Questions and Answers To the Heavens, Starting From Marvel

Chapter 66 Now it's Coulson's turn

"Is it only Steve? There is still me in the video." Natasha said that she actually made a contribution in the future.

"Well, I apologize to you, Ms. Natasha, you are also one of the righteous protagonists in the video to sabotage the Hydra conspiracy." Tony shrugged.

Nick Fury nodded and said: "Your analysis is consistent with mine, except for Natasha and Steve, other characters in these videos should also be taken seriously, such as the guy with mechanical wings.

If I remember correctly, he should be Sam Wilson, who served in the Airborne Rescue Unit of the 58th Division. His intelligence is very classified, and the equipment should belong to some secret military program - Falcon. "

"Ha, the intelligence chief is eyeing a newcomer again?" Tony complained.

"He deserves a better offer." Nick Fury shrugged, planning to recruit Sam to S.H.I.E.L.D. when he returned.

Obviously, after several quiz games, almost all of the Hydra spies lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. have been exposed. After cleaning them up, some positions will definitely be vacated, which requires fresh blood.

Nick Fury is satisfied with Sam Wilson's performance in the video.

When Steve Rogers and Natasha were both being hunted by Alexander, he was able to step up to help, proving that he was a reliable candidate to trust.

At this time, a new round of answering questions began: "The video is about to be played, please watch it carefully, and the corresponding questions will be asked after the video is finished!"

They all stopped talking and looked at the light curtain in unison.

Thor, the god of thunder, appears in the video, wearing a red cape and breaking into a special cell with his beloved hammer in his hand. The walls of the cell are made of special glass.

At this time, the glass door opened, and his brother Loki, the evil god, was about to come out, and Thor shouted: "No!"

Then he slammed into it, but he didn't expect that Loki was just a phantom. He didn't stop the car and got into the glass cell directly.

Loki's real body appeared outside the cell, mocking his brother, "You never learn your lesson."

"Ha, it's these two brothers again." Tony looked around. "It's a pity that they're not here, otherwise we'll be able to watch the show again."

In the light curtain, as soon as the camera turned, Natasha and Clint Barton met in an aisle corridor, and then the two scuffled without saying a word.

They are all very skilled, and they communicate with each other with fists, and there is no difference for a while.

The camera returned to the glass cell again, and the reckless Thor slammed the glass with a hammer, but only left some cracks and failed to break the cage. He had to stare at Loki outside with angry eyes.

Loki smiled: "People think that we are immortal, but now we can test it." Then he came to the console on the side.

At this moment, Agent Coulson appeared. He was holding a thick firearm and aimed the muzzle at Loki, "Please step aside!"

Loki took two steps back, indicating that he would not mess around.

Coulson paced forward, "Do you like this? We developed this prototype after you sent the Destroyer to Earth last time. I don't know how powerful it is! Do you want to try it?"

However, in the next instant, a sharp blade stabbed from behind him and pierced his chest. Thor could only roar when he saw this: "No!"

It's still the same old trick. Loki tricked Coulson with a phantom, and he sneaked behind Agent Coulson and killed him!

Watching Coulson fall in a pool of blood, Tony said, "The last person to die was Nick, now it's your turn, Coulson."

Coulson was also surprised at this moment, and murmured: "Frankly, I really didn't think about the scene when I died... Does it seem silly?"

Tony comforted again: "Don't think so, Thor has been tricked, let alone you are a mortal? If you want to blame it, you can only blame Loki, the god of lies, for being too cunning!"

Steve followed suit: "Perhaps you, like Chief Nick, are also dead, but not completely dead?"

Nick Fury coughed twice, "Rocky has been caught and controlled by us, and he has lost his power. The future has changed, Coulson, you don't have to worry too much about this."

Natasha frowned and said, "Why did I fight Clinton? It shouldn't be..."

"Maybe because one of you was controlled by Loki? Did you see the scepter in his hand? In the previous quiz game video, Loki used this scepter to control Eric. PhD!"

During their discussion, the video has ended, and the corresponding question has also appeared on the light curtain: "What was the impact of Phil Coulson's death?"

"A: A small character died, no one cares."

"B: We all miss Coulson, he was a good guy, but that's about it."

"C: The bickering Avengers, reunited because of his death."

Coulson smiled, "I think I'm just a small character, the answer should be A? Or B?"

"No, you don't have to think like that, Coulson, you're actually very good!" Steve encouraged, even if he and Coulson didn't know each other well and didn't get along for a long time, but as we all know, the captain never lies.

"Captain, I'm very happy to have your approval, but I don't have the skills of you and Natasha, nor the scientific ability of Tony Stark. ...obviously, I'm just a normal person."

If it were before, Coulson would think that he was very good. As a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he has thrown away a lot of people. He is diligent in his work, and his business ability is very skilled. reuse.

But since Tony Stark, superheroes have appeared one after another, and Coulson has felt a huge gap. Compared with these superheroes, what is his ability?

Natasha glanced at him and said, "It's my turn to answer this question. Actually, I think it's better for you to answer it... I think the correct answer is C."

Coulson shrugged: "Frankly, I also hope that my death can be meaningful, but it is unlikely. The Avengers are led by Director Nick and Captain, so there should be no problems."

"Really?" Natasha looked at Tony Stark, "I don't think so."

"Hey, ma'am, what are you doing looking at me like that?" Tony was a little upset, feeling that Natasha was targeting him.

Nick Fury said: "Choose C, Natasha, if you don't mind, let Coulson answer this question, how about it?"

"I have no opinion." Natasha nodded in agreement, this video and the question are directly related to Coulson.

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