Qin Official

Chapter 736 Is a dead country okay?

"Why can you be so sure that the First Emperor has died?"

In the camp, Li Cang helped Heifu put on the heavy armor, while glancing at the newly placed "Qin Shi Huang Emperor" tablet in the camp, and asked uneasily.

He still found it a bit unbelievable. According to the news he heard, everything in Qin Shihuang's palace was still the same as before. There was no mourning flag, nor was the entire army in mourning. The only news that came out was that the young master Hu Hai was established as the prince.

"Because I know the temper of the First Emperor very well."

Heifu adjusted his armor and said:

"It only took ten years from the destruction of Han in the seventeenth year to the destruction of Qi in the twenty-sixth year. Qin Shihuang accomplished what the previous emperors of the Qin Dynasty had wanted to do for hundreds of years."

"I also encountered difficulties during this period. For example, Li Xin was defeated in the attack on Chu and lost seven captains. Everyone in the government and the public felt that the Chu Kingdom could not be destroyed, and it would take at least a few years of rest. But the First Emperor did not stop and only defeated two One hundred thousand, and immediately organized another 600,000 to attack the empty country and destroy Jingchu!"

"And from the twenty-eighth to the thirty-seventh year, we also conquered the barbarian, Rongdi and Di kingdoms, and ordered us to attack from all sides. The territory of Qin spans Daxia in the north, wades through the quicksand in the west, has the East China Sea in the east, and ends in Beihu in the south!"

"The most difficult battle among them was the southern expedition to Baiyue, where the general was killed by tens of thousands of troops. The whole world was against it, thinking that there was no point in wasting lives to gain useless territory. But Qin Shihuang insisted on going his own way, and made me go south as a general, which cost a lot of money. In two years, I finally ordered the king of Baiyue to bow his head and tie his neck, and ordered his subordinates to build several new counties in the south of Lingnan."

"At the same time, there are also things like building the Great Wall, repairing Chi Road, building palaces, opening five-foot roads, and looking for the Queen Mother of the West. Especially the Queen Mother of the West, it is really full of twists and turns..."

When he mentioned this, Heifu couldn't help but laugh: "It was originally rumored that Kunlun was in the Qilian Mountains in Hexi, so the Yuezhi was destroyed."

"It was also said that it was in the Western Region, so the north and south roads were full of Qin envoys and merchants, but in the end they were not found."

"At this time, the people of Daxia came and said that the Queen Mother was to the west of Tiaozhi, so Qin Shihuang sent Li Xin to march westward, traveling thousands of miles and spending hundreds of millions of money, just for the rumor that was not true or false..."

"I have been directly and indirectly involved in all these things, so I have a deep understanding of them. Throughout his life, Qin Shi Huang did everything he did with a beginning and an end. How could he ever give up halfway?"

"His Majesty the Emperor, you are really the best iron-headed boy in the world..." Heifu complained in his heart.

Li Cang finally understood: "So you think that since the First Emperor is going on a tour this time, since he said he was going to Kuaiji, he will definitely arrive as long as he is still alive?"

"Of course."

Heifu said: "Now that we have to turn back and change roads halfway, or have to pass through the Ming'e Three Fortresses to enter the Central Plains and return to Xianyang, there must be a big change!"

During the Junan assassination a few years ago, Qin Shihuang did not change his course. Thinking about it, there was only one thing that could change Qin Shihuang's goal...


Li Cang still had concerns: "What if the emperor changed his route on purpose, just to make people think he was dead and make the prince appear?"

Heifu shook his head: "Impossible. Making me the Marquis of Wu Zhong and moving to the Lu family's hometown is already a final decision and a plan to draw out the firepower. Why bother to add more to the fire? Besides, Qin Shihuang is too proud and disdains to play. Such a little trick."

Li Cang was no longer doubtful and said with emotion:

"You really understand Qin Shihuang!"

"After all, it's a battle between king and minister."

Heifu said calmly. He tied the tassel of He Guan under his chin and asked Li Cang to go out and gather everyone.

After Li Cang left, Heifu handed over the newly engraved "spiritual throne of Qin Shi Huangdi".

"I'm not like Zhao Gao, who can interpret your every word and deed, but when it comes to your broad ambitions, no one in this world understands you better than me."

"I come from more than two thousand years later, so I know very well that unification, cars on the same track, books on the same page, and conduct ethically are all things that will benefit the future."

