Lin Shen has indeed been asking Ouyang Qianyi to buy Microsoft stocks over the years, but he can only buy a little bit on the secondary market. It is impossible to become a major shareholder. It is estimated that you have to become a major shareholder of Microsoft. The officials of Stars and Stripes quit on the spot.

After all, Microsoft is of great significance to Stars and Stripes, and it is impossible for you to buy it and become a major shareholder.

In addition to the stocks of Internet companies such as Microsoft and Cisco that Lin Shen bought, Lin Shen also bought many other Internet companies.

He even directed Ouyang Qianyi to make large investments in some companies in their early stages and became the major shareholders of these Internet companies.

The largest investment should have been made last year. Google was only established last year. Lin Shen asked Jinyang Capital to raise 5 million US dollars for Google in one go, making Lin Shen the founder of Google except Sergey and Larry Page. Besides, the largest shareholder.

Google’s situation is very similar to Yahoo’s. Both were started by two young people, obviously without any funds. The initial entrepreneurial funds came from the two founders’ teachers, relatives and friends, but they were still very shabby and embarrassed, and their desk was a ping pong table.

Jinyang Capital Stars and Stripes Company brought five million US dollars in funds and full sincerity to invest in them. Naturally, these two young people did not hesitate and directly agreed to Jinyang Capital’s investment to improve their office environment and recruit employees. went.

Therefore, Lin Shen is now one of Google’s major shareholders.

Of course, stocks of companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Yahoo, and Google are all high-quality stocks.

Some of the other Internet company stocks that Lin Shen invested in were made by Ouyang Qianyi with her eyes closed.

Including the task that Lin Shen gave Ouyang Qianyi this year, she was also asked to continue investing with her eyes closed. Any Internet company listed on Nasdaq in the first ten months of this year can hold their stocks with her eyes closed.

This unsound investment method is the reason why Ouyang Qianyi has doubts.

Of course, the reason why Lin Shen invested so much was because he knew that the expansion period of the Internet bubble had arrived.

In 1999, affected by the financial industry of Stars and Stripes, the Internet and other high-tech stocks entered a period of bubble expansion.

The bubble became bigger and bigger.

An Internet company had just been established and dared to list on Nasdaq without even recruiting employees.

, and then raised funds from the stock market, and the founder became a millionaire.

This Internet bubble is so big that it will eventually burst next year, leaving a lot of chicken feathers in its wake.

Lin Shen took advantage of the expansion period of this bubble and took the opportunity to buy these stocks. Then in the months before the bubble burst, he sold all these stocks slowly and at high prices, and he calmly made money and left the market.

One way to make money is to buy stocks at low prices and sell them at high prices. Another idea is to short the Nasdaq index and make a lot of money from the futures market.

In short, whenever stocks plummet, Lin Shen can take the opportunity to make a huge windfall.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if Ouyang Qianyi doesn’t understand. As long as she does what Lin Shen says, she will just wait and make money.

“Boss, are you saying that a bull market in the US stock market is coming?”Mu Tingting heard what Lin Shen said and understood. This was Lin Shen’s new judgment on the U.S. stock market. He believed that the U.S. stock market would rise in the future, so he bought stocks indiscriminately.

“To be precise, only high-tech stocks will rise.” Lin Shen said,”You can rest assured about this, I know it well.”

“Okay, boss, you can never be wrong anyway.”Mu Tingting laughed.

“It’s not as exaggerated as you said. Lin Shen smiled and said

“Boss, what should I do next?”Mu Tingting said

“you? You have been traveling to Korea for so long, so you can take a good rest for the time being. There is no need to rush into work. Lin Shen said

“Boss, you really think I can rest just because you let me rest. There are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the company.”Mu Tingting said

“At least, you should have a good rest today, right?”Lin Shen chuckled.

After saying that, Lin Shen took Mu Tingting’s hand.

“Boss, you are becoming more and more unruly. By the way, I have one more thing to report to you.”Mu Tingting said charmingly

“What? Lin Shen asked, but his hands were not very idle.

“Yuanfeng Group’s company in Pengcheng has developed very well in the past two years.”Mu Tingting said

“Um? I remember that their person in charge was named Fang Dewei, right? I met him once a few years ago. Lin Shen said

“Yes, that’s him. Yuanfeng Group has invested in a lot of real estate in the past two years in Pengcheng, and has been quite successful. Some time ago, Yuanda Group also officially entered the real estate development market in Pengcheng. Yuanfeng Group is already a leader in real estate development companies in Pengcheng, and Yuanda Group has become particularly famous recently. The two of them went to Pengcheng, and there was a bit of discord.”Mu Tingting said

“oh?”Lin Shen was stunned for a moment.

But it’s right to think about it. The real estate businesses of Yuanfeng Group and Yuanda Group belong to competitors. Whether it is land acquisition or market, there must be competition. It is definitely normal to be a little uncooperative.

As The stalls of these people in Lin Shen’s hands are getting bigger and bigger, and the gradual existence of competition is something that Lin Shen has long expected.

“In this way, as long as we don’t use the company’s property for personal reasons, I think competitive relationships can exist normally. I will remind Xu Hengda of this point later. I believe he is not someone who does not understand this truth. At the same time, Yuanda Group will definitely welcome Yuanfeng Group to develop real estate in its base camp of Shai, allowing them to have friendly exchanges and orderly competition. Lin Shen said

“Okay boss, I will tell Fang Dewei about this.”Mu Tingting nodded and said

“Um. Lin Shen said

“In addition to this matter, Yuanfeng Group also wants to continue to expand other businesses.”Mu Tingting said

“Let Fang Dewei decide this for himself. The development of Yuanfeng Group has been rapid in recent years, and now Pengcheng is also changing with each passing day and full of opportunities. I completely agree that Yuanfeng Group can be bolder at this time. Lin Shen said,”Of course, I am mainly reassured that you are at the helm and the manager’s team is”

“Hey, boss, you are really big-hearted.”Mu Tingting had to admit that Lin Shen was different from ordinary bosses. It was as if he was blessed by a lucky star, which allowed Lin Shen to win all the way to where he is today.

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