The concept of universal access to the Internet is quite shocking.

Of course, universal access to the Internet is just a statement. In fact, the peak number of Internet users in the Dragon Kingdom in later generations reached more than 900 million. There are still some elderly people and poor areas who do not have access to the Internet.

Lei Jun and Qiu Bojun looked at each other. Of course, it was difficult for them to imagine the scene of everyone accessing the Internet.

“Hey, boss, the Dragon Kingdom has a population of 1.2 billion. If all of them are online, wouldn’t it be an exaggeration? I think having 100 million Internet users is already amazing.”Lei Jun said

“Don’t worry, in the future the price of personal home computers will drop, and with the popularity of Internet cafes, there will be 700-800 million Internet users. Lin Shen said

“Hehe, if there really are so many netizens, wouldn’t we be rich?”Lei Jun fantasized about it. If everyone used the office software produced by their Kingsoft company, it would be a bit arrogant.

“Having digressed, let’s continue talking about Kingsoft.

com’s problem.

I have said before that I hope Kingsoft.

com will take the path of a portal website next.

I hope you will step up to do this, because netizens want to go online, and many people still don’t know how to operate it.

Like headless flies, they urgently need a portal to classify all the projects they may be interested in.

In summary, for example, people who like football can directly enter the sports tab and browse sports information, or they can quickly find sports chat rooms and forums.

If you like to chase stars, you can quickly find the entertainment tab, where you can see gossip about celebrities from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, information about recently released domestic and foreign movies, etc.

And so on, anyway, let everyone who surfs the Internet have our Kingsoft network, and they will no longer be so confused.

“Lin Shen talked eloquently.

“Let Mr. Lin say it, and I suddenly feel that it makes sense. We have ignored those who are new to the Internet. They may really need a website that can help them navigate.”Qiu Bojun said from the side.

Lei Jun also nodded. He had to admit that Lin Shen was right.

“Boss, I admit that what you said makes sense, but the question remains, how will our website make money in the future? Since our Jinshan website was announced to be free, the number of registered members has reached 400,000 during this period. We have repeatedly added servers and increased expenses, but there is still no profit direction. Now all we can think of is the profitable direction of advertising on our website.”Lei Jun said

“you are right.” Lin Shen said,”However, I think we should first obtain the traffic of our website. Yahoo’s loss last year was US$23 million, but this did not prevent Yahoo from becoming a big star on the investment street and its founder becoming a billionaire. Moreover, I came here with a lot of ideas.”

When they heard that Lin Shen came with an idea, Lei Jun and Qiu Bojun’s eyes lit up. Now that has announced that it is free, not making money is a big problem.

They urgently need Lin Shen’s advice.

The three of them were at the desk Sitting down in the three seats and gathering together, Lin Shen said:”Let me ask you, who are the main competitors of Kingsoft Network in China now?”

“The biggest competitor should be NetEase. They ranked first in the Chinese website rankings released by the Internet Information Center in May. However, NetEase is engaged in the email business. Nowadays, everyone likes to register for email, so NetEase has naturally become the number one. In addition to NetEase, we also have a competitor called Sitong Lifang. They mainly compete with us in forums and chat rooms. It is said that they have just changed their name to Sina.”Lei Jun said

“Well, these are serious competitors.”Lin Shen said,”Therefore, we cannot fall behind and must quickly enter the portal era. If my guess is correct, these two websites will soon start to build portals.”

“We get it.”Lei Jun and Qiu Bojun looked at each other and said

“Regarding’s early profits, I have the following ideas. Lin Shen said

“Boss, you tell me.”Lei Jun has already taken out a small notebook.

“Have you ever heard of text online games? Lin Shen said.

Lei Jun and Qiu Bojun looked at each other again, shook their heads and said,”I’ve never heard of it.””

“Why haven’t you heard anything about it? Lin Shen said with disgust.

In this day and age, it is impossible to run graphic online games of the later generations.

The simple reason is that the network speed is not good, and the loading screen speed can be imagined.

If many people play at the same time, it will probably become more laggy.


Dragon Kingdom’s first graphic online game would not be launched until 2000, and it was called”King of Kings”.

Later,”Legend” entered Dragon Kingdom and flourished, becoming the first phenomenon-level game in Dragon Kingdom’s Internet history.

Online games.

In the Internet situation in 1998, it was definitely impossible to play graphic online games, but you could play text-based online games. The so-called text-based online games were to play online games in the form of online novels.

In Lin Shen’s last life, when mobile phones entered the 3G era, mobile phones at that time could not run complex graphics and images. Lin Shen had played games many times while reading. For example

, if the protagonist wants to explore a cave and clicks to enter the next cave, the text scene of the next cave will be triggered.

The number and level of the monsters in the cave will be displayed on the screen.

The protagonist can choose to attack, and then the attacking monster will also be displayed in text.

The form describes the battle situation, similar to”you attacked such and such monster, how much blood the opponent lost”,”such and such monster counterattacked, you triggered dodge”,”you defeated such and such monster, how many gold coins did you get, and such and such a weapon.


The advantage of this type of text-based online game is that you don’t have to worry about network speed. Anyway, it’s all text and loads very quickly.

Of course, if this kind of text-based online game was placed in 2020, netizens at that time might not be able to understand that anyone would play such a thing. But in an era when computers cannot play graphic online games, they will be very popular. Because you can form a team with others, trade equipment, chat with others, and PK with netizens.

It is completely possible to realize the text version of”Legend”.

Lin Shen also thought about it. He could even bring over the set of Happy Farm games that would become popular in the future. Because Lin Shen feels that nowadays, if the images of games like Happy Farm are stored locally, they should be able to run in the current network environment.

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