"It's them who make China always be China no matter how many times it is divided! Qin's politics and laws have been implemented for a hundred generations!"

That's why great people say: The soul of the ancestral dragon is still alive in Qin after it is dead.

"After unification, what was criticized by the world as militaristic expansion actually laid the foundation for a nation and a country."

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You know, Your Majesty, your general direction is so similar to what the time travelers want to do, that I only need to add bricks and tiles to it."

Heifu believed that if Qin Shihuang could live longer, if he got a world map, after looking at the vast territory on it, the next moment, he would definitely slap the case and mutter in Guanzhong dialect:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Then, colonize Japan, conquer India, discover America, and expand Qin's territory to the Mediterranean... It must be what the emperor wants to do, can do, and dares to do!

Therefore, for Heifu, his relationship with Qin Shihuang is not so much that of a monarch and a minister, but rather that of a junior and an elder. They are two people who cherish each other in the Chinese dream.

Caressing the wooden sign in his hand, Hei Fu sighed:

"So I respect you!"

"I serve you!"

"I am willing to listen to your command and work as a framer for you."

"It would be great if we could talk straight to the point..."

But that's not possible.

Because in addition to these, Qin Shihuang was still a feudal emperor at heart, acting arbitrarily and arbitrarily, and it was impossible to have an equal conversation with his ministers.

No matter how far he looks, his over-achievement and abuse of people's power will inevitably push the era into the abyss, turning everything Heifu does into putting out firewood.

Heifu only realized this three years ago...

"So you and I may want the same result, but the process is destined to be different!"

Some people cannot live while others live.

Some people live to make a better life for the majority of people.

Heifu put the wooden sign into the box.

"A few days ago, you sealed my coffin."

Hei Fu slowly closed the box and shut the Qin Shi Huang's spiritual tablet inside. As the light in the box gradually decreased, Hei Fu also smiled.

"Return a favor, His Majesty the First Emperor. Now, it's my turn, Mr. Hei, to seal your coffin and make the final decision!"

When Heifu got out of the camp, the three thousand personal guards who had followed him all the way, at the risk of annihilation, were already standing on this vast land in the middle of the swamp.

They are all from Nanjun and are Heifu's proud "disciple soldiers".

Because of the hard training, everyone was as tanned as Hei Fu. In order to show that they were different, they had their hair cut off. Even though Hei Fu's hair had grown out, Duan Bing still had his hair cut once a month. , has become a routine.

The three leaders who followed this time were mostly from Heifu's old troops who conquered Chu. Among them were those who served as Chief Heifu's subordinates more than ten years ago and helped Heifu carry the flag during the war to destroy Chu. Son male.

In addition, Dongmen Bao, Lu Jia, Wu Chen and others came with Hei Fu. Everyone looked at Hei Fu, looking at the general who had put on his armor again after half a month of hiding and regained his former glory!

To this group of direct descendants who knew everything about them, Heifu didn't even need to use sensational mobilization. He just had to tell them one fact loudly:

"His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin has passed away!"

There was no mourning from the three armies. Although the people present were Qin people in a broad sense, they were eating the food of the black husband and had only fear and no love for the emperor.

But after hearing these words, huge changes still occurred in them.

The hesitation was gone and turned into eagerness to try.

Worry disappeared and turned into talking and laughing.

The timidity is gone and I have become brave and capable!

The sun hanging overhead has set, and the dry and hot air has become a little cooler. People who once did not dare to raise their heads now dare to wave their hands and feet!

Heifu said:

"Second Son, we have been hiding for long enough. This general thinks that although Yunmengze's fish, shrimps, crabs and clams are delicious, if there is no rice from Nanjun to go with it, something is missing!"

A roar of laughter.

No one asks Heifu worriedly anymore: "What should we do!?"

Instead, he loudly shouted in the Nanjun dialect: "The general is right! We can't do it without eating! It's better to take us out quickly and have a good meal!"

"As it should be!"

Heifu raised his arms and said: "However, there are treacherous ministers and traitors in the court who are jealous of this general. They do not announce the funeral secretly. They are false to the emperor's edict and want to murder Zhongliang. They want to capture the people of Anlu County in Guanzhong and enslave them to death! What's more, they want to march to the south. Sergeants, I will label you all as traitors and turn you into prisoners!"

