Qin Official

Chapter 707 The moon is about to rise and the sun is about to set

"Although he does not have the name of a prince, the eldest son already has the dignity of an heir."

After learning about Prince Fusu's memorial to the First Emperor of Qin, the imperial censor Mao Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Over the past year, Mao Jiao has grown older and is not in good health. He has been ill at home for a long time, and even the affairs of the Yushi Mansion can only be handed over to his deputy.

This time, Yingzhuo Shouxin caused violent turmoil in the court. Chun Yuyue and others were arrested, which also implicated the young master Fusu. Mao Jiao was worried, but he was too ill to help.

Fortunately, Fusu's performance was very qualified, he took the initiative and attributed the reason for the strange appearance to himself.

Yinghuo guarding the heart is a celestial warning and an ominous sign. It is caused by the master's lack of morality and will bring disaster to the master. This is the consensus of everyone.

But such disasters can be averted through prayer.

Mao Jiao knew that the last Yinghuo Shouxin recorded in history books was Song Jinggong in the Spring and Autumn Period.

The Song Dynasty was at the heart of the conflict, and Jinggong was worried. The diviner Ziwei invited said that the fault could be blamed on the ruler. Song Jinggong believed that Dazai was the person who governed the country, and it was unlucky to move him.

He also said that it could be passed on to the people. Jinggong replied: "If there are no people, how can I be a king? I would rather die alone!"

Ziwei suggested again: "You can pass it on to your maturity." Jinggong replied: "The people are hungry and will die. As a monarch, but you have to kill people to survive, then who is willing to treat me as a monarch? I am a man of fate. It's the end, no more words!"

The historian believes that because of Song Jinggong's benevolent attitude, he issued an edict to punish himself without harming others, and the matter finally had a good result. This move inspired the heart of the sky, and the Yinghuo star moved, which actually increased Song Jinggong's life by twenty-one years...

Sinking oneself, this is a good way, but Qin Shihuang, he will never bow his head, whether it is to his ministers, the people, or to the sky!

At this embarrassing moment, Fusu can stand up and take over, which is equivalent to giving the emperor a step down. It is like saying loudly: "My, my, my, when your teammate's mysterious operation caused the team to be wiped out and everyone was embarrassed." !”

Mao Jiao, who was dying of illness, couldn't help but praise: "It was rumored that King Wu was seriously ill in the year after the Shang Dynasty was destroyed. Duke Zhou immediately prayed to his ancestors Taiwang, Wang Ji and King Wen, willing to die on his behalf. Later, the book containing the congratulations was included in the Jin Dynasty. Gui. Today, the young master has accepted the disaster of being deceived by his wife. This move has the same purpose but the same purpose. It is pure filial piety!"

With Fusu taking the lead, the other princes and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty began to seize the opportunity. The prime ministers and court officials on the left and right wrote to the emperor, saying that the ministers had done something wrong, causing the celestial phenomena to be abnormal, and asked Qin Shihuang to punish them and relieve them of their imprisonment. Position...

However, all the enthusiastic memorials from the ministers came to nothing, and Qin Shihuang stayed in the center. He neither agreed nor objected, and did not express any position on the matter. He only ordered Fusu to be grounded in the palace, and at the same time, the Confucian scholars who stayed in Xianyang were Disperse them all, no matter which official's house they are guests in.

At the same time, Qin Shihuang believed Wu Zhu's words and began to search for the incarnation of "Yinghuo" all over the world.

It is impossible to sin against oneself. Since Yinghuo sinned against the Emperor Star, it would be over if he killed it!

And the damned people still have to die!

In mid-September, Chunyu Yue and five other people were convicted by the Prime Minister of Xianyang and executed in the city of Xianyang for the crimes of cursing and using the past to reflect the past!

On the day of the execution, Chunyu Yue, who always wore a high-ranking scholar's uniform, was a little embarrassed. The cold autumn wind blew on his face, and he only felt a little ridiculous.

"Had I known this, should I have followed most doctors and not said a word, or should I have followed Sun Tong and just flattered him?"

The Yinghuo incident led to the collective detention of the bb-loving doctors. Only the astute Shusun Tong realized something was wrong on the same day. He left Xianyang overnight on the pretext of going home to serve his uncle and escaped.

Although Chun Yuyue supported feudalism, he did not know how to adapt. Since the emperor did not like large enfeoffments, small enfeoffments were always okay, right? Lingnan, Haidong, Zhangye, Shuofang, these remote places, what is the difference between letting local officials go and letting the prince go?

But the emperor refused to accept any good or bad words, so they were helpless.

Looking at the people of Xianyang standing on their feet in the distance and watching the execution silently, Chunyu Yue sighed:

"It is better to guard against the mouths of the people than to guard against the rivers! Although the people's mouths were barely blocked, their complaints turned into resentments, and the roads were blocked. Just like blocking water, once it bursts, more people will be hurt. I The Confucians only talk, but other people don’t just talk, they take action!”

"The skin of a thousand sheep is not as good as the tuck of a fox, and the nuonuo of a thousand people is not as good as the care of one scholar. King Wu prospered by care, and Yin and Zhou died in silence. Alas, it is pitiful that the world was finally unified, and There will be chaos, and the temples of the Qin Dynasty will probably be destroyed!"

After being pushed hard behind him, the executioner urged impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense and get down quickly!"

Chunyu Yue was pushed down, and his face pressed against the wooden pillar could smell the strong smell of blood, as well as a black ant crawling on the ground with its tentacles shaking.

The wind blew and he shivered...

"I just don't know if the autumn wind that day will be as cold as today!"

"Still unable to save Mr. Chunyu."

