin Shen said.

Mu Tingting knew about the existence of Teacher Ma, and also knew that he resigned from Zhenxing Electrical Appliances and took away the employees of Zhenxing Electrical Appliances. Naturally, she knew not to give this person a good look and said,”You don’t need to ask me about this. I know this person.”

After Mu Tingting returned, soon Shengyi Investment published the support plan for this Internet project in newspapers and periodicals across the country, proposing that Shengyi Investment would provide financial support to start-up companies in the domestic Internet field. As long as the review is approved, Shengyi Investment will Billions of investments can be used to finance it.

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