"Not only do they not allow us to eat and live well, they even don't leave us a way to live!"

Of course this was made up by Heifu, he just opened his mouth.

But Zhao Gao and Hu Hai should be able to do this kind of thing, so just treat it as unwarranted.

Seeing the excitement among the crowd, Hei Fu bowed his hands to the crowd and said, "If you die now, you will die. If you make great plans, you will die. If you wait for death, will the country die?"

"Second and third sons, in order to make a living, are you willing to work with the black husband on a big plan to clean up the traitorous officials who have usurped the throne and reorganize the court?"

The three thousand people did not ask what the plan was, and all knelt down on one knee: "We have already tied up our hair, and our lives have been handed over to the general a long time ago! I am willing to follow the general to the deep stream and walk through the fire!"

The morale was ready. Heifu nodded with satisfaction. He also acted very relaxed and asked a few close subordinates who came over with a smile:

"Where do you think we should go next?"

Dongmen Bao said matter-of-factly: "Of course I am going to Anlu to save my father and fellow villagers!"

This statement won the approval of most people. Now that Qin Shihuang is dead, the only concern of the soldiers now is their families.

However, Lu Jia suggested: "General, Li You has left Wuchang camp and collected 30,000 generals' swords. Now he is leading an army of 10,000 troops to go south to Changsha. If you are slow, he will beat him! You should go to Changsha camp. Join up with the two captains Tao and Xiao, and wait for the main force from Lingnan to move northward, with tens of thousands of troops, and it won't be too late to make further progress..."

Dongmen Bao and Ji Ying were immediately furious. They pointed at Lu Jia's nose and cursed: "You Confucian scholar, do you want the general to abandon his mother and brother, and ignore the life and death of tens of thousands of Anlu's township party members?"

"Not to mention that our number is less than half of Feng Jing's. Even if we go to capture Anlu and save the villagers, we will still be attacked from both sides."

Lu Jia argued while avoiding Dongmen Bao's fists and kicks.

Heifu asked someone to hold the reckless Ah Bao back and said, "What you said all makes sense. Ji Ying, you are always smart and familiar with Anlu's geography. You immediately led some people to lurk there, and with the help of tens of thousands of villagers in the county, When they are gathering, sneak in and wait for my order!"


Ji Ying immediately set out on a fishing boat with dozens of Anlu people without hair.


Heifu called the most trusted young man again, took out two gold and silver tiger charms, and handed the silver charms to Li Cang.

"This is the gilt silver tiger talisman that must be used for internal mobilization of the Southern Expeditionary Army. You immediately take it and go to the camp south of Changsha. Tell Xiao Tao that the First Emperor has died and you can implement the second plan that was previously discussed. Then , then go to Huangxi Pass and ask Han Xin and Qu Ji who are waiting there to immediately lead 10,000 elite troops northward! We must completely annihilate Li You's division and try to capture him alive!"


Li Cang's face was red, which was a sign of extreme excitement. He knew very well that although he was not like Dongmen Leopard, who charged for the emperor, he still played an important role in this grand plan!

Seeing that Ji Ying and Li Cang both had missions and left in the dust, Dongmen Bao couldn't wait to rub his hands and said: "Pavilion Chief, there are people going from the north to the south. Are we just waiting here?"

"of course not."

Heifu said: "The most critical factor in the success or failure of this grand plan is actually neither Changsha nor Anlu..."

"Where is that?"

After all, Dongmen, Lu Jia and others were not Han Xin, and they did not have such a thorough understanding of the military situation.


After saying that, Heifu had already mounted his mount, and the short-range guards behind him also raised the flag of the Crossing Dragon that should have been broken. In addition, there was a large flag with the word "wei" in white letters on a black background!

One red and one black, the two flags were blown by the wind in Yunmengze. Hei Fu also drew his sword and pointed directly to the east!

The older he got, the more cowardly he became, and the monarch who was so safe and insignificant in his military plans disappeared.

At this moment, General Heifu seemed to have returned to Linyang City ten years ago, so heroic!

"Follow me to Wuchang Camp!"

The black man's beard and hair were trembling, and he laughed loudly:

"Go and tell those 30,000 Southern Expedition soldiers who have been looking forward to returning home for a long time, but were suddenly disarmed, imprisoned, and panic-stricken!"

"Tell everyone that their general is back!"

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