With the continuous selling and smashing of international hot money, the situation in Xiangjiang can be said to be increasingly severe.

The main reason is that the international hot money investors are too fierce, and the daily reports in the Hong Kong media have put huge pressure on local enterprises and foreign investment in Hong Kong. Ordinary citizens in Hong Kong are also under great pressure. Foreign capital has begun to flee, and local wealthy people in Hong Kong have also begun to use US dollars to flee Hong Kong.

Coupled with the decline in the stock market, it can be said that the market is bleak.

During this period of time, people in Xiangjiang could not eat well or sleep well, and they were all very panicked.

The Hong Kong government is quite capable, with the courage to risk everything, while taking short Hong Kong dollar orders in the market, it also raises the stock index in the stock market, maintains the stability of the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate, and maintains the stability of the Hong Kong stock market. It can be said that I shot from left to right and worked very hard.

However, during this period, the arrogant Soros was interviewed and said something earth-shattering:”The Hong Kong government will lose.”

When reporters asked Soros why he was so confident, Soros just smiled mysteriously, as if he had some secret weapon.

Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye, the tug-of-war between Soros and the Hong Kong government had lasted for more than 20 days. Except for the market holidays, the two sides had been fighting non-stop.

On the Xiangjiang government side, foreign exchange reserves are gradually running out. After all, foreign exchange reserves are not infinite.

As the battle intensified, countless international hot money joined the battle, and short orders of various sizes appeared in the market. There were rumors that wealthy people in Hong Kong even began to short the stock market along with the international hot money, thereby preying on Xiangjiang stockholders.

At the same time, all kinds of assets in Xiangjiang began to depreciate, the most obvious one being the real estate in Xiangjiang.

The citizens of Xiangjiang began to lose confidence in Xiangjiang.

Many people are pessimistic inside.

In front of major banks, countless Xiangjiang citizens came to make a run, all wanting to keep their savings.

The Xiangjiang government is increasingly struggling.

International hot money players are becoming more and more enthusiastic.

In these more than twenty days, Lin Shen did not perform any operations. Although Lin Shen appeared in the VIP room of Goldman Sachs Bank every day, Lin Shen was just waiting for something and never left in person.

This made Ouyang Qianyi and Tang Shijie feel confused. They became increasingly confused about what Lin Shen was thinking.

Including those wealthy people in Xiangjiang who participate in Jinyang Capital and want to play capital games together, they have also been asking whether Jinyang Capital is already shorting Xiangjiang. Insiders at Goldman Sachs have also been urging Lin Shen to stay still and not even buy futures contracts. How can he still make money?

Lin Shen didn’t move, and the ghost fund remained untouched.

Soros, who is far away on the other side of the Pacific, has always known that the ghost fund has been dormant this time.

Although Soros has doubts in his mind, he absolutely believes that the ghost fund must be looking for an opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the Xiangjiang government. Because he did not believe that the ghost fund borrowed so many Hong Kong dollars in the early stage and was just using it for fun. He doesn’t even believe that the ghost fund that has been sucking blood will miss this opportunity to short Xiangjiang. He absolutely doesn’t believe it.

Because as the saying goes, capital is ruthless. As long as there are huge profits, capital will follow it.

And ghost funds must be such a ruthless capital.

Soros was interviewed by reporters again, and the question was still about what Soros thought of their short-selling action in Hong Kong.

Soros still firmly believed that their group of international hot money would eventually win.

When reporters asked Soros why he was so confident, Soros did not make any pretense this time.

He answered directly:”Because we still have an important ally who has not taken action.

The funds in his hands will not Less than Quantum Fund, as long as he follows up, the Xiangjiang government will be defeated.

After hearing Soros’s words, the reporter naturally asked who this ally was.

Soros replied:”This ally is also a private equity hedge fund called a ghost fund. We have been working side by side since 1992. We shorted five Southeast Asian countries last year. The ghost fund also participated in the whole process. This time the ghost fund shorted us. Hong Kong has already tacitly agreed to borrow Hong Kong dollars simultaneously with us, so the ghost fund definitely has a trump card, and this trump card is the last straw that breaks the Hong Kong government’s head.”

Upon hearing this, the reporter naturally quickly recorded Soros’s words truthfully. After the interview, it was immediately reported to the world.

Soros’ exposure of the existence of ghost funds has two purposes. The first is to remind ghost funds that they can take action. The second is to continue to put pressure on the market and the Hong Kong government, telling everyone that there is still a trump card hidden in international hot money. We must win.

Sure enough, as soon as the report came out, Soros’s words were published in financial newspapers around the world.

Suddenly, ghost funds, a mysterious hedge fund, were pushed to the forefront.

First of all, it was required to prove whether the ghost fund Soros mentioned really existed.

Soon, someone found out that there was indeed a hedge fund called a ghost fund registered in the Cayman Islands, and from this fund’s Judging from historical transactions, this fund has indeed frequently attacked the international financial market in the past six or seven years, cooperating with Soros’s Quantum Fund, and several national-level short-selling events in the world have the shadow of ghost funds.

This fund is like a real ghost, hidden in all financial events in the 1990s, and its shadow is everywhere.

The existence of the ghost fund was confirmed, which immediately made the international hot money investors excited. They actually had such an awesome ally.

The ghost fund has not taken action and is gathering its own strength.

Similarly, the news of the existence of ghost funds also hit the Hong Kong government and the citizens of Hong Kong. When they knew that there was such a behemoth that had not taken action at all, they were a little desperate.

Because the Hong Kong government is about to run out of ammunition and food, if this ghost fund takes action at this time, they will definitely be unable to resist.

The news of the existence of ghost funds caused the Hong Kong stock market and the Hong Kong property market to continue to plummet in the next few days. Hong Kong has reached its most critical moment.

At this time, Lin Shen, who had been dormant for nearly a month, finally decided to take action.

That night, in the VIP room of Goldman Sachs Bank, Lin Shen came again. It had been more than 20 days, but Lin Shen had not made any move, which made everyone in the room think that Lin Shen would not make any move today.

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