Since being caught by Hydra, Bucky Barnes has been brainwashed into a killing tool with no thought, no freedom, and nothing.

He might be in a daze forever...until this quirky quiz game arrives!

Bucky receives an order to find former Captain America, Steve Rogers.

The name made him feel a little familiar, but the brainwashing effect was so powerful that Bucky couldn't care about anything, and only had the option of completing the task in his eyes.

Hydra spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and finally found Steve Rogers who had been frozen for decades.

In the last quiz game, it seemed that Steve would be a spy for Hydra, so Alexander Pierce was very relieved to bring Steve back to their secret base.

And also gave a death order, Captain America must be awakened safely!

They made it!

Bucky Barnes was the first to meet Steve Rogers when he finally regained consciousness after being frozen for decades.

This is the sincerity of Hydra.

And because Hydra was very superstitious about the results of the quiz game, it didn't brainwash Bucky before that. As a result, not long after the two reunited, Steve woke up Bucky's memory!

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the follow-up. The two brothers worked together to kill them from the research institute.

When the Hydra was about to send people to chase, Nick Fury also led Natasha Romanoff, Agent Coulson and Clint to kill.

They figured out the details here in advance, and they wanted to take the opportunity to assassinate Captain America, but they didn't expect Hydra to have an infighting.

Nick acted decisively and let Natasha and others take advantage of the situation to destroy the Hydra base, and he himself took the risk to contact Steve Rogers.

After chatting with each other, Nick discovers that this Captain America is either the most treacherous spy ever, or an unselfish good man!

Steve Rogers was more shocked when he revealed that the outside world was questioning you Captain America as a Hydra spy.

In that unprecedented war, Steve had been fighting hard against Hydra all the time. There was only unresolved hatred between them. How could he become a spy for Hydra?

Steve lost his indestructible shield on the spot, saying you should arrest me, and begging Nick to clear his name!

Nick Fury felt that the righteous man in front of him really didn't look like a spy.

At this time, Baki came out and exposed Alexander Pierce. The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is now a high-ranking leader, is the leader of Hydra lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Coincidentally, Alexander Pierce was also on the spy chief's suspect list.

Contacting Bucky and taking the initiative to surrender is to temporarily clear the suspicion for Steve Rogers.

Of course, the follow-up still has to carry out continued investigation, but at this time, the quiz game is coming again!

Bucky Barnes found himself surrounded by a golden beam of light, his memory became extraordinarily clear, and he finally got rid of the haze he had been brainwashed into.

But he also knew that once he got out of this weird game, he would definitely return to his normal appearance.

Hydra's brainwashing over the years has brought too many side effects!

"Only through this quiz game can I completely regain my freedom!" Bucky glanced at the embarrassed Captain America beside him, and said solemnly, "Steve, I have no choice but to win!"

"Loki, you interfered with my answer!"

On the other hand, Thor glared at Loki in dissatisfaction, and then chose B without saying a word.

At the same time, he is still proud to give Rocky Science: "I was like this when I answered the question last time, even if I failed to answer the question successfully, as long as I choose the correct answer,

Score too! "

When Loki heard the words, he was so angry that he was speechless: "How can I have such a stupid brother as you?"

He just gave Thor a wink, hoping to let Bucky and Steve answer first, including the words he just analyzed with Thor, which was actually said to them on purpose.

The purpose is also very simple. It is to make Bucky and Steve as guinea pigs. If they can answer correctly, they can also pick up a point for following.

But if the correct answer isn't B, then Steve and Bucky are clearly on their way and rule out the wrong option first.

As a result, Thor didn't understand Loki's twists and turns. Before the answer was announced, he also chose B.

What if the answer is wrong?

Soon, the answer was announced: "Team B will deduct 1 point for failure to answer the question, and team A will deduct 2 points if it fails to answer the question!"

"I knew it! I knew it! You idiot, can't you answer later?" Loki was furious.

Thor scratched his head, "Sorry, I don't know if I'll get the wrong answer, but that's fine. We first ruled out a wrong option, and in fact, we didn't have a choice, and the countdown is almost over."

What a shit!

The voice above urged: "The answering time is 30 seconds, players from both teams please answer as soon as possible!"

Thor's mouth moved, and Loki hurriedly shouted: "Don't talk! Let me answer this time!"

"Okay, okay, but you have to take my advice, I think you should choose D!"

"You want me to choose myself?"

Loki sneered, but also hesitated. Could it be that he really destroyed Asgard?

That can't be explained by a prank.

Compared with Odin and Thor, the possibility of Loki is obviously higher.

Steve also thought so, "We don't know where Asgard is, but since the problem is to destroy this place, then it must be a bad guy. Among the four options, the evil god is not a good guy!"

Bucky nodded, thinking it made sense.

Thor quietly defended his brother, "Loki just likes to play pranks, he actually..."

"Shut up!" Loki glared at him, then responded loudly: "I choose A! This reckless guy must have destroyed Asgard!"

"How is that possible!" Thor looked like you were playing with me, "I am destined to be the king of Asgard, how can I destroy Asgard?"

Steve also made a choice: "We choose D! Evil God Loki!"

The 30-second countdown is over, and the answer is announced: "Team A fails to answer the question, deduct 2 points, and team B fails to answer the question, deduct 1 point!"

Good guy, got rid of two options at once, they both got it wrong!

Thor's mouth grew in disbelief, "Odin's beard! How could my father destroy Asgard?"

All three options A, B, and D report errors, and now only option C is left: God King Odin!

While the results were astounding, the answer seemed obvious.

Loki suddenly smiled: "I did the right thing, he is old, he should step down from that chair, only I can protect Asgard!"

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