Lin Shen’s little bargaining chip was basically used to deliver food.

Facing the sneers from other players, Lin Shen didn’t care, because he had just observed the behaviors and habits of all the players on this card table for more than ten minutes, and had already memorized each of their playing styles and micro-expressions in his mind.

For example, when a man from Dai country gets a good card, he can’t help but touch his earlobe.

For example, the little man sitting farthest away from Lin Shen will basically not follow the bet in the first round unless he has a pair or K or above in his hand.

There is a man from the Lion City over there, his eyebrows will rise involuntarily once he starts to bluff with bad cards.

Even the Xiangjiang man who is the most taciturn and not very expressive at this gambling table has little habits that he himself is not aware of. He will touch the gemstone ring on his hand under different card strengths.

Therefore, Lin Shen was not afraid of these people at all. Lin Shen could basically guess what cards they would get.

Just an hour later, Lin Shen’s $100 in chips had turned into $100,000.

Li Fuzhen behind Lin Shen was already stunned.

Everyone else at the same card table also broke into a cold sweat playing with Lin Shen.

Because they discovered a strange situation.

Once they got a good card, no matter how well they concealed it and how cautious they were, it was almost difficult to win Lin Shen’s money.

Lin Shen would definitely give up at some stage during the game.

And once they get bad cards, they want to bluff, but as long as Lin Shen is present, even if he���His momentum was enough to force other players back, but Lin Shen was able to play with them to the end.

The final result was that Lin Shen won all the money.

Lin Shen’s side was winning more and more money. Li Fuzhen’s heart was racing as she watched. Lin Shen’s winnings were just like hers, and she must have cheered loudly. She became more and more unrestrained later on. When Lin Shen won money, she couldn’t help but hugged Lin Shen’s neck and laughed with joy.

The players watching the excitement were also attracted, and they all gathered behind Lin Shen and Li Fuzhen to watch Lin Shen play cards.

Once Lin Shen wins a card, the people behind him cheer as if they have won a card.

As a result, there is a lot of pressure on other players.

The more they were under such pressure, the more loopholes appeared, and everyone was so anxious that they were sweating profusely. In the end, Lin Shen won all the money and left after losing their cards.

“No more fun!”The Xiangjiang man folded his cards and said,”Your card skills are very good. I am impressed”

“Thanks.”Lin Shen smiled slightly.

In front of him, half a million US dollars of chips were piled up.

At this moment, the casino staff apparently heard the news and rushed over.

Because of Lin Shen’s appearance, this No one dares to go to the gambling table anymore���Bet money with Lin Shen. Lin Shen no longer had the idea of gambling anymore. Before the casino staff could chase him away, he called the waiter to take the $500,000 in chips he won to the service desk and exchange them for cash.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Shen had $500,000 from $100.

Li Fuzhen looked at Lin Shen with little stars in her eyes.

Lin Shen took out 10,000 US dollars from the 500,000 yuan, handed it to Li Fuzhen, and said,”Now that you have money, you shouldn’t think that 10,000 US dollars is too little, right?”

Li Fuzhen was not polite and put the 10,000 US dollars into his mouth. bag

“I didn’t expect your poker skills to be so great! marvelous! You should teach me.”Li Fuzhen said with unfinished meaning.

“Ordinary people cannot learn this. Lin Shen smiled and said

“So, now that I have money, how about I treat you to a drink?”Li Fuzhen said

“ah? drink wine? Lin Shen said

“Yes, is there a place to drink here?”Li Fuzhen pulled Lin Shen up and quickly found a bar on the second floor. She pulled Lin Shen into the bar.

Li Fuzhen immediately ordered a bunch of drinks of all kinds.

“Come and have a drink! I am lucky to meet you today and I am very happy.”Li Fuzhen forcibly clinked the glass with Lin Shen, and drank it herself. But it was obviously her first time to drink strong alcohol, and it was so spicy that she stuck out her tongue.

Lin Shen usually doesn’t like drinking, but tonight is special, so she will accompany Li Fuzhen She started drinking.

Soon Li Fuzhen was drunk. Lin Shen helped her take the elevator to the fourth floor and searched everywhere on Li Fuzhen. Sure enough, she found Li Fuzhen’s passport. She opened a room with her passport, and Lin Shen got Li Fuzhen into the room.

Li Fuzhen was still not completely drunk. There happened to be a wine cabinet in the hotel room. She pulled Lin Shen to sit down and continued to drink.

“Actually I lied to you. I had no gambling debt, I ran away from home.”Li Fuzhen said while drinking,”The people chasing me are not creditors, but the bodyguards arranged by my father for me.

Lin Shen nodded and said,”Really?” So that’s it. So your family is very rich.”

Li Fuzhen smiled and said:”It’s quite rich.”

“Why did you run away from home? Lin Shen smiled.

Li Fuzhen took the bottle of red wine, took a sip, and said,”It’s not my father. He has always been very strict with me and always found a group of people to follow me. I have never had any friends since I was a child.” Do you believe? I have never been in love before, and all the boys who were close to me were driven away by him. This time I threatened him with death and said I wanted to come out to play, so he allowed me to come to Lisboa to play.”

Lin Shen nodded again.

Of course, in fact, Lin Shen had already guessed these things.

Who is Li Fuzhen? She is the eldest princess of Samsung Group.

Later generations of netizens described her as as beautiful as a fairy.

In addition to being beautiful, she also has a She had a lot of advantages, such as being simple, caring, and capable, but because her father was strict with him, she never had a relationship since she was a child.

In the end, she fell in love with the bodyguard her father arranged for her – a bodyguard.

A domestically violent and ugly man, she finally married this man despite all odds.

This is the tragedy of Li Fuzhen in the future.

However, Li Fuzhen is not a flower vase. She has outstanding abilities. She increased the performance of the company her father handed over to her by six or seven times, and then made a huge leap. Became the richest woman in Korea.

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