Fusu, who was confined in the mansion, heard that Chun Yuyue and other five people had died in the city. He sighed and punched the wall hard.

Fusu is still kind. He not only wants to get rid of the suspicious situation, but also wants to save the lives of Chunyu Yue and others.

"This is what those people said and wanted to kill themselves. I'm lucky that you can get away. Don't show your dissatisfaction!"

An old man with a long beard reaching to his chest comforted Fusu and spoke a lot of elegant Luoyang dialects. This man was called Dong Gong.

A few years ago, Fu Su was on an expedition to the east and west of the sea. He took time to visit talented people along the way and recruited them as his staff. When he passed by Luoyang, he visited Dong Gong once. At that time, Dong Gong felt that Fu Su was naive and had no intention of coming out. When Fu Su came back, he worshiped again. Dong Gong's attitude became better, but he still didn't want to get along with him.

It wasn't until the happy incident happened and Fusu cleverly rescued him that Dong Gong changed his mind when he heard about it. Seeing that the world was exhausted and the imperial court was overemploying the people, many people in Guandong began to turn to those who were secretly plotting to restore the country. There are also some people who don't want the world to be in chaos, so they look to the young master Fusu who loves people and people as their hope.

This time, when Fusu sent someone to invite him for the third time, Dong Gong resigned from his position as the third elder and came to Xianyang to seek refuge, regardless of his family's objections.

After more than a year, he seemed to have become the chief aide of Fusu. The method of dying on behalf of Zhou Gong and clearing the emperor's suspicion was the strategy thought up by Dong Gong. It happened that Zhang Cang came to visit that day. He was a frequent visitor to Fusu's mansion. He described it as "filial piety", which coincided with Dong Gong.

When Zhang Cang revealed that this was Mrs. Changnanhou's idea, Duke Dong was amazed and thought that Ye was a strange woman...

Unfortunately, that strategy could only allow Fusu to land smoothly, but it could not protect others.

Fusu was still deploring Chunyu Yue, but Dong Gong had already understood that in the past six months, Qin Shihuang had killed five Confucians. His purpose was not to punish them for their "curses", but to clean up the Confucian forces around Fusu. .

Since last year, the emperor has reduced the manpower of Afang Palace but accelerated the construction of Lishan Mausoleum. Perhaps he has figured out that immortality is hard to come by and everyone is mortal.

But this does not mean that the proud Qin Shihuang could accept that his body was still cold. Some Confucian scholars came to the court and spoke loudly about his more than thirty years of governance. The second emperor who succeeded him was also confused by the Confucian scholars, changed his mind, and completely abandoned arbitrariness. , law and politics, counties and counties, following the old feudal path of the Zhou Dynasty...

Qin Shihuang hoped that the second emperor would be an arbitrary monarch and inherit the county system intact.

Although the king changes, the system does not change. Only in this way can it last for eternity. !

Or maybe he was worried that Fusu would be soft-hearted and soft-eared, so Qin Shihuang began to make arrangements in advance. He attacked Mohism, expelled Confucianism, tightened his speech, and let Li Si preside over it.

Four years ago, the little living space that Heifu managed to gain for various schools of thought in Jiaodong was completely blocked...

"Sir, my current plan is only to be filial, only loyal, and only respectful! Only by doing this now can we avoid making mistakes!"

In Dong Gong's view, a person who travels a hundred miles is only half a mile. Although Fusu is the first heir, he has never been sure of victory. Everything, no matter how big or small, is decided by him. If Qin Shihuang felt that Fusu could not do this, he might still fall short!

"I respect my father, but I am also afraid of the night."

After Fusu paced indoors for a long time, he sighed: "But the sun is really too strong! It's scorching the crops, killing the vegetation, and almost leaving nothing behind."

"Young master must be patient, you can afford to wait!"

Dong Gong bowed down and said: "The sun is about to set, and the moon is about to rise! If your majesty is the blazing sun that bakes everything, the young master is the warm and bright moon. But you must wait, the bright moon must not compete with the sun!"

Being enlightened and guarding one's heart will not cause immediate chaos in the world, but it will make the already unpredictable people more uneasy.

At this turning point in history, people all over the world make different choices: Hei Fu chooses to start anew and watch the fire from the other side; Xiang Yu plans to take advantage of the fire to raise troops and regain the glory of his motherland and clan.

Near Xianyang, the Confucian scholars fell into the old habit of whispering and were hurriedly killed; the conspirators secretly rejoiced, hoping that the water would be as mixed as possible; Fusu and his staff chose to continue to endure.

And some people feel that they can’t wait any longer and they must take action as soon as possible!

"How can we wait for the sun to set?"

Among the Mohists, Shi Lin, the most radical, spoke impassionedly to Yang Yi and other fellow apprentices at a secret gathering:

"In the time of Yao in the Tang Dynasty, there were ten suns that burned crops, killed vegetation, and left the people with nothing to eat. Ferocious beasts such as 猰貐, Chisel Teeth, Jiuying, Gale, Fengxi, Xiu Snake, etc. also took the opportunity to appear and harm the people of the world. .”

"Yao ordered Hou Yi to cut his teeth in the fields of Chou Hua, kill nine infants on the ferocious water, and beat the strong wind in the Qingqiu swamp. He shot them upward for ten days and then went down to kill the geese, cut off the snakes and repaired them in the cave, and captured Feng. Planting in the mulberry forest. All the people were happy, and made Yao the emperor and Yi the hero!"

He pointed outside, at the setting sun that pursued endless life and hoped that he would never fall, and said:

"Now, in order to prevent it from harming the world, we should follow Hou Yi's example, draw our strong bows, and shoot down this scorching sun!"

"The First Emperor of Qin must be killed!"

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