Ma Hua’s two classmates, Zhang Zhidong and Xu Chenye, also looked at Lin Shen curiously.

They found that Lin Shen was not very old, almost the same as them, and they all looked at Lin Shen appraisingly.

“Ah, I’ve heard your name. Lin Shen said

“oh? Are you also from Pengcheng University? Alumni? Which major? Why have we never seen you? May I have your name?”Ma Huawen looked at Lin Shen happily. Lin Shen was about the same age as him, and he could call him by name, which made him subconsciously think that Lin Shen was his schoolmate.

“My name is Lin Shen.”Lin Shen only answered the last question of Brother Xiao Ma.

Brother Xiao Ma didn’t care that Lin Shen didn’t answer his previous question. He thought it was Lin Shen’s acquiescence and said,”Classmate Lin Shen, nice to meet you.”

“Ah hello.” Lin Shen responded.

He accidentally called out Brother Ma’s name. He didn’t want to talk to Brother Ma.

Zhang Zhidong on the side said curiously:”But how do you know this guy? This guy usually is in school. But I don’t like to stand out very much, I just like to study programming.

Lin Shen smiled and said:”How come? Brother Xiao Ma is obviously very famous.””

“Have it?”Brother Ma touched the tip of his nose excitedly.

Being known to others is a very fulfilling thing.

Somehow, Brother Ma felt like old friends with Lin Shen at first sight, and Lin Shen also winked at Gu Meiren, letting him know He ate his own food and sat down with Brother Xiao and his two classmates.

The topic soon returned to Brother Xiao’s work.

“I want to make some extra money recently. You two may remember the graduation project I did this summer.”Brother Xiao Ma talked about his recent interests.

“Is it the stock analysis system you made? I remember that your system was highly praised by teachers, right? What’s wrong? what you up to?”Xu Chenye said while eating French fries.

“Someone wants to buy my system and let me improve it.”Xiao Ma Ge said

“Okay, how much do they pay?”Zhang Zhidong asked curiously.

Brother Ma proudly held out five fingers

“Five thousand yuan is too little. Zhang Zhidong curled his lips and said

“It’s fifty thousand yuan! I didn’t know how much I should charge, so I asked the other party to tell me a price, but they told me 50,000! I can’t believe it.”Xiao Ma said proudly

“sure! Old horse! No wonder you invited us to eat Wallace. After doing it for a long time, you are going to get rich! I said how many bonuses are given, you dare to bring us to Wallace. You are the next Shi Yuzhu of our Pengcheng University!”Zhang Zhidong shouted.

Shi Yuzhu, the current national youth entrepreneurial idol, also graduated from Pengcheng University.

Shi Yuzhu was Xiao Ma’s senior. After graduating from Pengcheng University in 1989, he single-handedly developed the Hanka M -6401. Four months later, Shi Yuzhu became a millionaire. Now Shi Yuzhu’s company has more than 100 employees. His Giant Group is planning to build the tallest building in Longguo.

“No matter where I am, I’m still far away from my senior brother.”Brother Xiaoma scratched the back of his head. Obviously he felt inferior to Shi Yuzhu.

After all, Shi Yuzhu is now the idol of the national youth.

“I think you’re about the same, fifty thousand yuan. I have to work for ten years to earn this! Xu Chenye said,”How is it? How far have you developed it?””

“Hey, just follow the steps. I plan to make it into an expansion card like Hanka. I have already thought of the name, it will be called Guba Card!”Xiao Ma Ge waved excitedly and said

“This name is domineering!”

“What a great name!”

The two friends immediately exclaimed in admiration.

Lin Shen, who was standing next to him, heard something dark.

It has to be said that Xiao Ma is still very skilled. The stock bully card he studied did earn him 50,000 yuan.

However, , the other party bought his stock bully card, and after mass production, it was sold out in the market. Through Xiao Ma’s stock bully card, he made far more than 50,000 yuan.

Hearing this, Lin. Shen said:”Brother Xiao Ma, why do you want to resell this stock to others? Have you ever thought about selling it yourself like Shi Yuzhu?”

Brother Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment after hearing Lin Shen’s words, and said,”I have thought about it, but I don’t have the capital.”

“Ask your family for it.”Lin Shen remembered that Brother Ma’s family was much better than Teacher Ma’s.

“My family won’t agree with me messing around.”Xiao Ma Ge said

“That’s easy. I’ll provide the money, and we’ll form a partnership. How about we share the money equally? Lin Shen said

“ah?”Brother Xiao Ma was stunned.

Zhang Zhidong on the side asked:”Classmate Lin, do you have money?”

“I have it. Lin Shen said,”I can give you 100,000 yuan first. If it’s not enough, I’ll give it to you later.””

“One hundred thousand yuan!”Brother Xiao Ma was stunned.

“Think about it, Shi Yuzhu can become a millionaire in a few months by selling Hanka, why can’t you, a stock tycoon, do the same? Lin Shen said

“The difference is that most people who speculate in stocks don’t have that much money, so they can’t afford computers.”Xiao Ma Ge said

“You don’t have to worry about it, I have plenty of money, you can do whatever you want with it. Lin Shen said

“Rich man! I can’t tell that classmate Lin Shen is so heroic!”Xu Chenye said.

Brother Xiao Ma is still hesitant. He feels that it is better to go to work down-to-earth. He can do development in his spare time and make extra money. It is quite comfortable for him to sell expansion cards by himself. He feels a bit awkward.

“Classmate Lin Shen, isn’t this good? We just met for the first time and you suddenly said you wanted to give me 100,000 yuan.……”

“Okay, please have fun! No mother-in-law or mother-in-law. Lin Shen said

“I can give it a try, but if I lose it to you, don’t blame me.”After being provoked by Lin Shen, Brother Ma nodded and decided to give it a try. After all, becoming a figure like Shi Yuzhu is quite attractive to Brother Ma.

Of course, Lin Shen did not expect Brother Ma to earn much at this time. He invested money in Brother Xiao Ma purely to get close to Brother Xiao. Lin Shen even doubted whether Brother Xiao Ma would really lose all the money.

After all, Brother Xiao Ma was too young at this time. It would take him another five or six years before he could embark on the path of the penguin.

Brother Ma was dizzy. He didn’t understand why he had eaten Wallace and accepted someone else’s one hundred thousand yuan inexplicably. invest

“Okay, you give me your address and I will transfer the money to you through the bank. Lin Shen said.

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