Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 758: Authorize to open personal college

Chapter 748

Lu Yu immediately went to wash up, put on his clothes, repaired his beard, and immediately followed him to the headquarters.

After waiting in the minister's office for about half an hour, Zhang Jinzhong, Ye Huaishan, the deputy ministers and the high-level officials of the headquarters, walked in.

"Hello, heads!" Lu Yu immediately stood up and saluted.

Ye Huaishan smiled and sat down on his shoulders, and said with admiration: "Xiao Lu, don't be so polite, it should be us thank you! This time, you did a very good job and gave us a good boost. A face!"

Zhang Jinzhong sat down on the main seat and smiled: "At today's highest-level meeting, Mr. Long praised you a lot! If you hadn't led the helicopter formation and forced their helicopters back, the other party would not be so. It’s easy to retreat because you insist on completing the modification of the helicopter. Only in this exercise will we achieve such perfect results."

"In short, without your participation, the consequences are difficult to predict. Maybe we were forced to retreat!"

Another deputy minister was full of excitement: "Lu Yu, do you know how much influence we won in this exercise? The opponent's strength has been questioned by the whole world, and even their own people are doubting it, haha!"

"Not only have we been recognized, but this morning, many people sent us a congratulatory message saying that they would like to take a good look at the helicopter that we staged an aerial scalpel for Apache at this year's air show! All of this is Your credit!"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, and said: "These are nothing to show off. Everything I own is given by the country, and it is only natural to give it out. It can be regarded as a gift to the motherland!"

Ye Huaishan appreciated Chong Lu Yu's thumbs up: "Little Lu, don't be too humble. Young people must be proud when they should be proud. This is the honor you deserve."

"Hehe, young people have this humility, there will be no limit in the future!"

Several other senior executives spoke up.

Zhang Jinzhong gave a dry cough, looked at Lu Yu and said, "I am calling you over today. Actually, there is one more thing..."

"Say!" Lu Yu nodded solemnly.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Jinzhong smiled and said: "I, and Mr. Long, including everyone, want to know how you are going to develop next?"

As soon as these words came out, all the high-level leaders present all stared directly at Lu Yu, with a sense of scrutiny in their eyes.

I want to see how he answers!

Before the exercise, no one knew that Lu Yu had such a great ability.

Change the direction of the entire exercise by oneself.

Now, Lu Yu has become the sweet pastry in everyone's eyes, a rare and rare treasure!

How to make good use of this magic weapon to win is also a not-so-simple knowledge.

After speaking, Zhang Jinzhong showed a friendly smile on his face: "What do you want to say? Don't worry, say it boldly, and there is nothing wrong with it! Mr. Long asked me to tell you that as long as we are good, he will support you. We will also support you."

If Mr. Long gave it, Lu Yu had nothing to hide, let alone worry about anything.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "What is my plan is not important. What is important is what the country plans for in the future? As long as you and the country have a good future, I can better cooperate with you."

Ye Huaishan nodded: "The country's future plan is very simple. It is to comprehensively develop scientific and technological innovation capabilities, develop more powerful new weapons, create indestructible steel troops, and realize the once-shining glory of Han and Tang Dynasties!"

Zhang Jinzhong said with a smile: "You only need to follow this standard and talk about your plans for the future."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Yu again, expecting what plan he would make.

Lu Yu cleared his throat and said, "This plan for the future is too large and complicated. With my own strength, it is difficult to cover all aspects and involve all aspects! Therefore, I can only start from my side, from my own. Let's start the military factory."

He muttered: "First, we will fully replace the light weapons of our special forces to create new weapons that are more suitable for special forces operations! Secondly, after all of my people cooperate, we will promote them to all troops across the country!"

Seeing Lu Yu finished speaking, Zhang Jinzhong stared and asked, "That's it? Over?"

"That's it!" Lu Yu naturally spread his hands: "This way, it's already very tiring, OK!"

Zhang Jinzhong was stunned for a while, then smiled bitterly: "Xiao Lu, you are a rare talent in the country. With so many things, you should shoulder this important task at the critical moment. How can there be any reason to take a leisurely trip?"

Ye Huaishan followed: "Yeah, Xiao Lu, although we won this exercise, what about next time? Later? The equipment and weapons have not been fully developed, and the opponent is not a fool. He defeated them with a moment of courage, etc. Looking back, they will realize this sooner or later, knowing that they were just scared by our helicopter, how should they respond?"

"Although light weapons are important, what determines the status and dignity of a country is always a powerful heavy weapon! Don't you want to do your best to see that the motherland is strong?"

Facing the look everyone was looking forward to, Lu Yu had troubles besides helplessness.

Subconsciously, he certainly wants to help the country and hopes that the country will become stronger.

Although he is a traveler, he is also a member of this country now!

On the other hand, he wanted to live a relaxed life in his bones, and felt that he owed Enron very much.

The first half of your life is fine.

In the second half of his life, he still wants to take An Ran around the world.

Seeing Lu Yu remained silent for a while, Zhang Jinzhong thought he didn't want to take on this important task, and quickly said: "Xiao Lu, you have to think about it! We don't want you to work hard, but we really need you now."

"So, do you think it is feasible? As long as you have time and work, you can take your team to do research by the way, and then get off planes, warships, tanks, etc. Isn't it difficult for a strong man?" Zhang Jinzhong tentatively asked. Asked.

Ye Huaishan nodded quickly: "Yes, I'll give you one more attention! Don't you have a lot of talents in Team A? We authorize you to open a professional personal college! You can choose from major universities and majors across the country. The talents you think are suitable will enter the college to study."

"These people all obey your deployment. When they learn something, they will naturally help you a lot! In addition, will not delay the construction and development of the country. This is two birds with one stone. What do you think?"

"This method is good!"

"Right right, kill two birds with one stone!"

Other high-level officials followed the road.

Lu Yu rubbed his chin, feeling that this idea was indeed good.

As long as you train a few capable talents, you can go to class instead of yourself.

Everyone looked forward to Lu Yu, waiting for him to finally agree.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Yu suddenly said, "Okay, I can promise. Anyway, I am tired for the country! But, I also have a small condition..."

"What are the conditions? Just say it, we will definitely agree!"

Zhang Jinzhong's face flushed with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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