After Lin Shen announced to everyone that they would be the heroes to save Xiangjiang this time, it took a long time for everyone in the VIP room to realize that Lin Shen was not joking.

Ouyang Qianyi looked at Lin Shen and said,”Boss, what should we do?”

Lin Shen thought for a few seconds and said,”I think we need to start from three aspects.

First, we need to stabilize Xiangjiang’s assets.

Value, to give the people of Xiangjiang confidence.

We are going to buy high-quality properties that are currently on sale in Xiangjiang to support housing prices.

Second, we are going to use some of the money to help the Xiangjiang government stabilize the stock market and raise the stock index.

We need to go head-to-head with international hot money.

In the foreign exchange futures market, go long on the Hong Kong dollar and take the short orders from the short sellers.

Now that housing prices in Hong Kong are collapsing, many high-quality properties are being sold. It is called stabilizing the asset value in Hong Kong. In fact, it is. Lin Shen is buying these high-quality assets at the bottom. This was Lin Shen’s little benefit for himself during this crisis.

As for pulling up the stock index and going long on the Hong Kong dollar, Lin Shen plans to build a long position at the current position. As long as these two markets rise, Lin Shen will make money.

By the way, it can also cause Soros and other international hot money players who have also established positions in these two markets to suffer losses.

After listening to Lin Shen’s words, Ouyang Qianyi said:”Boss, we know it, and we will do it as you asked. Manager Tang, tonight you will follow the boss’s wishes and open a position first. I will contact the major newspapers urgently. Let them publish our Jinyang Capital statement”

“OK, I will arrange it.”Tang Shijie is still a little worried. If he makes a mistake this time, he won’t be able to take advantage of it. Moreover, the bank gave him two billion US dollars for Lin Shen to operate. Now Lin Shen suddenly turns around and goes long. What if this happens? With a loss of two billion US dollars, the bank must be responsible for this debt.

But seeing Lin Shen’s firm eyes, Tang Shijie could only shake his head and help Lin Shen go long.

Whether he lived or died depended on God’s will.

“Okay, let’s start doing what I say.”Lin Shen said.

Ouyang Qianyi immediately began to practice with the big newspapers in Xiangjiang all night long, telling them the explosive news that Jinyang Capital was the ghost fund.

Sure enough, these newspaper offices who received the call got up from their beds overnight.

Tonight was a sleepless night for these newspapers as they hurried back to work.


For most citizens in Xiangjiang, tonight is also a sleepless night.

The short selling of international hot money in Hong Kong that lasted for nearly a month has made every Hong Kong person feel that their lives have been deeply affected.

Unemployment, bankruptcy, and devaluation of assets have profoundly affected their lives.

Wu Zhongji is such an ordinary citizen of Xiangjiang. He was working as an insurance salesman and had just bought a small high-rise house on Xiuchuan Street in Xiangjiang with a loan through his own efforts. But now he is in constant panic.

Because international hot money has been shorting Xiangjiang in recent days, there are now rumors everywhere that the company will lay off large-scale layoffs.

Once there are layoffs, Wu Zhongji is likely to lose his job. Without his job, he will have no income. Without income, he will be unable to continue to repay the house loan.

If he cannot repay the loan on his house, the bank will probably repossess his house.

Even if he is lucky enough not to be laid off by the company, it is foreseeable that his salary will be significantly reduced due to the impact of the economic crisis.

But we still have to continue to repay the original mortgage.

But while repaying the mortgage, his house has begun to depreciate.

The original price of 3 million Hong Kong dollars bought may only be worth 1.

5 million Hong Kong dollars after depreciation, but he still has 2.

2 million to repay the loan…

that is He said that he had to repay a loan of 2.

2 million Hong Kong dollars to buy a house that is now only worth 1.

5 million Hong Kong dollars.

Then, he can only choose to terminate the loan and let the bank take back his house.

Then the early down payment and the loan that has been repaid will be wasted.

Moreover, the house was repossessed by the bank, and no one took over, so it became a bad debt for the bank.

Banks may fail as a result.

When banks fail, the savings of countless residents in Xiangjiang will be wiped out, and most people in Xiangjiang will go bankrupt.

At that time, the society will be unstable, most people’s houses will be repossessed, and everyone will be homeless, without savings, without jobs…

This situation makes Wu Zhongji feel terrible when he thinks about it. For the first time, he felt how abominable international hot money like Soros was. The most important thing is that he read the newspaper today. The newspaper said that there is also an international hot money called ghost fund, which has been silently borrowing Hong Kong dollars, lurking in places no one knows, and wants to give Hong Kong a fatal blow.

He now has a feeling that Xiangjiang is doomed this time.

Everyone is screwed this time.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhongji was despairing. He stood in front of the window and looked at the still brightly lit Xiangjiang River, feeling an emotion called despair.

He really hoped that a miracle would happen and someone could save Xiangjiang.

He has heard that the richest man in Xiangjiang like Li Chaoren had already transferred all his assets abroad before the return of Xiangjiang last year because they were afraid that their property would be confiscated by the Dragon Kingdom after the return of Xiangjiang.

Don’t say that they are incapable of saving it now.

Xiangjiang, even if they have the ability to save it, they won’t save it.

It would be great if these old thieves don’t take the opportunity to go down the mountain and make money wantonly.

Wu Zhongji knew that if a miracle didn’t happen, Xiangjiang would be doomed in the next few days.

Tonight, many people in Xiangjiang have lost sleep. They are all praying for a miracle to happen.


Early the next morning.

Xiangjiang wakes up shrouded in mist, the sun shines into the city, and a miracle happens.

The major morning newspapers in Hong Kong suddenly published a piece of news that shocked the whole of Hong Kong.

《Urgent news: Female stock goddess Ouyang Qianyi announced in a high profile overnight that Jinyang Capital is the company actually controlled by the ghost fund and announced a rescue for Hong Kong.》

《The ghost fund appears! The female stock goddess announced the rescue of Hong Kong!》

《Big reversal! Ghost fund announces rescue for Hong Kong! His true identity turned out to be Jinyang Capital!》

《So hard work! Jinyang Capital is trying its best to fight Soros in a bloody battle this time! Defend Hong Kong!》

《Ouyang Qianyi announced the rescue of Hong Kong! Call on the whole Hong Kong to unite, act unanimously, and defend Hong Kong! Defend your home!》

《The lone hero who is indomitable, Jinyang Capital will face the crocodiles alone!》

《Bright sword Soros! The former ally turned out to be Xiangjiang Enterprises! Soros miscalculated! 》

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