



Asgard, whenever Thor in the light curtain in mid-air is picked up and smashed by the Hulk, the people watching the show below will exclaim.

It's like playing the accompaniment.

No one would have thought that the eldest prince of Asgard would be in such a miserable situation. This is going to be smashed, don't smash the heir of Asgard!

"Have you found it, there seems to be a gladiatorial arena, where the eldest prince and the big green man perform for people?"

"Could it be fake? This video is so weird!"

"Maybe it's a future scene..."

Loki looked at Thor's embarrassing appearance in the video, and was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "His smile is too stupid!"

After laughing, he fell into thought.

"If the content of the video is really what will happen in the future, then it means that Thor can never return to Asgard - he has lost the power and identity of Thor forever!"

As Thor's good brother, Loki of course knows that Thor is stupid, but he has to admit that he is indeed a very strong god.

But what did you just see?

A deity was beaten like a doll by a green-skinned geek.

There is only one reasonable explanation, Thor has lost the power of Thor forever!

Think about it, if I were replaced by myself, how could I, Loki, who has the power of the gods, have such a big hatred?

"Hey, my poor brother, I'll take good care of your hammer!" Loki gloated and smiled happily.

Under the golden light.

Tony and the others also discussed Thor's smile.

"You know, there is only one reason for you to be beaten. You laughed so stupidly, you deserve to be beaten!"

"Shut up! I'm Thor! It's definitely not me in the video just now!"

Thor became angry, "I, I want to..."

He wanted to continue protesting, but after thinking about it, he swallowed the words back. Just after protesting, he played such a video of himself being beaten up.

If there are a few more paragraphs, who can stand it?

After the video played, no new problems appeared.

"This quiz game is over, the standings are as follows: player Bruce Wayne 3 points, player Natasha Romanoff 2 points, player Thor Odinson 0 points, player Tony Stark -1 point! "

Can points be negative?

Tony doesn't really care about the game points this time. From this game, he has already got what he wants.

With his steady style, Bruce won the top spot. He was eager to win and hoped to return to his own world and Gotham through this answer.

"The point store is open for a limited time and will be closed after ten minutes. Please use your points carefully!"

Bruce asked the sky, "Can the points be accumulated?"


Tony thought for a while and asked, "Can I buy points in other ways?"

"Points can only be earned through a special mode in the quiz game!"

Well, the banknote capacity is useless.

A point store appeared in the light curtain, and a series of various commodities appeared one after another.

"Infinite Gloves (Perfect): 3000 points, Infinite Gloves (normal): 1500 points, Spear of Eternity: 1000 points, Spear of Destiny: 1000 points, Book of Infinite: 1000 points, Infinity Gems (randomly drawn ): 300 points, psionic control: 100 points, chakra fruit: 100 points, source of magic: 100 points..."

Most of the product points are often dozens or hundreds of points. They can only look at it, and they can't afford it at all.

As for thousands of points,

Then don't even think about it.

However, Tony also found that the reward he first harvested - the ancient sage's technology brand (perfect), actually required thousands of points in the points store, and he immediately felt that he had made a lot of money.

"These products displayed above should be introduced more!" Tony spread his hands, "I don't know almost all of them."

"Haven't you heard of Odin's Gun and the Gate of Destiny?" Thor frowned tightly.

Odin's gun was his father's artifact, but he didn't expect it to be sold in this point store.

Bruce quickly browsed the list of products, hoping to find something that could help him return. He picked a few products, such as time and space teleportation, multiverse roaming and the like.

But the points required for this are beyond his reach.

Natasha shrugged. "Let's see what we can afford."

After narrowing the scope, there are not many products that can be bought with their single-digit points. "Life 10 years: 5 points, Marksmanship mastery: 3 points, Fighting mastery: 3 points."

Natasha has only two points, and all she can buy is one item: "Blind Box (and get a reward right away): 2 points."

"I buy blind boxes!"

She and Bruce bought the item at about the same time, because there were not many to choose from.

For Bruce, mastery of marksmanship and mastery of fighting are not worth mentioning, it is better to gamble on luck.

Two boxes appeared in the light curtain. After a few flashes, they immediately burst into dazzling light. One of them was pure white, and the other was golden yellow!

"Congratulations to player Natasha Romanoff for getting the Variety Mask! Congrats to player Bruce Wayne for getting Saiyan blood (growable!)"

Two rays of light fell on Natasha and Bruce one after the other.

"This game is over, I wish players a happy life!"

The golden beam of light and the light curtain suspended in the air disappeared at the same time.

The bald chief Nick Fury and the long-awaited Mage Ancient One were finally able to approach them.

"Mage, can you help us send us to a safe place? Like Tony's house?" Nick Fury looked at the ancient one.

Gu nodded, raised his hand, and opened the golden portal.

Tony and the three naturally have no opinion on this, only Thor shook his head and said, "I'm going to get the hammer, I'm going back to the Heavenly Palace!"

"You will do it, but not now." Nick Fury didn't talk nonsense, nodding to Agent Coulson next to him.

Coulson stepped forward and took out a stun stick, smiling brightly: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"You're going to fight with me..."

Before Thor's words were finished, the despicable agent had already hit him with a stun stick on his chest, and the zizizi lightning flashed, and Thor rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Is he really Thor?" Tony shrugged and walked around Thor, who was still twitching.

back to the mansion.

Nick Fury looked around the crowd and said straight to the point: "Guys, it's time to form the Avengers!"

Tony is noncommittal: "I'm not interested."

"Your father's death... I'm sorry, but Tony, as one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., if you want to know more about him, you should join us!"

Tony frowned, "Why didn't I know about this?"

"There's so much more you don't know, so join us!"

The bald chief finally persuaded him and turned to look at Bruce: "Bruce, you need our help, we will help you return to your hometown, and we also need your help!"

Bruce nodded: "I will act with you temporarily, temporarily."

He prefers to believe in his own strength, but does not exclude limited cooperation with others.

The bald-headed director stared at Mage Gu Yi again, Gu Yi rushed before him and smiled lightly: "I won't get involved in your affairs, but I can guarantee that there will be a powerful Mage who will help you. "

"Very good!" The bald chief smiled. "No matter what happens tomorrow, as long as we act, we will have a chance to create miracles."

"Wow, has anyone ever told you that you're a good fit for the Wall Street Roadshow?" Tony scoffed.

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