Qin Official

Chapter 702: Betrayal

"Han Sima, are you going too far in tempting the enemy?"

Seeing the rear fleet leaving the shore and heading downstream, even though he knew that this was a ploy to lure Luo Ren and Ou Yue to gather to attack, Chen Ying still couldn't help but feel anxious. novel .

The Jinnanshui riverbank they were on was a big U-shaped bend. The water behind them was a hundred paces wide, and some crocodiles floated in the water from time to time. The soldiers had to be careful when fetching water from the river, let alone take risks to swim across it. .

In front of them, there was an alliance of Ou and Luo that was several times larger than our own, numbering at least 30,000 people.

Under this situation, Han Xin asked Wei Yang to leave with the fleet, which undoubtedly cut off the Qin army's retreat. Seeing this situation, the soldiers all whispered to each other, and the morale of the army was a little...

However, Han Xin just asked the messenger to tell each battalion: "We have no way out. The Ouluo are cannibals of human flesh. If we are defeated, we will be eaten by them. Our bodies and heads will be separated, and we will have to fight to the death!"

After giving the order, Han Xin did not answer Chen Ying directly, but asked him: "Master Chen Wubai, how did you lose the last battle?"

Because he played a leading role among the veterans, Chen Ying was promoted to the leader of 500 by Heifu Fire Line, responsible for guiding Han Xin. Han Xin was very polite to him on the ship, but now, he seemed to be a different person, uncovering Chen Ying's scars Come.

It was a defeat that Heifu regarded as "the shame of the Southern Expedition", and it happened not far from here in Linchen.

Two years ago, Chen Ying's Cangwu Army, which consisted of more than 10,000 men, marched deep into Luoyue along the south bank of the Jinnan River. This group of soldiers was a mixed bag, with most of them being from Chu. They were not willing to come to the south to fight this battle. Coupled with the extension of the term of service, the morale of the march for several days was low. It was also heard that General Tu's main force did not come to meet on time and may have withdrawn, and he had no desire to fight.

When they were attacked by Luo people and Ou people, some soldiers ran away before the captain could give the order to defend the enemy. As a result, they were in disarray. In addition, the Luo people had elephants in front, which broke up the hurried formation. Formed an array, the Qin army collapsed...

"This means that the generals are weak and lax, the teachings are unclear, the officers and soldiers are unpredictable, and the troops are everywhere, it is called chaos."

Han Xin looked at the enemies who were gradually gathering in the distance and said: "The enemy will be timid if they are in large numbers, and if they are timid, they will want to leave. If they leave, the army will be in chaos. The chaotic troops will be defeated!"

"Master Chen Wubai, today, the army has defeated Minyue, Nanyue, and Xiou. It has also passed through the Marquis of Changnan to stimulate the spirit. The spirit of the officers and soldiers of the three armies has been restored. They have been trained for a long time, and their equipment is sophisticated and ready for use."

"But we went deep into the army alone, and Han Xin was appointed as a commander of another department by Lord Zhuo as an official. Many soldiers not only had no old merits, but also had a reputation for cowardice. They were in charge of the army for the first time, and all the commanders were a little dissatisfied. , the soldiers will also be like you, with doubts in their hearts. Once the war goes wrong and there are ships behind, they may all retreat and fight for the crossing, and they will definitely lose!"

Han Xin didn't have time to build up the trust of his generals and soldiers little by little, so he had to resort to extraordinary measures.

"The Art of War says that you can survive after being trapped in a dead place, and survive after being trapped in a dead place. That's why I let the fleet leave, and ordered everyone to form an array with their backs to the water. Seeing that there is no way to retreat, everyone fights on his own, then this dead place will also Become our birthplace!”

"Is that so?" Chen Ying was still a little hesitant, but still followed Han Xin, supervising each battalion to prepare for war.

At this time, the first batch of soldiers sent by Ou Luo had fully entered the Qin army's sight. Seeing them, Chen Ying couldn't help but exclaimed, pointed over there and said: "Han Sima, look at the Yue people's attire!"

Han Xin boarded a temporary command vehicle to watch, and saw that there were actually two to three thousand Ou and Luo people, wearing armor and holding weapons such as spears, spears, halberds, and swords...

This is very inconsistent with the Qin army's impression that the Yue soldiers were lagging behind.

Chen Ying's eyes were already red: "This group of barbarians, the armors they wear, the weapons and shields they carry, all died in battle!"

It turns out that those were the armors peeled off from the dead by the Luo people and the weapons picked up by the Luo people after the Qin army sent two waves two years ago. With so many armored soldiers, it is no wonder that Luo Yue's power has become stronger in the past two years. He has the potential to become the leader of the Baiyue Alliance...

In this way, at least when the battle is initially taken over, the Qin army's equipment advantage will no longer exist!

Han Xin smiled and said, "Even if the Yue people are wearing armor and have blades, they are like monkeys wearing human clothes. They look like humans, but they are not."

Heifu once commented on the advantages of Qin and Yue: In the forest, a Yue warrior can often defeat Qin soldiers through traps and poisonous arrows. Ten Qin soldiers can be evenly matched with ten Yue people. In a battle of one hundred people, Qin soldiers have more. It can defeat more than a thousand people, and it can defeat enemies several times more...

Han Xin was convinced of this: "The victory of the Qin army lies not in the sharp soldiers and thick armor, but also in the fact that the Luo people and the Ou people don't know the array, and our army has plenty of time to prepare. This is the key to victory or defeat!"

