Realistic Game

Chapter 245: 4th-level spell

  Chapter 246 Four Ring Spells

   "So that's why he sent me flowers at night?"

  Mo Lan pointed to the person who was pulling a cart of lotus leaves and lotus leaves on the island, and after a closer look, it was Zou Peng who was in the lead.

  "He is also good enough, and he is still busy at this late hour."

"Why did you come from such a big foundation? Even if it is backed by the Mage Association, but without real skills and hard work, how can it be possible to win such a large market now, and now the whole area of ​​the business community is reporting the name of the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce, basically It will give you a bit of face, and look up at it, okay."

   Xu Zongxin rolled his eyes after speaking.

   "Also, don't you have meetings so late? People gather in groups, and things are divided into groups."

   Mo Lan turned his head and looked at Xu Zongxin a few times, giving him an ominous premonition.

  "Then why are you not a bit like us? Obviously you are one of the ten elders. He followed me from the beginning, and now he was kicked out by a latecomer.

  You don’t think it’s shameful, I think it’s shameful. It’s not funny that Zou Peng and I said something. Which one is not earning enough money to lie down?

If your pursuit is to have enough capital to lie flat, then you can do it now. You are already very good. I will introduce you to the guild. In addition to the top guilds, you will be the chief mage in the back, with an annual salary of four or five. One hundred thousand should be no problem, enough for you to lie flat.

  To be honest, I brought you as an apprentice. At first, I brought it out with my own hands. Now I let you stay with me for a while.

  You are talented, but your talent is not as good as any of the elders, and even some elite members are not as good as you.

  You want to lie flat, you have the qualifications, but if you want to return to that position as you said before.

  You need to work harder. "

  Xu Zong’s news statement was silent.

  Mo Lan suddenly reacted and said another sentence.

   "Well, I have thoughts. As I said, I'm just an ordinary player in the game, I have played the game together, and I have never seen it before.

  There are some things, if you don’t want to listen, don’t take it to your heart, it’s so late, let’s go and rest. "

  Xu Zongxin walked down the mage tower and watched Zou Peng dig a pool with his hands, planting the space magic lotus flower around the square little by little, and planting little by little in the shallow water area on the edge of the island.

   And looked up, the fifth floor of the Mage Tower was still lit, but there was no figure in the window.

On the fifth floor, Mo Lan shook his head, a little regretful.

  "I’m such a fool. Why do I say these things in the game? What do I have to do with him? I might not be older than him, so I still teach people how to say these things in life.

  What kind of thing I am, where's the qualifications, a few words of being called the president, I really think of myself as the president.

  No, next time you have to pay attention, hello, hello, hello, everyone, just choose the positive direction for everything, there is so much nonsense. "

  Mo Lan condensed his thoughts, settled his mind, looked at the notebook in his hand, and digested little by little the sparks of inspiration that emerged from the collision of thoughts during the previous meeting and the sharing of the results of other people’s research.

  Zhang Guangmo’s comprehensive spells, Lu Bin’s spatial structure levels and preliminary ideas for the optimization of the flashing technique, Zhao Hua’s death merging and giant skeleton assembly, Xu Zongxin’s thought link, etc., all made Mo Lan a lot of gains.

  In their respective areas of specialization, they have gone deeper than Mo Lan.

  Of course, this is what Mo Lan likes to hear.

  In addition, after Mo Lan finally shared his thoughts on Huo Ling, other people also put forward many ideas and opinions, which broadened Mo Lan's thinking.

  Time passed bit by bit, until Zou Peng came up.

  "Part of the lotus is placed on the island, and part of it is planted in the shallow waters around the island. It should be able to survive. If cultivated, they may spread to the entire Jinghu Lake. They can grow very deep.

  Oh, yes, have you contacted Zhang Haobo and Ding Jin recently? What are the two of them doing recently? "

  Mo Lan frowned upon hearing this, and shook his head.

   "I don't know, they are both mysterious and mysterious. I haven't contacted them for a while."

  Ding Jin and Zhang Haobo thought Red Maple City was not interesting a long time ago, and wanted to go to a farther place.

   However, although Mo Lan and Zou Peng didn’t say it clearly, they all knew in their hearts that Ding Jin and Zhang Haobo’s long journey had something to do with them, at least for a considerable part of the reason.

From the perspective of others, Red Maple City has Molan’s Master’s Guild and Zou Peng’s Jiuding Chamber of Commerce. As close university roommates, Ding Jin and Zhang Haobo can live very well, even walking sideways. Convenient conditions, the respect of all forces in Red Maple City have everything they should, and you can't leave for anything.

  But this is precisely what makes them want to leave, perhaps because they are still young, perhaps because they don't want to pollute this friendship.

Or maybe it was at a certain moment when they found that Mo Lan and Zou Peng could no longer catch their mouths when they were talking, and when Zou Peng and Mo Lan could not say anything, their minds were already thinking of going out for a walk. .

  Mo Lan and Zou Peng looked at each other, they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes, and couldn't help but sigh.

   "I'm leaving now, there is still something left to be done."


  Mo Lan nodded.

  "If you have time to go offline, pull the two of them offline to gather together, sing a song, and make a string."


  Zou Peng left, Mo Lan stood by the window overlooking the somewhat sluggish lotus pond below.

   Breathing the fresh air from the window, he turned back and sat at the table.

  Four Ring Spells!

  "The spell model is like a string of codes, and the spell effect is like the amount of information contained in the code.

  The longer the code, the richer the amount of information contained, the more powerful the display effect, and the higher the level.

  The reason why the power of the four-ring spell has taken a leap is that it has added a new form of coding.

  Create a clever potential difference through the difference in the amount of energy and level of each spell node, and use the same spell node to store a multiple of the amount of information.

  And this is why the power of the four-ring spell with a hundred spell nodes and the three-ring spell with ninety-nine spell nodes are also very different, obviously only one spell node is missing. "

  In the process of research, Mo Lan was inspired, and his heart was transparent and reacted.

  "Then follow this logic To create a four-ring spell, my first step is to choose the effect I want and organize the inner information of the spell model.

  Finally compile this part of the information direction into a spell model, then this is a four-ring spell. "

   After Mo Lan realized his enlightenment, he immediately called up one after another spell model, fireball, dark fireball, purple flame and other fire spells.

  Extract one after another spell structure, the violent fireball technique, compression, dark fireball blasting and corrosion, purple inflammation technique stickiness, and high temperature.

  A series of spell structures were extracted by Mo Lan alone, and finally they were put together.

  For others, this is the most difficult level, but in Mo Lan's view, reverse compilation is the easiest.

Through the comparative study of the two four-ring spell templates of flashing technique and ground splitting technique, coupled with the knowledge reserve and experience of long-term research on spells, and the high-speed operation of the ink cartridge, Mo Lan quickly mastered the four The greatest mystery and technique of ring spells.

   Decompile the information prepared in advance. Run in the four-ring spell

   "It's done!"

  (End of this chapter)

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