Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 681: When did you become so casual?

Alleria sat on the chair and listened to what Cirvanas said. She really didn't interrupt this time, but after Cirvanas finished speaking, Alleria frowned even tighter.

"Sirvanas, you repeat the series of victories you just said. I always think it's quite complicated. It's definitely not something that **** brother-in-law came up with. It's more like a paragraph in a military book."

"That's the art of war..." Cirvanas said in a low voice.

Although Cirvanas spoke in a low voice, Alleria heard it. She raised her head and asked Cirvanas strangely: "Didn't that **** say he doesn't know how to fight? Then why does he know the art of war again?" ?”

"How do I know this! Anyway, when you ask him what kind of military art he wants, he will definitely not know it, let alone give you a complete one. Only sometimes when you quarrel with him, he will find crooked reasons everywhere , At that time, he would think of a few words from time to time, and...he would sometimes say a few words when telling stories..." Cirvanas thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

But Cirvanas held back, but Alleria, who had always wanted to keep a straight face, couldn't help laughing.

She thought about it seriously, and realized that that **** Yu was really like this. When he is free, he is always idle and heartless, and what he does in the Hinterlands is always digging holes here and there, as if there is no long-term plan for what he does. .

Most of the time, people around him see what he does as a whim, and do what comes to mind, but after doing it, many things are quickly forgotten afterward.

Alleria just couldn't figure out how the Habayashi Blood Eagle, who was so lazy that people wanted to kick him a few times, let him make Hinterland into what it is now.

At the beginning, it was Habayashi Blood Eagle who proposed the plan to start the giant blood-tusk wild boar hybrid breeding farm in Hinterland, but after more than a year in Hinterland, Habayashi Blood Eagle didn't seem to pay much attention to it.

If it wasn't for Aurelia herself who went to Hinterland to take care of it, she wouldn't know what the giant blood-tusk wild boar breeding farm would look like now. Because at that time, Habayashi Blood Eagle seemed to have completely forgotten.

And the plan for the Temple of War was first proposed by that **** Habayashi Blood Eagle! But as soon as the **** raised the question, his people disappeared, and I haven't seen him take the initiative to go to the temple area for a long time.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of acres of grafted bread trees in the Quel'Dannis Valley, the **** Habayashi Blood Eagle has already forgotten when he gave the order! If someone hadn't reminded him, in a few years, even he himself would never remember whether he had given such an order to others!

But it was such a bastard, why did he let him get Hinterland up? This really made Alleria unable to figure it out, and in the end it could only be attributed to Habayashi Blood Eagle's good luck. It seemed that all the good things happened to him. Not only did he meet, but also many people helped him to do things well that he had forgotten.

Regarding this point, Alleria was not only unable to figure it out, she was even a little bit jealous. Because Aurelia felt that if she had gone to Hinterland with almost nothing at the beginning like Habayashi Blood Eagle, even if Aurelia worked hard and worked hard, it would be impossible for Hinterland to change. into what it is today.

Alleria thought that even though she was the eldest lady of the Windrunner family, it would be very difficult for Habayashi Blood Eagle to reach the current level. Not only was Aurelia unable to do it herself, Aurelia felt that among all the grand dukes of Quel'Thalas, there might not be one who could do it.

Because the entire Quel'Thalas only has a population of about 300,000 high elves, and who has the ability to transfer the entire Quel'Thalas people to Xuntland to open up wasteland and do hard work!

See how many people the Hinterlands have now? Hundreds of thousands of humans helped him farm, fish, build roads, repair water conservancy and many other things, and tens of thousands of Wildhammer dwarves helped him build weapons and armor. Even Habayashi Blood Eagle's original enemy, the Hinterland Xezhi troll, now has at least tens of thousands of people working for him.

However, these are nothing. The most amazing thing is that now even those high-ranking green dragons have been pulled into the construction of Quel'Dannis by him.

All of these, counting one by one carefully, all the results can make a Grand Duke of Quel'Thalas dizzy.

As a general rough figure, there are probably more people working for the profiteer Habayashi Blood Eagle in Hinterland than the entire population of the Quel'Thalas Kingdom. Can the Grand Duke of Salas do it?

However, this **** usually not only looks like he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but also has a lot of shortcomings. There are so many things to talk about, such as greed for money, laziness, etc., which makes people even more angry and jealous. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Okay! Let's talk about the invincible one again, and explain it in detail!" Aurelia shook her head and said: "Then we will slowly discuss the specific details of the subsequent actions."

"Didn't you just say that?" Cirvanas asked strangely

"I want you to explain that sentence, word by word." Alleria smiled and said, "I want to listen to the other story, anyway, I still have time now."

"Don't we have to discuss specific cooperation with several other legion commanders?" Cirvanas asked suspiciously.

"I'm not in a hurry!" Alleria leaned back on the seat and looked at Cirvanas with a smile and said, "I want to hear the story now."

Cirvanas: "...you still have the mood to listen to the story now?...Sister, when did you become so casual?..."

April is a beautiful season with singing birds and fragrant flowers everywhere. However, Ni is also a season that makes people feel troubled. Especially for the orc troops who are now coming to the southern Eversong Forest in Quel'Thalas, it is a particularly annoying season.

A forward commander of the orcs, he is very troubled at this moment. He doesn't like this season very much, he feels that this season is a complete torture for him.

Especially now that he is in Eversong Forest, he is even more troubled. But this is not the worst, what is even more unfortunate is that he was marching with a vanguard of 600 cavalry, which made him feel even worse.

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