A formation is better than no formation, and a unified formation is better than a scattered formation. This is the theory of war summarized in the Central Plains after hundreds of miles of melee. Wu Qi once said at the time: "Fu Qi's formation is heavy but not strong, and Qi's formation is scattered and fights on its own." , Chu's formation was in order but not long ago, Yan's formation was defended but not left, and the three Jin's formation was established but not used."

Don’t get me wrong, Wu Qi is not targeting anyone, he is saying that everyone here is rubbish!

The arrays of other countries all have problems. Only the Wei soldiers built by Wu Qi have a phalanx of soldiers and are invincible in the world! Against the Qin army who are scattered and fighting among themselves, they can be equal to ten!

But when Qin learned the lesson and began to study arrays and play with square formations, the Wei army's tactical advantage no longer existed.

If there is an entire generation gap between the Yue people and the Qin people in terms of weapons and equipment, then there is a gap of two entire generations in terms of array warfare!

After saying this, Han Xin asked someone to wave the command flag: "Every battalion listens to my order and forms a square formation!"

There are ten types of formations, and the square formation is undoubtedly the oldest but most practical one. It can be immovable in defense, but can be devastating in attack! It is a defensive and counterattack array!

But after the Qin army received the order, they backed up the Jinnan River. Every five hundred people lined up in a small formation, with the front a hundred paces wide and the depth fifty paces. The length was appropriate, with bows and arrows at the back. If viewed from a high altitude, ten small phalanxes form a large phalanx: either the forward line is in the front, the wings are on the left and right, or the reserve line is in the back...

Han Xin was at the back. The battle was about to begin. He was a little excited, and his hand was slightly rubbing the hilt of his sword.

This sword was a gift from the old military man. Han Xin carried it on his back for several years and never left it.

When the Huaiyin boy insulted him, Han Xin would rather get under someone's crotch than draw his sword. When he was ridiculed by others in the army, Han Xin used military skills to kill him, but he still didn't pull it out. Beijiang was attacked by thousands of Vietnamese. Han Xin held a machete and commanded calmly without drawing his sword.

Today, if we go deep into the country alone and with a few enemies, what should we do?

He is a person who has low self-esteem but is confident. Although the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, deep down in his heart, does Wu Qi have the idea that "everyone here is rubbish"?

Han Xin drew out his sword halfway and then took it back.

"Although there are many of them, they are still not worthy of my sword!"

A Yue warrior wore a Qin armor, held a sword, and held up a shield. He looked like a nondescript man. He made a ghostly cry and charged forward. However, when he was a hundred steps closer to the Qin formation, he was shot by a rapidly flying arrow. It became a sieve. Although the armor was thick, it could not block the powerful crossbow.

Even if someone is lucky enough to get within three steps, he will be immediately forced back by the dense spears. Even if there is a skilled martial artist who can quickly spot the gap, roll to get closer, and want to attack the Qin people, they will still hold a shield. Come and welcome him with a sword-hand and a sharp sword!

There is no opportunity to take advantage of it from the front, but what about the side?

A group of Ou people, under the command of their new king Dagu, stepped on the water and launched an attack on the flank of the Qin army, but found that they could not shake the dense array at all.

As Han Xin said, although the Luo Ren'ou people were equipped with armor soldiers captured from the Qin army, and they were all brave and fearless, their fighting style was to charge in a chaotic manner. Facing the orderly and strong formation of the Qin army, they still looked like The waves hit the rocks, the waves broke into pieces, but the rocks remained motionless...

Dagu gritted his teeth and watched helplessly as his tribesmen fell one after another, but they were unable to shake the Qin army's front line at all, because this was a U-shaped river bend with a limited width, and they could only put thousands of people forward at a time. , it is impossible to press them all, so when fighting, the number of both sides is equal.

King Luo was smarter. After he got the help of the remnants of Xi'ou, he pretended to be generous and gave them the armor and weapons captured two years ago to act as a vanguard. But now it seems that they were just used to test the Qin army.

Until the Ou people lost thousands, and the Qin army suffered less than a hundred casualties, the Xiou warriors who were bent on avenging the old ruler began to calm down, let the Luo people drive them away, and began to hesitate and stop advancing.

Dagu left the front line and came to the edge of the forest where the Luo people gathered. King Luo was standing here, with two huge and conspicuous peacock feather fans behind him.

King Luo was also dressed like a big bird: he had an exaggerated and wide white feather crest, his kapok clothes were sewn with long feathers, and he raised his hands like a big eagle spreading its wings.

Bird, this is the totem worshiped by the Luoyue people. They believe that after death, a person will turn into a feathered man and go to the upper world, the kingdom of the Thunder King...

Dagu pushed aside the Luo people who blocked him, came to King Luo, and knelt down to him. This was the price for Xiou's help. They would surrender to King Luo and obey his orders.

"King Luo, even if there are no earthen buildings, the people of Qin are as hard as rocks. Don't let people die in vain anymore!"

Dagu's meaning is very clear: use your trump card quickly!

"Then crush all these stones."

King Luo nodded, his feather crown shook, and someone blew the horn!

"woo woo woo woo!"

Along with the sound of the horn, all the Luo and Ou people dispersed to both sides. There seemed to be something strange in the forest. Countless birds that had just fallen back began to fly again...

At the same time, behind the Qin army's formation, Han Xin, who was vigorously beating the drum, also looked at the scattered birds.

Chen Ying's face turned serious. This was a nightmare that kept him awake.

His voice was hoarse and hissed at the top of his lungs: "Han Sima, here we come! They are here!"

Just as he finished speaking, there was a huge roar, and more than twenty elephants rushed out of the forest!

Riding on these giant beasts were Luo Yue's most heroic warriors. Under their spurs, the elephants walked as fast as flying, waving their heavy trunks, and ran towards the Qin army's front!

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