Lu Yu made a gesture, and Yuan Lang, Xu Sanduo and others immediately began to assemble the drone on the spot.

These unmanned aerial vehicles once shined in the process of dealing with Minden, and He Zhijun has already approved them and provided them to the A group and special tactics quantitatively.

Lu Yu had a lot of inventory in his hand, and only brought a part of it this time, but it was enough for them.

Looking at the drones assembled in front of him, Lu Yu felt that he needed to develop weapons manufacturing. Maybe he could launch the drones into space, and then use the satellites he carried to perform targeted strikes from space. Is to truly maximize the power!

After all the drones are assembled, they will be maneuvered into the air immediately and fly to different directions on the island.

Yuan Lang and Xu Sanduo each used military computers to control an average of four UAVs, and they hovered over the enemy.

The video projected from the drone can clearly see the layout of the island and the number of enemies.

The drone is equipped with infrared thermal imaging technology. Once launched, it can capture the situation on the ground and feed it back to the computer to automatically form a picture.

Lu Yu stared at the screen, and after all the drones were in place, he immediately ordered an attack.



Yuan Lang and others were excited to operate the computer and pressed the launch command.

Puff puff!

Suddenly, more than ten drones launched an attack at the same time.

The overwhelming terrorist firepower formed a densely criss-crossed bullet net in the sky, covering the enemy on the ground.

After all the bullets hit the ground, they did not form a strong blow effect, but detonated instantly.

Drones are like moving aerial fortresses, launching flames from hell, seeming to swallow all vitality.


All drones move very fast.

Often dozens or dozens of bullets are fired in a burst, and the power is amazing.

The woods on the island and the hidden mercenaries were swallowed up instantly.

Countless teams of mercenaries screamed and burst into flames, running around like headless flies.

Under the coverage of drones, the special forces teams of various countries finally got some breathing room.

Although they were rescued, there was also a panic in their eyes.

Seeing the surrounding scenes ruined by drones as if they were apocalyptic, and the mercenaries crying and howling, everyone subconsciously tightened.

"Fortunately, we are not enemies!"

Captain Dongying swallowed secretly, secretly thanking him.

The other captains felt the same way.

If they were to be attacked by these drones, they couldn't imagine how they would end up?

The consequences are terrible!

Captain Seal’s jaw almost fell to the ground: "I, I am! Their weapons, are they so powerful now?! What a drone, how can it feel that it is more than an aerial bombing..."

Inside the small island camp.

Ling Feiyang circulated anxiously in the room.

Just now, the violent noise and movement from the island made him feel very uneasy.

The location was chosen here because the topography of the island is so superior that neither airplanes nor ships can get in.

In addition, the vegetation on the island is dense, more than 80% of the land is covered by jungle, occupying the favorable terrain here is more conducive to defense.

It is very difficult for the opposing personnel to fight here.

With the addition of a superb team like the black signal flag, Ling Feiyang was full of confidence in it.

But just now, the sudden boom and explosion made him extremely uneasy.

I don't know what the situation is now!

While Ling Feiyang was waiting anxiously, one of his subordinates rushed in and hurriedly shouted: "Boss! The situation is not good! They sent drones to attack the island to clear the island, and many mercenary teams lost. Disastrous, Mr. Rudolph is ready to retreat!"


Ling Feiyang was taken aback, and rushed to grab him by the collar and shouted: "Why is he retreating? This **** took my money! What should we do when retreating?"

The subordinates said bitterly: "The person we sent to persuade was killed by him! He said that the firepower was too strong to resist, so we should also retreat and escape. If later, everyone has to die here..."

Ling Feiyang's eyes burst into raging anger. He originally thought that Rudolph was quite reliable.

Even if it can't stop for two days, one day is at least no problem!

But now, he could not stop him for a long time, so he was anxious to retreat.

Why do you invite him? Is this billion dollars brought by a gale?

"Boss, we... shall we continue to study?" a biologist in a white coat asked nervously.

Ling Feiyang's face was uncertain.

Look at the time, three hours away, just one hour has passed.

"How is your research now?" Ling Feiyang asked in a deep voice.

The biologist hurriedly said: "Probably it has exceeded 80%! There is still the last thing left to study..."

"Don't wait!"

Ling Feiyang gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

"Immediately take what you think is useful, get me on the plane, hurry!"

Eight researchers couldn't ask for it.

There was all the bombing outside, and the room was trembling.

Had it not been for Ling Feiyang's lewd prestige, they would have wanted to escape here.

Hearing this, he immediately packed his things and hurried out of the house to take a plane on the other side of the island.

Ling Feiyang put on a set of clothes, turned around and yelled at his men: "Get some gasoline, burn all of this place, and don't leave anything!"


Lu Yu looked at the screen.

The images transmitted back by each drone.

The mercenaries who blocked the teams of various countries were basically disabled by the firepower of the drones, and they could not organize an effective attack temporarily.

After the special forces team succeeded in getting out of trouble, they immediately launched a counterattack against the mercenaries, chasing them behind their **** and hitting them.

Collecting the battles in various places, Lu Yu coldly shouted: "Okay, don't fight, get ready to land on the island! Now the mercenaries have been dragged by these special to the original plan, let's go quickly. Grab k2."

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others had already pierced the cliffs.

Everyone immediately pulled the ropes and quickly climbed to the cliff.

After a while, everyone successfully climbed the cliff tens of meters high and successfully landed on the island.

Everyone was divided into a group of four, and according to Lu Yu's instructions, they rushed towards the designated target on the island.

On the way here, Lu Yu studied the topographic map of the entire island.

In the end, a deep mountain center area was determined, which is most likely a hidden den of k2.

Hidden here in the hinterland of the small island, if you want to pass smoothly, you will inevitably meet the mercenaries ambush in the forest.

But now, various mercenary teams have been disabled by drones.

Busy with the special forces of various countries, no one will stop them.

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